The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 907 God’s birth is difficult

"Sanna, help me get this guy first."

With that said, Bell threw the Loa in his hand to his sister.

This poor guy, after personally experiencing the horror of [Frostmourne], was trembling all the time. It was not until he left Bell's clutches that he finally calmed down.

Next, Bell walked towards the troll warriors lying on the ground. He first confirmed the situation of these troll warriors and found that the breath of these warriors had stabilized. With the powerful regeneration ability of the trolls themselves, they must have eaten enough, drank enough and rested for a few days, and they should be able to recover. .

Nodding with satisfaction, Bell bent down and touched the temples of the warriors respectively, and pulled out strands of white floc.

These flocs are the memories of the trolls. At the moment of contact, Bell searched all the memories of these trolls and copied the parts related to the Great Prophet of Mud.

After spending more than ten minutes copying the memories of everyone present, Bell deleted, deleted, and eliminated some embellishment rumors that were obviously based on false rumors. He arranged all the memories in chronological order, and finally aggregated them into a milky white memory. ball of light.

With his fingers lightly touching the goat-horned demon skull at the hilt of the sword, Bell pulled Mud's remnant soul out of the skull's mouth. An illusory troll soul was seen floating in front of Bell. When the wind blew by, the soul would tremble, as if it would dissipate at any time.

The face of the troll soul is that of the old prophet Mud, but at this time, the old prophet has an expressionless face and dull eyes, as if he will say 'Abba Abba' in the next second.

With a flick of his fingers, stream after stream of light blue light flew out of the skull's mouth and penetrated into Mu De's soul. Following the integration of the flowing light, Mu De's soul became stable and solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These streams of light are all soul fragments that Bell has collected intermittently over the years, including those from humans and animals. He has erased the remaining chaotic thoughts in the soul, leaving only the purest soul power. Now it is used to It would be most suitable to nourish the remnant soul of the old prophet.

He watched with pain as the inventory in the magic sword dwindled little by little. When he felt that the old prophet's soul was strong enough, Bell quickly stopped his prodigal behavior.

Then, he integrated the memory light ball into the soul of the old prophet, and at the same time helped him sort out these foreign memories and the fragmented memories left in his soul to ensure that the old prophet would not suffer from confusion in memory and self-understanding later, which would lead to Personality breakdown.

To be honest, this was Bell's first time doing this kind of work, and he didn't know if he could succeed with all his messing around. But he actually didn't care that much, after all, it was so fun... Ahem, he was saying that there has to be a first time for everything. Even if he failed in the end, it was acceptable to gain such valuable experience.

After a while, after finishing sorting out the memory, Bell let the old prophet's soul float there, slowly completing the fusion of memory and soul, and he turned to look at the God Loa who was being played by his sister. .

In fact, if you want to conquer this troll tribe, the existence of the old prophet is not very important. As long as they can successfully 'convince' this wild Loa god, then through the connection of faith, those troll warriors will naturally get close to the Menethil family and humans.

As for how to 'persuade' the other party, Bell simply doesn't know much about it! As early as many years ago, when he was still in the third grade of Hogwarts, he had already mastered the excellent method of 'friendly' communication with wild animals.

'brush! ’

The long sword drew a graceful arc and accurately stopped at Loa's neck.

"Brother, let's talk about it. How about Fina be your boss?"

After thinking about it for a while, Bell suddenly felt that it seemed inappropriate for him to do this. So, he decisively passed the blame to his cute pet who was drooling crazily at the side.

Ever since the Loa reappeared, Fina's eyes had not left her side for a moment. The little guy kept swallowing, but even so, he still couldn't keep up with the speed of saliva secretion. If it hadn't been through some Internet addiction treatment over the years and its tolerance had improved a lot, it would have been unable to bear the temptation and pounced on it.

Of course, another very important reason is that the 'big bird' is currently being held and played with by Master Shanna, and it does not dare to snatch toys from Master Shanna.


God Loa's eyes widened, and he looked at Bell in front of him in disbelief, and then at Fina who was picked up by Bell, feeling that his life as a bird was really too difficult.

Originally, looking at the face of that terrifying demonic sword, it was already going to give in. But who would have thought that this evil monster who claimed to be human would suddenly change his mind and allow him to recognize a little kitten as his boss?

take a look! Come and take a look! That little kitten looks like he wants to be the boss!

‘I treat you as a brother, but you actually want to eat me! ? ’

That's probably how it feels.

So, you can’t do this!

Loa shook his head desperately while struggling to stay away from the magic sword and the little kitten.

‘Pa~! ’

Zannah slapped Loa on the head with dissatisfaction, telling him to be honest and be chopped down by her brother.

Loa: ‘…’

"Little brother, don't refuse in a hurry, think about it again."

With that said, Bell brought the sword blade closer, the cold blade pressed against Loa's neck, and a thin layer of frost began to spread along the opponent's feathers.

To be honest, Bell didn't want to kill the other party. Because after this Loa is killed, its soul will be absorbed and enslaved by [Frostmourne]. In this way, when the essence of the soul has changed, the opponent is no longer the god of the trolls. Even if the trolls of the Cuifeng tribe still believe in it, it can no longer accept the faith of the trolls. Likewise, There is no way to give back strength to the trolls.

The trolls are not stupid. This situation may be hidden for a day or two, but it will definitely not last long. When the trolls find out that the gods they believe in have been enslaved by the devil, then the trolls of Bell and the Cuifeng tribe will really fight to the death.

Of course, all this is based on the Loa's willingness to surrender. If the other party really would rather die than surrender, then Bell would naturally not show mercy. After all, he actually wanted to collect such treasured souls and then go back and study them slowly.

The severe cold that could freeze the soul spread rapidly along the feathers. In the blink of an eye, half of Loa's neck was covered with frost. The threat of death was close at hand, and without much struggle, the instinct of survival took over, and Loa surrendered shamefully.

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