The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 944 What is Plan B?

"Don't worry, Mom, I know what's going on."

As he spoke, Bell gave his mother a 'you know' smile.

Seeing this, Elena immediately responded with an 'I understand' smile.

For a moment, the living room was filled with some kind of 'sinister' atmosphere.

Little Al looked at his brother on the left and his mother on the right, and then followed the example of the two of them, with a cute smile on his face.



"Where's dad? Why is he gone so early?"

After rubbing his little brother's cute little head, Bell asked about his father, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"He ran away after eating early in the morning. He said that he had to discuss issues with the Romanian Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government about a breeding farm in Romania."

Elena spread her hands and said.

Negotiations are the things Elena hates the most. In comparison, she still prefers to talk with a wand.

"Let's not talk about him. I heard that when you came back this time, you brought a few aliens with you? Where are they? Why don't you invite them to your home and show them to me?"

Although there are countless strange creatures in the magical world, Elena is still very curious about aliens and the like.

"I arranged for a guide to take them to visit the city. Mom, if you are interested in them, how about we hold a banquet tonight and invite them to participate?"

Bell suggested.


Elena happily agreed immediately.

Originally, she had planned to hold a banquet tonight to celebrate Bell's long-awaited return. Now it was just to entertain a few more aliens, so she didn't need to make any extra preparations.


The time soon came to the next day. Early in the morning, Bell yawned and climbed out of bed. After groping around in a daze for a while, he realized that Hermione was still on the planet Menethil and had not come back. .

After morning exercise, the family had breakfast. Bell sat leisurely in the living room with a cup of black tea, enjoying the leisure time after breakfast.

‘Pa~! ’

Bell snapped his fingers, and then he saw that the wall facing him became transparent, and the view of the city outside the tower was clearly displayed in front of him.

The owner of the shop opened the door and prepared for business. The workers took the magic train inside the city to go to their workplace. There were also some old people eating breakfast leisurely. Some little kids were pulled out of the house reluctantly by adults. The whole city gradually It becomes lively and noisy, radiating infinite vitality and vitality.

Seeing the calm and peaceful scene in front of him, seeing the smiles full of joy and hope blooming on people's faces, the corners of Bell's mouth also curled up unconsciously.

‘Dong dong dong~! ’

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Bell's admiration of his city. He turned around and saw Shanna getting up, walking to the door and opening it.

"Good morning, Miss Shanna, I hope I didn't disturb you."

Outside the door, the great shaman of the Ogu tribe greeted Shanna politely.

"Good morning, Elder Nerela, are you here to see your brother? He is drinking tea now."

With that said, Zannah stepped aside and signaled the old orc and another tall forest troll outside the door to come in.

"Good morning, Elder Nerela, and Warrior Yaska, what's the matter with you coming to me so early?"

Bell stood up with a smile and motioned to Lim beside him to prepare two cups of black tea for the two of them.

"Good morning, Chief Bell, there's nothing special. It's just that we plan to go out and continue the visit we didn't finish yesterday, so we came to say hello."

Nerela took the black tea from Lim, nodded to express her gratitude to this magical little guy, and then revealed her purpose.

"How's it going? Do you still like it here?"

Bell asked with a smile after gesturing for the two of them to sit down.

"It's unbelievable. Before this, I never imagined that such a prosperous and magical city could exist. To be honest, I feel like my past decades have been wasted."

Nerela's face was filled with wonder.

As early as on [Menethil], Nerela often asked Hermione for knowledge about the earth. But there are some things that no matter how much you hear, it is better to see them in person.

For example, before this, Nerela had heard Hermione say that there were tens of millions of human beings living in the most prosperous city on earth. But for Nerela, who had seen the largest tribe with only a few thousand orcs, she really couldn't understand the concept of tens of millions.

Although he still can't understand it now, the prosperity of [Dalaran] has refreshed his outlook many times, making him still feel dizzy after sleeping.

"Hahaha! That's a prize, that's a prize, ha~ha~ha~!"

Hearing his city being praised sincerely, Bell felt as if his own child was being praised, and he felt an indescribable sense of joy.

"By the way, Chief Bell, the previous guide said that it will take us about three days to visit the city. I wonder what arrangements the chief has for us after that?"

Nerella asked.

"There are no special arrangements. You are free to play here for a while. If you want to go back, I can also arrange for you to be teleported back."

"Well Chief, I wonder if we can go down there and have a look?"

Nerela pointed to her feet, her eyes full of expectation.

Nerela is actually very satisfied with being able to see so many magical things on this trip to the earth. But if possible, he still hopes to truly set foot on the earth and experience the different charms of different cities. Especially the metropolis where tens of millions of people are said to live.

"'s hard to say right now. But if you're not in a hurry to go back, you can wait and see here first. In about a month, you might have a chance to go down there."

After pondering for a while, Bell said uncertainly.

Judging from the current situation, if these orcs and trolls go to Muggle cities, they will definitely cause a lot of commotion. If they don't get it right, it is not impossible even if there are casualties, so Bell is not going to do it now. Maybe put them down.

But considering what I plan to do in the future, maybe a month from now, the situation will be completely different from now. Wizards can gain more freedom, and magical creatures can appear openly and openly in front of Muggles.

If things really go smoothly, it is not impossible for orcs and trolls, who look much more normal than many magical creatures, to tour some Muggle cities on a limited basis.

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