The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 911 This is obviously flat, how can it be called a ball?

Under Nerila's guidance, Bell and his party quickly walked into a wooden and stone hall located in the center of the tribe.

Due to the lack of trees and boulders on the grassland, although the distant forest has a large number of trees, it is too dangerous for the orcs who have adapted to life on the grassland. Therefore, there are very few buildings made of trees and stones in the Ogu tribe, and most of them are made of soil. Made of thatch and animal skins.

The overall shape of the main hall is very rough, and there are even many air leakage gaps in the roof and walls. The wind on the grassland was still quite strong, and the air flow passed through the gaps in the wall, making a roar of "wuwu", which sounded quite permeable.

Except for some bone ornaments and animal skins, there are no other decorations inside the hall. Several thick logs stood, supporting the dome above. There were some complex patterns carved on the logs, which seemed to be a scene of orcs hunting.

Sitting on the animal skins spread on the ground, Nerela clapped her hands. Soon, several orcs came in from outside carrying several small wooden tables.

The orcs placed the small wooden table in front of everyone, and then immediately retreated. In the end, only the shamans and hunting team captains were left in the hall.

"It smells so good. What kind of meat is this?"

Hermione took a deep breath and looked at the large pot of barbecue placed on the wooden table in surprise. She didn't expect that these big and thick orcs could actually make food with such an attractive aroma. She thought these guys were eating raw meat.

"Hahaha, this is the meat of the Tamu antelope. Although the Tamu antelope is a herbivore, when winter comes every year, due to the withering of the vegetation, these antelopes often hunt small animals when food is insufficient. Satisfy hunger.

Compared with other herbivores, Tamu antelopes have a much more ferocious temperament. In addition, they live in groups and are even more difficult to hunt than many ferocious carnivores. Corresponding to the difficulty of hunting, the meat of Tamu antelope is also very delicious, which can be called a gift of the prairie. "

After speaking, Nerela crossed her hands on her chest, lowered her head slightly, and muttered a prayer.

After the great shaman of Nerela took the lead, the other orcs in the hall also made the same move and prayed devoutly. For a moment, this rough and drafty orc hall felt inexplicably sacred.

Seeing this, even though they were very curious about the taste of this Tamu antelope, Bell and others couldn't eat it before the host, so they all lowered their heads slightly and waited silently for the orcs to complete the prayer ceremony.

"Sorry to keep our guests waiting for so long. It is the tradition of us orcs to pray before eating and thank our ancestors for their guidance and the gifts of the prairie."

After praying for about 5 minutes, Nerela raised her head and saw Bell and others with their heads lowered as if they were about to fall asleep. The old orc had an apologetic smile on his face.

"No, no, this is a very good tradition. In fact, there are many countries on our planet that have similar traditions."

Hermione said hurriedly.

In fact, Hermione's family also performed pre-meal prayers when she was young. Until she received the admission notice from Hogwarts and learned that she was actually a legendary wizard. Then her family's outlook on life was reshaped, and the prayers before meals gradually stopped.

"Thank you for your understanding. Okay, everyone, please start enjoying the food, otherwise the meat will get cold and it won't taste good."

With that said, Nerela took the lead in picking up a piece of barbecue and put it into her mouth, chewed it slowly, and smiled as she motioned for Bell and others to eat.

Now that the master is in action, Bell doesn't need to be polite anymore. He didn't care whether the barbecue was poisonous or not, so he grabbed a large piece of meat with his bare hands, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it quickly.

After Bell nodded, Shanna and the others no longer had any worries and could enjoy the pure orc-style barbecue with peace of mind.

Nerella glanced at Bell thoughtfully, then turned to look at Hermione again, and asked:

"Miss Hermione, you mentioned the words 'Earth' and 'Country' in your words just now. I wonder, what do these two words mean? Can you explain them to us?"

For the orcs who are still in a primitive tribal society, there is no concept of a country at all. As for the planet, that is beyond the understanding of the orcs.


Facing the old orc's unexpected question, Hermione suddenly froze.

Earth and country are simple words that even human children know, but precisely because they are so simple, Hermione didn't know how to explain them for a while.

"If it's inconvenient, forget it."

Nerela said.

"No, no, I just don't know how to explain it better.

‘Earth’ is the name of our planet. Just like your name is Nerela and my name is Hermione, except that Earth is the name of the planet.

A 'country' is made up of many human beings. You can think of it as a very, very large tribe. "

Hermione explained.

"So, what is a 'planet'?"

Nerela barely understood the concept of 'country'. When the size of the tribe expands to a very large level, in order to reflect the strength and uniqueness of the tribe, it is reasonable to change its name or something.

In fact, after being reminded by Hermione, Nerela decided that when the number of members of his tribe increased, he would also change the name of the tribe, such as: 'Ogu Kingdom' or something. It’s really exciting just thinking about it.

But he still couldn't understand what the 'Earth' was. ‘Earth’ is the name of the ‘planet’? So what is a ‘planet’?

At this moment, Nerela looked at Hermione with eyes full of curiosity. The old shaman felt that the other party was indeed a traveler who could make the ancestors give him special warnings, and he indeed had a lot of knowledge that even the ancestors didn't know.

Even though she did not want the other party to bring unknown changes to her tribe, Nerela still wanted to obtain as much knowledge as possible from the other party before sending him away.

"The so-called 'planet' refers to the land beneath our feet."

Hermione explained patiently again.

"You mean, the land under our feet is called 'Earth'? But this land is flat, why is it called a ball?"

Nerela was not happy with the name 'Earth'. He felt that the person with this name must have abnormal eyes and everything looked round, so he came up with such an unreasonable name.

After all, it should be called ‘flat earth’.

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