The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 930 ‘Cancer’ is being treated...

After rubbing his sister's head and wiping away the many question marks that appeared on her head, Bell walked out with a smile.

"Let's go. If we go back late, Hermione and the others should be worried."

Tilting her head, Shanna followed her brother without saying a word, still thinking about various questions in her mind.

After walking out of the cave and reaching the foot of the Holy Mountain, Bell stopped and turned around to look at this 'Holy Mountain' that was neither tall nor steep, but was of extraordinary significance.

"Sure enough, no one with a name like 'Holy Mountain' is not evil."

Muttering softly, the magic power in Bell's body flowed into the ground along his feet.

‘Kaka~! ’

Visible to the naked eye, the ice exuding biting coldness extended from Bell's feet and soon froze the entire Holy Mountain and a large area centered on the Holy Mountain.


With a loud shout, the ice cracked instantly, and the entire holy mountain turned into powder and disappeared between heaven and earth, leaving only a large crater several kilometers in diameter and hundreds of meters deep.

Bell raised his right hand high, and blazing flames were generated out of thin air in his palm. In the blink of an eye, they gathered into a majestic flame dragon.


As Bell waved his palm forward, the flame dragon roared and rushed into the pit. The tyrannical flames not only completely dissipated the cold air in the pit, but also burned the stone and soil into lava, trickling toward the bottom. After a while, a magma lake appeared at the location of the original holy mountain.

I don’t know what the expressions of the orcs from the unknown tribe will be when they discover that their holy mountain has suddenly disappeared?

Just in case, Bell checked the area carefully for a while, and only gave up after confirming again and again that all the land containing Luila's magic power had been removed.

[Star Menethil] has been regarded by Bell as his own territory. Of course, he will not let Luila continue to expand his influence on this land. Otherwise, maybe in a few decades, this planet will be completely assimilated by Luila, and her surname will be changed to 'Lu'.

Of course, decades is indeed an exaggeration. A conservative estimate of Luila's assimilation speed should also be calculated in units of 'ten thousand years'?

But don't allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch. In short, cut off the grass and remove the roots, and you will be much more comfortable sleeping in the future.

"Let's go."

After greeting Shanna, Bell's site selection trip finally came to a successful end.

Bell: ‘Hmm~~Did I forget something? ’


Two days later,

In the temporary base below the [Williams],

"Bell! Bell, wake up quickly!"

Hearing his voice before seeing him, Bell pulled the quilt upwards and wrapped his head in the quilt, pretending not to hear and continuing to sleep.

"Bell! What time is it, and you're still sleeping!"

The door was pushed open, and Hermione walked into the bedroom angrily. Looking at Bell who was wrapped like a cocoon on the bed, she felt angry and funny.

"Get up quickly or you'll be late!"

Grabbing the quilt with both hands, Hermione lifted it hard and flew the quilt away.

"What are you doing? I've graduated several years ago, okay? How could I still be late?"

Bell struggled to open his eyes and looked at the quilt in Hermione's hand with eyes full of nostalgia. He only hoped that Hermione would find her conscience and return the quilt to him.

He decided to give himself another day off today, and then find something to do after his 'cancer' was completely cured.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Have you forgotten? Today is the day for your duel."

Hermione urged Bell to get up quickly, and walked to the wardrobe nearby, ready to choose some decent clothes for Bell.

"Duel? What duel?"

What kind of duel?

Bell looked at Hermione confused.

Are you kidding? How could anyone challenge him to a duel? This method of suicide is too fresh and refined, hahaha~

"...You really forgot! It's a duel with the orc chief of the Ogu tribe!"

Hermione resisted the urge to roll her eyes and threw the clothes in her hand at Bell, who was still lying on the bed and refused to move.

This guy is, after all, a matter of life and death, so why can't he be more careful? Needless to say, Bell was definitely not prepared for today's duel.

" seems like there is such a thing?"

Bell said that he always felt like he had forgotten something. Now the truth was revealed. He had indeed forgotten something... not very important.

So that's why he likes to take Hermione with him when he goes out to do business. He has a lot to do every day, and it is easy to forget some small and unimportant things accidentally. Compared to him, Hermione, who has a serious personality, always writes down all kinds of things in detail and reminds Bell in time.

"That's what happened! Okay, don't be poor, get up and get dressed quickly. We'll go there immediately after lunch."

After saying that, Hermione gave Bell a threatening look and walked out without looking back.

She was going to discuss with Sister Huang Quan to see if she could prepare some safety measures for Bell, a careless guy, in the last little time.

Hermione: 'Alas~! Exhausted! ’

"Why do you have to go so early?"

Bell muttered dissatisfiedly, but Bell still didn't dare to stay on the bed. He got up and reluctantly put on his clothes.

"Haa~! Good morning, everyone."

Yawning lazily, Bell slowly walked into the restaurant.

"It's already noon, brother, if you don't come, we will have to eat by ourselves."

Sitting at the dining table, Zannah raised her head and looked at her brother, rarely standing on the same side as Hermione.

"Ah!? Is it already noon? Hermione, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Bell complained to Hermione.

Hermione: (╬ ̄俣)

"Ahem, I mean, I believe my dear sister will be waiting for me to have dinner with her."

In a life-and-death crisis, Bell decisively changed his mind and sat next to Zannah, asking his sister to help block Hermione's sight.

"Sanna, what have you been doing these days? Why can't I see you?"

Bell changed the subject.

"Me? I'm busy sorting out the magic plants I picked up before."

A new ecological system and new magical creatures are all a great test for Shanna's potion skills. It will take her a long time to understand the properties of various new materials and use them. Create a brand new potion.

"That's it..."

Unexpectedly, his sister was so hard-working, which made Bell, who had been lazy these past few days, feel a little guilty in his heart.

"By the way, speaking of which, how is the situation with Luila going? Has the negotiation produced a result? Have all the materials been shipped back?"

In order to slightly alleviate his inner guilt, Bell tried his best to act like he cared about the 'real things'.

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