The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 915 Sure enough, we have to go back to the old road in the end

In fact, Nerela also felt very angry when she heard Bell's conditions. After all, he is also a grumpy orc, and one of the grumpiest of the bunch.

However, as she grows older, time passes, and she experiences more and more, Nerela has fully realized the importance of controlling her anger. It was precisely because he successfully mastered the emotion of anger that he was able to continue on the road of shamanism today and became the great shaman of the Ogu tribe.

"Mr. Bell, could you please explain in detail what the so-called loyalty requires us to do?"

After temporarily comforting Victor, Nerela asked Bell again.

"Well, how should I put this... I don't know how to put it specifically, but I don't mean to make you slaves. To put it simply, you need to recognize me... mine My younger brother is the chief of the tribe."

Although my younger brother is still a little baby who only knows how to make babbling sounds, the future of the family will eventually be in his hands. Therefore, it is appropriate to recruit some subordinates for him in advance and lay a solid foundation.

‘I am indeed a good brother! ’

Bell thought narcissistically.


As expected, Victor exploded again.

What a joke! If they were to recognize a foreigner as the chief of their own tribe, then they might as well kill them! They orcs don't have such a big heart, let alone that internationality!

"Go to hell, humans!"

Facing Bell's repeated humiliations, Victor's patience reached its limit.

When he couldn't bear it any longer, he saw that Victor was holding the inherited battle ax of the Ogu tribe - the 'Bloodthirsty Blade' in his hand, and he struck Bell on the head with a jumping chop, threatening to split Bell into two pieces with the axe. .

‘Boom~! ’

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is a bit cold. Without seeing any movement from Bell, an overwhelming and unstoppable pressure suddenly fell from the sky. Not only Victor, who had jumped halfway, was pressed back to the ground, but all the orcs in the hall, except the old shaman, were also pressed to the ground. On the ground, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get up.

"Bell, this..."

Seeing the sudden change in the situation, Hermione hesitated to speak.

So she really shouldn't let Bell speak!

Originally, the two parties had a good chat. Not to mention how friendly they were, but could they barely be called harmonious? As a result, as soon as Bell opened his mouth, within a few words, the two sides started fighting?

The conflict comes too fast, like a tornado. There is no way to escape from the poisonous circle, and there is no time to take drugs!

"The omnipresent fire element in the world! Please lend me your explosive power temporarily and help me burn everything in front of me~!"

The old shaman was halfway through reciting the spell when a large piece of roasted lamb suddenly hit his mouth. The mutton slid directly down his throat, almost choking the elderly shaman to death.

"Brother, that old orc, why does he have to read so much nonsense when he casts a spell?"

Shanna, who had just reluctantly thrown away her last piece of barbecue, looked at her brother curiously while cleaning the oil stains on her hands.

Although she also felt that the way the other party read his lines just now was a bit cool, this was after all a battle. Rory recited so many words in such a long way, it was almost like he was reminding others to hit him quickly. He was too stupid.

"Because they don't have a magic wand, their casting speed will be very slow. Once the casting time becomes longer, they need to use spells to help them concentrate. Otherwise, if their thoughts wander for a moment during the casting process, then they will It’s easy for magic to backfire.”

In fact, before wizards invented the magic wand, they also needed to recite a long list of spells like the old shaman to cast a spell. Even some young wizards may chant spells for a minute or two without casting a single spell, and may even injure themselves. Therefore, those wizards in ancient times actually had a very difficult life.

What? Didn't you say that the old troll prophet of the Cuifeng tribe just cast a powerful lightning spell?

This can only be said that the old prophet’s nearly 300 years of life are really not a matter of course. You know, even Bell, when he saw the old prophet for the first time, was amazed by his power for a moment. Presumably, in the ancient magic world, the old prophet would have been one of the top few.

In comparison, the old orc shaman of the Ogu tribe was far behind in terms of strength.

"Cough cough cough! Cough cough~!"

While the Bell brothers and sisters were chatting, Nerela managed to cough up the roasted meat in her throat. He covered his neck and gasped, looking at Shanna with eyes full of disbelief.

The human male named Bell is powerful, so forget it if he is no match. How come this seemingly young human woman could easily defeat him with a wave of her hand?

Even though her attention had previously been focused on Bell, being defeated so easily by Zannah still made it hard for Nerela to let go, and she seriously suspected that she was actually dreaming.

Otherwise, this really doesn’t make sense! You know, after all, he is also the strongest person in the Aogu tribe at present. Why can any of these humans in front of him be able to defeat him?

"Damn! Damn it! Inexcusable!"

At this moment, Victor, the only one who did not fall to the ground under Bell's spell, but maintained a half-kneeling posture and gritted his teeth to resist gravity, with veins all over his body protruding, roared and stood up again .

Like a brave man in desperate situation, he roared unyieldingly at the 'devil' and raised the battle ax in his hand...

'boom! ’

A stronger gravity acted on the orcs. Victor, who had just stood up for less than 2 seconds, spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell directly into the hard ground.

Not only Victor, but also the other orcs who were "honestly" lying on the ground, were implicated by their chiefs, and also enjoyed the upgraded version of gravity and fell into the ground.

"No! Stop it!"

Seeing the ferocious faces of the tribesmen, bleeding from all the orifices, and even the faint sound of broken bones, Nerela realized that until now, the guards outside had not come in to check the situation, and realized that they were trapped on an isolated island. , I guess I can’t get any assistance.

Bell gently raised his hand to reduce the gravity to the previous state, then looked at the old shaman with a smile and listened to the other person's next words.

He knew that this old shaman was a rare understanding person. That's why he deliberately let the other party go before, hoping that the other party could see the situation clearly and make a wise choice.

What? Are you saying that strong and twisted melons are not sweet?

If it’s not sweet, it’s better than not eating it at all! It can quench your thirst after all, right?

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