The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 894 Humanoid Creatures

For now, prohibiting other people from entering is just talk.

First of all, other wizard families and groups on the earth are still studying the outdated technology thrown out by the Menethil family, and they will not be able to reach the Menethil galaxy so far away from the earth in a short time.

Secondly, in order to prevent and monitor such a huge area as an entire galaxy, a large number of monitoring facilities and defense facilities need to be deployed, which is not something that can be done in a few sentences.

Therefore, Bell's decision can only be regarded as setting a direction for the future course of action of the Menethil family. After that, it will take a long time of efforts by countless wizards to fully realize it.

As we all know, Bell has never been a person who talks but does not practice. Now that the plan was decided, he immediately took the lead and took action.

Even if the Menethil family moves to [Menethil Planet] in the future, it does not mean that they will cut off their connection with the earth.

On the contrary, the relocation of the main body of the family is essentially to consolidate the status of the Menethil family, and even the wizards, on earth.

After all, only by having enough strategic depth, being able to advance and attack, and retreat and defend, can the enemy be fearful and not dare to easily provoke a war.

Therefore, the first and most important step in relocating the headquarters is to build a large-scale transmission device on the planet Menethil to achieve rapid travel between the planet Menethil and the earth.

The teleportation device on Earth can be placed in [Dalaran], but the teleportation device on [Menethil] requires Bell to take the lead in clearing an absolutely safe area.

Early the next morning, Bell took his sister, wife and others to explore several locations selected based on the planet model to finally determine where the city would be built.

"Bell, what do you think of that top of the mountain? After flattening the top of the mountain, it should be enough to build a city that can accommodate tens of thousands of people."

Hermione said pointing to a large mountain in front of her to the right.

She liked the scenery here very much. There was a beautiful lake at the foot of the mountain. The lake was very large, and from a distance, the blue water reflected the sunlight, like a sparkling gem.

The other three sides of the lake are surrounded by dense forests. From time to time, cute animals will come to the lake to drink water, creating a natural and peaceful scene.

If the city was built here, she could enjoy these beautiful natural scenery every day.

"Wait a minute, let me do the math."

As he spoke, Bell took out the planet model. Compared with yesterday afternoon, many natural parameters have been added to the current model, such as ocean currents and atmospheric flows.

Bell zoomed in on the location where he and others were, and quickly found the mountain peak Hermione was talking about.

With a flick of his finger, Bell cut off the mountain peaks on the model and used magic to outline a simple city model on it.

However, after a while...

"No, if this mountain peak is cut off, it will have a huge impact on the climate of this area. Both this lake and the nearby forests will gradually disappear."

Shaking his head, Bell rejected Hermione's proposal.

"What if we use magic to build a barrier here as a replacement for the original mountain?"

Hermione did not give up and used her magic power to simulate a large mountain-like barrier above the city model.

"That would consume too much, Hermione. There is absolutely no need for us to do such a thankless thing."

Bell said helplessly.

"Brother, why don't we build the city above the lake? That way, it won't affect the original climate, and you can change places at any time when you get tired of it. How great!"

Shanna suggested. She also liked the scenery.

"No, Zannah. Building a floating city requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and time. You have to know that in order to build [Dalaran], manpower and material resources are not mentioned, and the construction time alone is used up. Two full years. Now that we are here, we need people and no materials. God knows how long it will take to build a floating city. And the most important thing is that if the floating city is parked above the lake, the city will be wet. You’ll be very angry.”

"Okay then, let's go to the next place and check it out."

With that said, Shanna returned to the cab of the flying car and prepared to set sail again.

"Wait! Look, what is that!"

Suddenly, Bell called out to several people and pointed to somewhere in the forest below with a surprised look on his face.


Several people looked in the direction of the finger, very curious about what Bell saw that made him look so surprised?

"That's... an intelligent creature!?"

Soon Hermione was exclaiming.

"It is not certain whether it is an intelligent creature, but at least it is a humanoid creature."

Somewhere in the forest below, a humanoid creature could be vaguely seen lurking behind a big tree, looking like it was hunting.

The humanoid creature has a stooped body, but even so it is over 2 meters tall. If it stands straight, it is estimated to be close to three meters tall. Its skin is dark green, its arms and legs are slender, it has a long pointed nose and long ears. Two ivory-like tusks protrude forward from both sides of the mouth, and the tips look very sharp.

Just as Bell and others were observing the unknown humanoid creature with surprised expressions, the creature suddenly moved.

Silent as a virgin and as active as a stray rabbit, these are the perfect words to describe this creature. Its seemingly slender limbs burst out with terrifying power in an instant. The humanoid creature took one step and rushed out nearly 10 meters away. The simple hand in its hand The bone knife stabbed precisely into the neck of a cheetah-like creature, pressing its entire body to prevent the prey from launching a deadly counterattack.

A simple charge, thrust, and pressure demonstrated his superb hunting skills. Huang Quan's eyes gleamed as he looked at him, looking like he wanted to rush over and compete with the opponent immediately.

"Is this guy so strong!?"

Bell's eyes widened in surprise.

Of course, what he calls strong is not for himself, but for the evaluation of the strength of ordinary wizards.

Bell had eaten the cheetah-like creature that was hunted before, and it tasted relatively ordinary... Ahem, he was saying that the taste was not the point, the point was that although this creature did not have innate magic, its speed But it is very fast. If it were placed on the earth, it would be a hunter at the level of a three-headed dog.

You know, in the food chain of magical animals on the earth, the three-headed dog is already a creature relatively close to the top. Even ordinary wizards are no match for the three-headed dog when fighting alone. Even elite wizards must deal with it carefully, otherwise they will easily fall into the trap. Capsize.

And for such a predator, which was always at the top of the food chain on earth, it was killed by a single blow just now and failed to put up any decent resistance until it died. How could Bell not be surprised by this?

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