The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 841 No one can disrupt Bell’s plan

"It's not that simple. Can't you see that the souls of Harry and Voldemort are still connected?

Of course we can swarm him. I believe that in Voldemort's current state, he will be completely wiped out without even being able to put up any decent resistance.

However, if that happens, I don't know whether Harry's soul will disappear with it. If you want to take a gamble, feel free. "

Bell stretched out his hand to indicate that Arthur could get on.

"No, no, no! I don't carry the G... No, I mean, you are a professional. I will listen to you. I will go aside to cool down for a while. If you need my help, just call me."

After saying that, Arthur ran away quickly.

Just kidding, he wouldn't dare to gamble with Harry's life. Let’s not talk about the inner condemnation, let’s just say that if Harry really dies or is seriously injured due to his suggestion, then his youngest son, especially his youngest daughter, will have to blame him for the rest of his life. ah.

This pot is too heavy. He is too old to carry it, so he should leave it to a young man like Bell to carry it.

"Order of the Phoenix? What a disgusting bunch of hypocrites! Why are you here? Where are my loyal servants? Why haven't you come to greet the great Dark Lord!"

While Bell and Arthur were talking nonsense, Voldemort finally saw the situation clearly and recognized the identities of Arthur and other members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Then, Laofuna's heart suddenly felt cold.

What's going on? Why was there a group of wizards from the Order of the Phoenix standing next to him after he woke up?

Also, Snape's second-in-command really betrayed him and got involved with the Order of the Phoenix. What a son of a bitch!

But no matter what, the head can be cut off, the blood can be shed, and the strength cannot be lost. Maybe these idiots were frightened by his bluff.

"Harry, why are you still in a daze? Stand up quickly and pull out the sword in front of you!"

Bell once again ignored Voldemort's insistence and shouted to Harry, who was still kneeling on the ground not far away.

It took so long to leave the oath there!

"Okay, okay!"

The severe pain confused Harry's thinking to a certain extent. It wasn't until he heard Bell's cry and saw the dark figure in front of him that he remembered what he should do again.

"Very good. Next, do you see that fuzzy 'line' connected to your forehead? Cut it! Don't hesitate, cut it hard!"


Harry swung the long sword, which was a little heavy for him, and according to Bell's words, he slashed hard at the 'line' in front of him.

The long sword crossed the 'line' without any hindrance, and then...then nothing happened...

"This is not scientific, no, this is not magic! Why is it ineffective? It shouldn't be."

As a magic sword, [Frostmourne] can not only provide Bell with magic power. It can also cut the soul, suck the soul of the killed target into the sword, enslave the opponent, torture the opponent, and squeeze out a steady stream of magic power to strengthen itself.

Logically speaking, [Frostmourne], which can tear even souls into pieces, has no reason to cut off the connection between two souls. And this is why Bell is confident that he can help Kagura peel off Bai Rui.

"Hey! Bell! What should I do next?"

Seeing that the 'thread' in front of him had not been cut off, Harry raised his sword and swung it back and forth a few times, as if he was fighting the air.


'wrong! The connection is weakened! ’

Bell suddenly noticed that the looming 'thread' connecting the souls of Harry and Voldemort had indeed become weaker as Harry continued to use [Frostmourne] to cut through it.

In other words, it is not that [Frostmourne] cannot cut off the connection between Harry and Voldemort, but that Harry cannot exert the true power of [Frostmourne].

It's actually quite normal when you think about it. After all, Harry was just a temporary backdoor opened by Bell, so he could barely touch [Frostmourne] without suffering backlash.

Bell had only slightly activated the power of [Frostmourne] before, and he didn't even dare to light up all the runes on the sword. If it were Bell himself who held it, it wouldn't be a problem to cut off that 'line' with one sword?

Of course, in that case, only God knows whether the souls of Harry and Voldemort will be frozen into ice slag together.

"Bell? What should we do next? Why didn't you say anything?"

The 'thread' in front of him was not cut off, and Bell suddenly fell into silence again. Harry, who noticed that something unexpected had happened, felt at a loss.

"Ahem, don't worry, it's just a small accident, everything is still under control."

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Bell himself believes it anyway.

Something unexpected happened and the previous plan was ruined. Next, Bell needed to try new ideas.

'Luckily I never make plans, so nothing can mess up my plans! ’

Bell thought proudly.

"Harry, next, we will finally enter the most important stage, which is: rush up and chop him!"

Bell shouted loudly, trying to use his voice to awaken the bravery in Harry's heart.

"Okay! waaaaagh~!"

The long-lost memories buried in the depths of his mind revived. At this moment, Harry seemed to have returned to the past, to the time when he had just entered Hogwarts. I still remember that it was the night of a Halloween party. He and Ron were walking in the dark corridor, and they...


With a 'pop', Harry fell into a trap, causing everyone onlookers to subconsciously rub their noses. They felt pain just looking at it.

It turned out that after seeing Harry charging towards him with the sword exuding an extremely dangerous aura, Voldemort had no choice but to give up and continue to study the magic circle at his feet to find a way to escape, and first deal with the threat from Harry.

Black mist surged out from Voldemort's feet like a tide, instantly covering Harry's ankles. Immediately afterwards, Harry fell to the ground as if he had tripped on a rope.

"Speaking of which, why does the name Harry give me a very familiar feeling? Where have I heard it... Oh damn! What the hell is this!"

Voldemort suddenly let out a cry of pain and threw the sword in his hand like a snake.

It turned out that when Harry fell, his palms were not tightened, causing [Frostmourne] to fly straight towards Voldemort.

Of course, this kind of trivial skill could not really hurt Voldemort. He just raised his hand casually and caught [Frostmourne].

Seeing that the stupid kid in front of him offered him a treasure, Voldemort decided to spare this kid's life later.

If he's in a good mood...

But the next second, the magic sword in Voldemort's hand changed from its previous docility, and instantly erupted with a cold energy that could freeze the soul. Even though Voldemort reacted quickly, his right arm was completely frozen.

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