The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 881 ‘Beheading’ Operation

[Dalaran] Wizards are prohibited from flying privately within the city and surrounding areas.

Mainly because I'm afraid of being hit by a speeding car.

Not only that, for flying cars, the city management department has also strictly set restrictions on flight altitude, flight speed, flight area, etc. to ensure that people can travel in an orderly manner.

A group of wizards either took a bus or chose to walk to a distant city. One wave of people left, and soon the next wave of people came over. The noise always lingered in the air and never dissipated.

The three Harrys, who had a sacred mission, naturally chose the faster bus.

After the bus started, Harry was surprised to find that the car they were riding in was actually a car used by Muggles!

After entering the wizarding world, Harry couldn't remember how many years he had not ridden on such a bus. For a moment, the memories of his childhood came to mind, making Harry feel a little nostalgic and his spirit became trance-like.

"Harry? Harry! What happened to you! Were you, were you attacked!?"

Ron's whole body tensed up instantly. He couldn't think about how the Muggle car under him could move without using magic, and he looked around cautiously. At the same time, he reached into his arms, ready to draw his wand and attack at any moment.

"Huh? Oh no, relax man, I'm fine, really."

Harry quickly held down Ron who was about to move, and at the same time nodded apologetically to the other passengers who turned to look.

"I just remembered some things from the past and was a little distracted for a while."

"……That's good."

After staring into Harry's eyes carefully for a while, Ron withdrew his hand.

"Ron, you are too nervous. You should relax a little. Here, eat some chocolate frogs. This is what I bought specially this morning."

From the time they were queuing in Diagon Alley, Harry noticed something was wrong with Ron's expression. After arriving on the floating island through the teleportation array, Ron was even more nervous at all times, looking at everyone around him with a sense of vigilance. If this continued, not to mention whether it would increase their risk of exposure, Harry was mainly worried that Ron's mental state would not last long.

"Okay, I'm definitely a little hungry."

Taking a deep breath, after Harry's reminder, Ron also felt that his previous performance was substandard.

It's just a Bell, nothing to be nervous about!

He bit off the head of the chocolate frog with one big bite. It was obviously soft chocolate, but Ron chewed it hard enough to make a "crunchy" sound.

‘Boom! Boom, boom, boom! Boom! Boom! ’

There was a rhythmic knock on the door, and Harry and the three of them, who were sitting on the bed and chairs with their eyes closed, suddenly opened their eyes.

Neville, who was closest to the door, stood up and walked quickly to the door.

‘Dong dong! ’

Neville first knocked twice on the inside of the door, and then after a few seconds, he reached out to open the door and turned sideways to let the person outside the door come in quickly.

"You are on time as always, Jack and Rose."

Harry stood up from the bed and looked at the two people who came in with a smile.

"Don't be punctual on dates. Get used to it."

Jack shrugged helplessly.

However, although both Harry and Jack tried their best to sound relaxed and casual, the serious and nervous expressions on their faces filled the atmosphere in the room with a sense of heaviness.

"How's it going? Are you all ready?"

Jack's eyes swept across the three Harrys and paused for a moment on each of them.

"Yes, we're all ready. But Jack, are you really not going to give it a second thought?"

Harry glanced worriedly at Rose, who was clinging to Jack's side.

"No, if I think about it any more, I'm afraid I'll be tempted to become a deserter."

As he spoke, Jack turned to look at his girlfriend beside him, and Rose also looked at him at that moment.

Jack's eyes were filled with helplessness and love, while Rose's eyes were filled with determination and tenderness.

In fact, as early as the beginning, Jack did not want Rose to enter [Dalaran] with him. In his opinion, once the plan is implemented, this will become the most dangerous place in the world for the members of the team. He doesn't want his girlfriend to put herself in danger with him.

However, it was precisely because she knew the power of the Menethil family and the danger of her boyfriend's actions that Rose insisted on following her, regardless of his objections.

She couldn't let her child be without a father before he was born.

Uh, by the way, does this reveal something?

"...Okay then, let's set off immediately."

Faced with the two people's determination, Harry was ultimately unable to say anything to dissuade him. However, he has decided that if he encounters danger later, he will definitely stand in front of the two of them and let this enviable couple go first.

The five people looked at each other and encouraged each other with their eyes, then approached each other and gathered in one place.

Harry tapped each of them with his wand. Immediately afterwards, the figures of the five people shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon their height shrank to less than 1 meter, making them look even shorter than a house elf.

There was nothing wrong with the human body transformation, and Harry felt relieved. He took out the family invisibility cloak that he had not used for a long time, spread it out and covered the heads of several people.

As if erased by eraser, the figures of several people gradually disappeared from head to toe. With the slight sound of opening and closing the door, the 'decapitation' operation officially began.

Under the double cover of the night and the invisibility cloak, the group of people walked on the dark path with ease, avoiding the occasional pedestrians, bypassing the patrolling security personnel, and quickly approached the tall tower in the center of the city.

Four days have passed since they sneaked into [Dalaran]. The investigation went more smoothly than Harry and others expected.

At this time, in [Dalaran], except for entertainment facilities such as parks and playgrounds, most of the other buildings are in a semi-finished state. Tourists basically gather on a few streets full of bars and hotels, and there are few pedestrians in other parts of the city at night.

Thanks to this, Harry and others do not need to run around the entire city to collect intelligence. They only need to distribute to a few pubs with the largest flow of people, and they can easily obtain a lot of information about this city and Minai. Information about the Hill family.

Of course, Bell's information is also included.

According to the intelligence investigated by Harry and others, during the recent period, Bell usually traveled around the world during the day, and would not return to the tower in the center of the city until dinner time.

But sometimes, Bell would stay in some corner of the world at night and not go back to the tower to rest.

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