The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 863 It’s real graduation this time!

Early the next morning, a group of people walked on the grass outside Hogwarts Castle and soon arrived at the Hogwarts platform.

Until then, Hermione, who had been silent all the time, looked back at the familiar castle in the distance, and finally couldn't hold back any longer, and her tears fell one after another like broken pearls.

Seeing this, Bell sighed, hugged Hermione into his arms, and patted her back gently, not knowing how to comfort her.

To be honest, Bell felt a little uncomfortable at this time. After all, this is the place where I have lived for 6 years. When I think that I will probably never come back here again, I still feel a little reluctant to leave.

Hermione cried in Bell's arms for nearly 10 minutes until the conductor reminded her that the train was about to leave. Then, with Bell's comfort, Hermione slowly boarded the train.

The speed of the train increased from slow to fast, and soon Hogwarts completely disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

The low mood of Bell and Hermione also affected the others, and it was not until the second half of the train that the atmosphere gradually improved.

After getting off the bus, Bell delivered Hermione to the Grangers waiting outside the station as usual, and agreed to pick them up in the evening. Then he returned to the station and returned home through the fireplace.

At this time, Menethil's house was decorated with splendor and splendor, which was not inferior to that during the New Year. I don’t know, maybe I thought the Menethil family would have some big happy event today.

Although strictly speaking, it doesn’t seem wrong?

Bell's graduation, or in other words, Bell's graduation from Hogwarts without incident, was indeed not easy for William and Elena. It's okay to call it a huge happy event.

Therefore, a few months ago, Elena was planning to hold a grand banquet to celebrate her son's successful graduation.

Bell felt speechless at his mother's fussing behavior. To be honest, he didn't like this kind of banquet at all, but he didn't want to disturb his mother's interest, so he had no choice but to accept it.

"Baby, come on, try on this dress that mom bought for you. I know you don't like clothes that are too cumbersome and restrictive, so I asked the designer to design some gorgeous yet simple dresses."

As soon as she got home, Elena happily took her son to try on clothes. At tonight's banquet, her son was the real protagonist, and she had to dress him up in a dazzling way.

"Uh, Mom, I think my windbreaker is pretty good."

Although Bell didn't know how a dress could be both gorgeous and simple, he didn't want to be his mother's dress-up doll.

"No! That windbreaker is very gray and not gorgeous at all."

Bell's resistance was suppressed in a flash. Today, Elena did not allow anyone to disturb her mood, not even her own son!

"Ha~ I'm going to die..."

Bell collapsed on the carpet tiredly, looking like he had been beaten up.

By this time, the banquet was over, the guests had all left, and Bell was finally free.

Throughout the night, his mother held him at the center of the banquet, where he received the most attention. He greeted countless family partners and kept spinning like a top from beginning to end.

Thanks to Hermione's presence, he successfully dispelled many people's petty thoughts, otherwise God knows what else he would encounter tonight.

For the first time, Bell found that he seemed to have too few friends. The few friends he had in the academy were too far away to get along. Otherwise, if he could invite ten or eight friends to the banquet, he would be able to escape from his mother's clutches on the grounds of entertaining friends.

Could it be that he is really lonely?

How can it be! It must be the world's fault!

That's right! That's it!


"Don't lie on the ground. Get up quickly, the ground is cold."

Hermione bent down and hugged Bell with difficulty, trying to pull him up.

"Please, it's already July and there's still carpet on the floor. How can it be cold?"

With that said, Bell exerted force and pulled Hermione down amidst her exclamations.

"I hate it. Even if it's not cold, I can't lie down here. What are you talking about?"

Although she was saying words of blame, Hermione did not try to break away from Bell's arm. Instead, she lay on Bell's chest, listening to the other person's heartbeat, and feeling the tranquility after the noise of this moment.

Like Bell, Hermione actually didn't like the noisy banquet before. In contrast, she still preferred to be alone with Bell quietly.

I don't know how much time passed, but just when the tired two people on the ground were about to fall asleep, an 'uninvited guest' once again broke the warm atmosphere between the two.

"Brother, you are here. Why are you lying on the ground?"

Shanna looked at her brother curiously.

"Uh...just, I suddenly want to lie down. Is something wrong?"

Bell awkwardly tried to change the subject.

"Well, dad was looking for you, but he couldn't find you after searching for a long time, so he asked me to help him find you."

"Where is dad? I'll go there now."

Bell climbed up reluctantly.

As soon as he heard that his father was looking for him, he instinctively felt that something bad would happen. But you can't escape, so you can only choose to face it bravely.


"No! Absolutely not!"

As Bell expected, as soon as they met, his father made extremely demanding demands.

No one might believe it, but his father actually asked him to take over the family's property and help handle family affairs.

Listen! Come and listen! How could someone go so far! ?

He is only 17 years old, and he is still several months away from turning 18. His beautiful life has just begun. How can he be allowed to return to his hometown and inherit a family fortune worth hundreds of billions?

This is simply annihilating his nature, stifling his talent, and is a naked murder!

So infuriating!

"Bell, you have graduated and should shoulder the burden of the family!

You have to know that our current stall is getting bigger and bigger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to control. It takes a long, long time for you to take over the complicated family affairs from scratch and become familiar with the procedures for handling affairs.

Your father and I are already 40 years old this year. If we start the transfer of power from now on, we should be able to smoothly transfer everything in the family to your hands before I get old. Otherwise, it is likely to cause turmoil in the family, and you will have to spend a lot more effort to take full control of the family.

Bell, can you just listen to dad this time? After a few days of rest, starting next Monday, let's gradually take over the family business. I believe that our Menethil family will be able to further develop and grow in your hands! "

William's sincere speech fully demonstrated an old father's deep love for his son. Bell's eyes turned slightly red when he heard it. The words were stuck in his throat and he didn't know how to spit them out.

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