The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 873 Bell’s Speech


Bell was shocked.

When did the scene cut to this? Why didn't he know?

Moreover, if the camera is always on him, doesn't it mean that his image just now has been displayed in front of everyone in the world through projection?

Sure enough, I might as well blow up the earth...

Ahem, just kidding.

"Well, what's that? Hello everyone."

After a short adjustment, Bell successfully relied on his strong psychological quality (thick-skinned) to suppress the shame caused by the gaffe (shameless), regained his composure, and officially started the long-planned speech.

"First of all, I want to emphasize to everyone that the scenes you are seeing now and before are all real. is it?

Oh yes! It’s self-introduction!

Hello everyone, I am Bel Menethil, as you can see, I am a wizard.

Many people may say: 'Wizard? Isn't that a fantasy existence? There's nothing wrong with your brain, right? ’.

But what I want to tell you is that wizards are not imaginary existences.

I think some of you may have noticed it in your daily life.

I wonder, are there any people around you who behave strangely? He is obviously an adult, but he seems to have no understanding of electrical appliances, common sense of life, etc.

Yes, those people are probably just like me, a wizard hidden in the crowd.

Because in the past wizards and Muggles... Oh, the so-called Muggles refer to people who have no magic power in their bodies and cannot use magic.

Since wizards and Muggles had a war in ancient times, the few wizards gradually hid in the dark and agreed not to reveal their existence in front of Muggles.

Some wizards were dissatisfied with this, and even fierce confrontations broke out, but in the end the revolutionaries were suppressed.

At this point, some people may mistakenly think that I am also a revolutionary who opposes the Secrecy Act.

No, it's not.

I have nothing against the Statute of Secrecy. In fact, it has no binding effect on me at all. At the same time, I am not even remotely dissatisfied with my life so far.

Many people may ask, since I am not dissatisfied, what am I doing?

It didn’t really matter, it was just because I wanted to do it, so I did it. Really, that's it.

Hmm... That should be enough to say hello. I also know that what I said is terrible, and you must not understand what it means, but I can't help it. I forgot the speech my Hermione prepared for me at home, so I can only say what I think of.

Okay, now it’s finally time to get to the point.

Today, my main purpose is actually to introduce to you the city behind me.

By the way, can you clearly see the city behind me?

Jennifer, zoom out a little bit. Yes, go a little further and open a separate window for me. "

Bell looked at the big screen beside him. What was displayed on the screen was the image projected in the sky.

“Very good, that’s it!

As you can see, this huge city is a magical city powered by magic. It took our Menethil family two years and countless magical materials and ordinary building materials to finally build it.

I named this magical city - [Dalaran]. After the speech for a while, I will completely activate the barrier of [Dalaran] and park it in the near-Earth space.

The magical city [Dalaran] welcomes everyone to live and play. Whether you are a wizard or a Muggle, a goblin or a house elf, a centaur or a murloc, even if you are a troll, as long as you are willing to abide by the rules of [Dalaran], we are all welcome!

Of course, if you're a troll, you have to clean yourself first.

By the way, our rules in [Dalaran] are... no rules!

Oh ho~~! "


Hermione knew that at such an important moment when she was speaking to the whole world, she should not speak carelessly.

When Bell was talking nonsense with Sister Huang Quan at the beginning, she didn't speak.

She remained silent when the content of Bell's speech was completely different from the speech she had prepared.

When she learned that her carefully prepared speech had been (intentionally) forgotten at home by Bell, she tried to restrain herself.

However, at this moment, she really could no longer let Bell do whatever he wanted.

Although [Dalaran] is the brainchild of Bell, her role in it is dispensable. But this is the future location of the Magic University after all, and she can't just watch Bell turn this place into a lawless city.

And the most important thing is that they have obviously prepared a thick book of "Dalaran Codex"!

"Uh, okay, I just made a little joke. Of course there are rules in [Dalaran]. After all, there is nothing without rules.

Everyone, listen up, the rule of [Dalaran] is: 'You must not make my Hermione angry! ’.

I'm telling you, it doesn't matter if you mess with me, I usually won't do anything to you. But if you offend my Hermione, then let me tell you, you will be miserable——! "

Bell died...


Well, actually, Bell didn't do this on purpose. It was because the "Dalaran Codex" was too thick!

When he first took over the "Code of Dalaran" from Hermione, Bell was completely stunned. After he read through two pages, he could no longer stand the twists and turns and threw it into a corner to eat dust.

So now I ask Bell, who forgot to bring his speech notes, to briefly introduce the contents of the code. He really can't do it!

And this "Code of Dalaran" was originally formulated by Hermione. If it says that Hermione cannot be angered, then there is no problem?


Hermione took a few steps forward, picked up the large book she had just used to hit Bell, and carefully patted off the dirt stuck to it.

After the soil fell, the words 'Code of Dalaran' could be vaguely seen on the cover of the book.

Yes, this thick book that can be used as a murder weapon is the rule that the residents of [Dalaran] must abide by in the future.

The poor people of [Dalaran], Bell couldn't help but feel sad for the miserable life of those people in the future.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hermione Granger. Next, I will give you a brief introduction to the general content of the "Dalaran Code"."

After kicking Bell aside, Hermione had no choice but to catch the duck and give the rest of the speech herself. Fortunately, she had memorized all the contents of the speech in her mind, so she didn't have to worry about not knowing what to say.

However, when she thought about the hundreds of millions, or even billions of people, actively or passively listening to her speech, Hermione felt weak in her calves and wished she could drag Belle back again.

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