Once you have made new friends, the rest are just minor problems.

Bell stretched out his hand to grab it, then pulled back and pulled Fina over who had just jumped out of the woods.

With a finger tap on Fina's forehead, the silver-white armor on Fina's body quickly shrank and folded, and finally returned to a collar. At the same time, Fina's figure was still shrinking rapidly. In the blink of an eye, she transformed into the size of a kitten and was held in Bell's arms.


Fina pointed to her mouth, nose and eyes aggrievedly, and let out an aggrieved whimper.

In response, Bell's palms glowed with an emerald green light full of life, and he gently stroked Fina's little head. After a while, the little guy's discomfort was eliminated.

Seeing Fina's appearance, Jian Ya seemed to have completely forgotten the memory of being 'hunted' for dozens of minutes before. He just glanced at her casually and ignored her.

"Stop! Fangs, what are they?"

After following the fangs and wandering around in the dense forest for nearly an hour, a loud shout suddenly came from the tree in front, and then, a man who was similar in height to the fangs, but looked even taller. The sturdy forest troll stopped in front of Bell and his party.

"Uncle Tom, this is Prophet Bell. He and his companions are all humans. Prophet Bell wanted to visit our Kingfisher tribe, so I brought them here."

Fang was the first to explain.

"Hello, respected Prophet Bell, the Cuifeng Tribe welcomes you."

Upon hearing this, Tom immediately bowed respectfully to Bell.

"And you, Sharptooth, congratulations on completing the trials of the coming-of-age ceremony. I knew you could do it."

Thom smiled and patted Sharptooth on the shoulder.

The Cuifeng Tribe is a small forest troll tribe. The total number of tribe members is less than 1,000, so the members of the tribe always look up but not look down, and everyone's relationship is quite harmonious. Thom was truly happy from the bottom of his heart that Fang could successfully complete the trial.

"Thank you, Uncle Tom."

Sharptooth scratched the back of his head sheepishly and laughed.

Perhaps because he was close to the tribe, at this moment, Jian Ya finally had a hint of youthful vigor in his body, instead of exuding the cold and dangerous aura like before.

"Okay, take the guests to see the prophet quickly, don't neglect the respected Prophet Bell."

Thom stepped aside and motioned for Fang to lead Bell and others through.

What? You ask why Thom let Bell and others go so easily?

So haven’t I already said it, magic is so delicious!

When passing by Thom, Bell couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he felt the huge life breath contained in the other person's body.

When he saw Fang before, he guessed that trolls should be a very powerful race. But now, after meeting Thom, he found that he had underestimated the trolls before.

This race is more powerful than he imagined.

Fang is already very strong and can fight Fina in the forest for a long time without losing. The current Tom's aura is stronger than the fangs. And as he grows older, his combat experience and hunting skills will inevitably become more abundant and skillful. Therefore, Bell speculated that the troll named Thom might be able to punch two fangs at once.

Bell didn't believe that Tom would be the most powerful warrior in the Cuifeng tribe. How could the strongest warrior of the tribe come outside to stand guard?

In addition, there are prophets among the trolls who can use magic. The overall strength of the troll is likely to be very powerful.

Thinking about how to deal with the troll-related issues in his mind, Bell continued to move forward behind Fang.

On the next journey, you can clearly feel that the density of trees gradually becomes sparse. After continuing to move for more than 10 minutes, Bell and his party suddenly opened up in front of them. A small village appeared not far away. in the forest glade.

Through the fence, one can see young trolls chasing each other around the village. Several fully armed adult troll warriors stood at the entrance to the village and on the observation deck, scanning the surroundings with sharp eyes, not letting go of any suspicious creatures.

"Stop! You are..."


Suddenly, a sharp cry came from the center of the village, interrupting the troll guard's questions.

Then, a giant beast with an illusory body shape, resembling a giant eagle, but with four strong wings and a long tail, suddenly rose into the sky. Its eyes looked at Bell and others, full of hostility.

In fact, what Bell and others don't know, and what even most troll warriors including Fang don't know, is that a prophet in a troll tribe rarely goes to other tribes.

In addition to the fact that the prophets have mastered the tribal history and magical knowledge passed down from generation to generation, and cannot allow any loss, there is another most important reason, that is, prophets with different beliefs will be hostile and driven away by the Loa gods of other tribes.

The Loa of the trolls is essentially a spiritual creature born from faith. This creature has a symbiotic relationship with the troll tribe. Loa provides strength to the troll warriors and helps the tribe continue and expand. In return, the trolls offer faith to Loa and maintain and expand Loa's existence.

As we all know, spirit creatures without bodies are not afraid of physical attacks. Unless the physical attack is powerful enough to cause violent turmoil in the magic power, it will not be able to harm the spirit body at all.

Therefore, even though the troll warriors possess great strength, they are not afraid of Loa. Rather, all Loa gods love powerful troll warriors.

Corresponding to the troll warriors, the troll prophets who possess magical power, even if their power is not strong, can still harm the spirit body of Loa, or even kill Loa completely.

Therefore, whether it is hostility or fear, whenever a troll prophet who does not believe in himself enters the range of his perception, the Loa God will become angry and order the warriors of his tribe to expel, Even kill each other.

Over time, it became an unwritten rule among the troll prophets not to approach the locations of other tribes. Even if they encounter a major situation and the prophets have to gather for discussion, they will always choose a blank area between the tribes, and the warriors will clear a safe area for discussion.

Of course, Bell couldn't know about this unspoken rule among troll prophets. He only knew about the existence of trolls for the first time today. He only knew a little bit about the Loa spirit of trolls from the memory of Fangs, and had no contact with them at all.

This also led to the fact that as soon as Bell and other talents arrived at the Cuifeng tribe, they were surrounded by a large group of strong troll warriors on three levels inside and three outside.

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