The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 891 Binary Star System

A stream of light passed through the cold and dark space of the universe, and finally stopped near a colorful planet.

It is truly a colorful planet.

Different from the Earth, on this planet, which is temporarily named [Planet of Life No. 1], the land area accounts for about 50% of the total area of ​​the planet. The land part, due to the difference in natural environment, is red from the red earth and yellow from the desert. , the green of the forest, the white of the polar regions, and the blue of the wetland lakes, the combination is very beautiful.

At least it looks much more beautiful than the earth that has been eroded by high-rise buildings in large areas.

The deck opened and Bell walked out first. Standing on the Williams, looking at the beautiful planet in the distance, the excitement in his heart became increasingly difficult to contain.

"What a beautiful planet!"

Hermione, who followed Bell out, couldn't help but express her heartfelt admiration.

"More than that, this is a powerful planet."

Bell stretched out his hand to hold the planet in front of him. The space in his palm was slightly distorted, and then a small translucent ball appeared in his palm.

"Feel it, do you notice any difference?"

As he spoke, Bell threw the ball in his hand to a few people behind him.

"What's this?"

Hermione asked confused.

"A little bit of air I just took from this planet."

Bell said casually.

"Can this be done!?"

Hermione was astonished.

As the saying goes, it's a matter of running away from the mountain. Even though the planet in front of them seems within reach, in fact they are still very far away from it.

As a result, Bell just stretched out his hand casually and took in the air on the planet into his hand? Even though Hermione had always known that her husband's strength was becoming increasingly 'abnormal', she still found it very unbelievable.

Doesn't this mean that Bell can take the enemy's heart into his hands across an entire continent and kill people thousands of miles away! ?

"It's actually not that difficult."

Bell shrugged.

As long as there is enough magic power to extend the range of perception, it will not be difficult to do what he just did with just more training.

Of course, this refers to the premise of ingesting air. If you really want to take the enemy's heart into your hands, the difficulty will be completely different.

All creatures in this least all the creatures Bell has encountered, have more or less magic in their bodies.

Yes, even Muggles and ordinary animals and plants have magic in their bodies. It’s just that the total amount is too small and the activity is too low, so it cannot be perceived and utilized by the owner.

But when external magic wants to interfere with the living body, the magic hidden in the living body will spontaneously protect the safety of the host and exclude the entry of external magic.

The more sophisticated the spell, the easier it is to destroy its structure after being rejected, and then become completely ineffective.

Therefore, it is relatively easy to put objects into a living body through space magic, but it is very difficult to remove organs from a living body.

"I know! It's magic!"

Just when Bell was about to continue to briefly explain the relevant magic knowledge to Hermione, Zannah, who had been carefully observing the translucent ball, suddenly said loudly and happily.

"Correct! As expected of my Shanna, she found the answer so quickly!"


Shanna laughed with great satisfaction.

"Is the magic different on this planet?"

Hermione carefully felt the rare magic in the ball, but she didn't feel that it was any different from the magic on earth.

"It's not the nature of the magic power, but the amount of it."

Bell explained.

"This air is just taken from the high altitude of this planet at will, but the total amount of magic contained in it far exceeds the magic contained in the same volume of air on the earth.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the air happens to be in an area where magic power gathers, but judging from the overall feeling this planet gives me, this possibility is not high. "

"When you say that, it seems to be true."

During this time, Hermione has been living in [Dalaran]. As the world's first magic city, the concentration of magic power in [Dalaran] is of course far higher than that on the surface.

Therefore, Hermione, who was accustomed to a high-concentration magic environment, did not notice the strangeness before. Now after being reminded by Bell, she discovered that the concentration of magic power contained in the air in her hands was not even much weaker than that in [Dalaran].

"Why is this happening? Is it because there is no modern industrial pollution?"

Just ask when you don't understand, which has always been a good quality that Hermione was proud of.

"Of course not. In fact, modern industry can only pollute the environment, but it cannot pollute the magic power. Naturally, it will not lead to the attenuation of the magic power."

Although the development of modern cities will lead to a sharp decrease in the number of wild animals and plants, don't forget that humans are also a type of animal. In cities, the density of humans is often very high, far beyond the density of animals in the same area under supernatural conditions. So overall, the biological density in cities is not only no smaller than in the natural state, it is even greater.

Therefore, there is no shortage of magic in the city, and the development of human beings will not cause the magic to become dilute.


"Most likely because of the number of stars and moons?"

Bell said uncertainly.

There are still many things that have not been explained about magic power, so Bell cannot give a definite answer. However, monks have recorded records of the 'Essence of the Sun and the Moon' since ancient times. Even in modern times, many monks still believe that by absorbing the 'Essence of the Sun and the Moon' over the years, animals and plants can complete their transformation from ordinary creatures to spiritual beings. It's not unreasonable.

The galaxy where [Planet No. 1] is located is different from the solar system. It is a unique binary star galaxy. The two stars rotate around each other, forming a stable binary star system. In other words, every planet in this galaxy has two suns in the sky.

In addition, the size of [Planet Life 1] is also slightly larger than the Earth, which is approximately equivalent to about 1.3 Earths. There are three planets of different sizes revolving around it. This also means that at night on this planet, there will be three moons in the sky.

If the monks' 'Essence of the Sun and Moon' theory is indeed true, then it is reasonable that the concentration of magic power on this planet would far exceed that of the earth.

"Is that so...Bell, when will the earth transformation plan you mentioned before be officially implemented?"

Knowing that her own earth was not as good as the 'wild planet' outside, Hermione felt inexplicably unhappy. This feeling is like one's own child's performance being compared with that of the neighbor next door.

Although strictly speaking, the earth should be regarded as the mother of mankind...

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