The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 96 It is said that haggis is delicious

"Hahaha~! It's nothing...haha~!"

Bell was laughing so hard that he was out of breath, and he still didn't forget to deal with it in a nonchalant way.

‘Only a ghost can believe it’s nothing, nothing can make you smile like this! ? ’

Penello stared at Bell dissatisfied, as if Bell would not let him go until he gave a satisfactory answer.

Looking at Penello's appearance, Bell slowly stopped laughing. It was then that he realized something was wrong.

Although what happened tonight was indeed funny to him. But no matter how funny things are, he shouldn't laugh out loud in public.

Bell has always disliked attracting other people's attention. And such a simple emotion control shouldn't require him to worry about it at all. Why did he lose control of his emotions to that point just now?

Bell lowered his head and thought for a moment.

If there is anything different between today and the past, it is undoubtedly what happened on the platform.

Of course, Bell didn't mean that his mother had done anything to him. But after Bell once again realized what was the most important thing to him, only three days later, he had to leave his family again.

(This time I really had to, and was thrown out by my mother.)

So actually since noon, his mood has not been normal? But it was only now that he encountered an inducement that brought out his abnormality?

In fact, Bell doesn't quite understand, and the above are just his speculations. After all, nothing is more complicated than the human heart. Even if it is his own 'heart', Bell often has difficulty understanding it.

"Bell? What's wrong with you?"

Penello reached out and touched Bell's forehead. It wasn't hot.

Seeing Bell suddenly raising his head and laughing, and then suddenly lowering his head and thinking, Penello was worried that Bell was sick, or had been possessed by some kind of black magic?

"Oh, it's nothing. It's really nothing this time."

"So what happened just now? You were really perfunctory with me!"





"Hey, you're big!!!"

(╬ ̄俣)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)

I accidentally spilled the beans, which was embarrassing... Although it didn't seem to make any difference whether I spilled the beans or not?

"Actually, here's the'll know it in a moment, so just wait a moment."

Bale, of course, could not tell Penello what happened. You know, he has been sitting here with everyone. So how could he explain how he knew what was happening outside? And as long as you keep silent, you can always get away with it.

Regarding Bell's appetizing behavior, Penello was so angry that he wanted to hit him, but he couldn't really hit him (although he had already beaten him).

After all, although she may not be able to tell from her appearance, and no one may believe her if she tells her, she is a senior from Big Bell's 4th class.

Bullying younger students doesn't have a good reputation.

Not to mention that she was still a prefect in Ravenclaw, so she couldn't take the lead in breaking discipline and causing trouble during meals.

But it was impossible for Penelo to let Bell go just like that. If I can't get rid of this breath, I probably won't even be able to sleep well tonight.

Penello snatched Bell's plate, picked up a whole haggis with a fork, and put it on Bell's plate.

"No! You can't do this, Penello! You're committing murder!"

Looking at this famous dish in front of him, Bell already wanted to vomit just by smelling it.

"You should apologize to the Scots, Bell. You insulted their traditional food. I heard that eating haggis is good for your health, especially for men, so eat it quickly and don't let down your senior sister. Mind."

With that said, Penello forced the fork into Bell's hand and stared at him with a smile.

"Besides, I am the prefect. Even if we have a good relationship, I will not allow you to waste food."

Penello straightened his chest, making the prefect badge hanging on his chest more conspicuous.

Bell didn't know how he finished dinner and how he got back to the dormitory. He only knows one thing, that is, he must never offend Senior Penello in the future, otherwise God knows what he will experience.

The next morning, Bell took over his course schedule for this school year from Professor Flitwick.

However, before he could take a closer look at this year's course schedule, a hand stretched out from the side and snatched the course schedule from his hand.

"Bell, this school year seems to be the same as the last school year. Most of Gryffindor's classes are taken together with Ravenclaw. This is great!"

Hermione quickly glanced at Bell's class schedule and compared it with the one in her mind.

"We have Transfiguration class this morning and Defense Against the Dark Arts class this afternoon. My first class is Herbology, so it may take a long time to get back to the castle. Bell, you need to go to Transfiguration early. In the classroom, take the seat at the front. Remember, you must be at the front, and you are not allowed to run into the corner!"

Listening to the little witch's endless instructions, Bell felt a little dizzy.

"Don't worry, Hermione. No one will grab the front row or middle seat except you. Even if you are the last one to enter the classroom, the best seat in your eyes must be empty."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Bell, obviously dissatisfied with his teasing words.

"You should definitely want to take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this school year, right? Unlike Professor Quirrell, Professor Lockhart is very powerful! You must not be absent, otherwise you will regret it!"

"Who knows?"

Bell shrugged noncommittally.

Deep down in Bell's mind, there was no doubt that he did not want to attend Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class at all. But he couldn't say it, otherwise Hermione would go crazy.

It's too troublesome to explain anything. When the other party is not his own Shanna, Bell has no interest in talking so much nonsense to explain.

Fortunately, although Lockhart is a bit of a loser, at least he doesn't have his own biochemical weapons like Quirrell, so Bell only needs to cast an ear-closing spell on himself.

Regarding this spell, after practicing in the History of Magic class last year, Bell can now cast the spell without a wand without any pressure. Moreover, he is guaranteed to suppress the magic power fluctuations when casting to a minimum, and more than 90% of wizards will not be able to detect it.

While the two were chatting, a shocking roar suddenly came from the Gryffindor table.

"...I wouldn't be surprised at all if they fired you..."

The dust on the ceiling was shaken by the roar.

Caught off guard, Bell's ears, whose hearing was becoming increasingly sensitive, started to buzz.

As expected, he was afraid of comparison in everything. For the first time, Bell felt that Hermione's nagging was so gentle and sweet.

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