The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 8 Christmas Banquet

Time quickly came to Christmas.

To celebrate Belle's freedom, his father William decided to hold a grand Christmas party in the castle. The heads of major pure-blood families, senior officials from the Ministry of Magic, well-known wizards, etc. are all invited.

Since the morning, the house elves have been busy preparing for the feast.

The hall, which was already clean, was cleaned thoroughly again. Brand-new dining tables and tableware were taken out, and various luxurious-looking decorations were placed in the hall.

Bell and Shanna were also forced to change into formal dresses. To be honest, Bell didn't want to wear this kind of clothes at all. It always felt like it was restrictive and inconvenient to move.

Amidst the busy preparations (Bell felt that he was doing all the work in vain), the time soon arrived in the afternoon, and the invited guests arrived at Bell's house one after another.

Seeing that the time was almost up, William took Bell to the high platform at the front of the hall, gave a brief speech, introduced Bell to everyone, and then announced the official start of the banquet.

At the banquet, Bell was first pulled by his father William to greet various so-called big shots.

After a round of business exchanges and a round of praise, Bell finally got rid of the troublesome adults and ran to find his sister Shanna.

Zannah is with her mother Elena. Then Bell came out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den again, and was pulled by Elena to greet the female relatives of various so-called big shots...

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

‘It’s not over yet! ’

Bell had a smile on his face and MMP in his heart.

Finally, Bell was liberated. He hugged his sister and ran to the little wizard's circle.

Because the banquet was nominally a make-up party for Bell's 5th birthday (outsiders did not know Bell's details), many families with children of similar ages also brought their children to the party.

"Sanna, did you enjoy the party?" Bell asked, hugging his sister.

The little girl's face was flushed and she looked very excited.


Shanna covered her face and said nothing.

"?" Bell scratched his head, "Why don't you speak? Shanna."

Shanna turned around and threw herself into Bell's arms, still saying nothing.

‘Well, it’s probably the first time I’ve seen so many people, so the kid is shy. No wonder it's been quiet since just now. ’

Bell shrugged and sat quietly listening to the bragging of the group of young wizards in front of him.

A little wizard is showing off the Christmas gift he received this morning.

"When I got up this morning, I couldn't find my clothes. They were all buried under gifts. It took a lot of effort for me to get out of the room. It wasn't until lunch that I put my clothes on The gifts were opened. Guess what I found inside? A complete set of chocolate frog drawings!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

A young wizard expressed his disdain.

"I have already collected all the pictures."

"Hmph! Don't think I don't know. You asked your father to buy you a lot of chocolate frogs. After taking out the pictures inside, you threw the chocolates to the house elves to eat. The pictures you collect like this have no soul!" Show off! said the little wizard of the gift.

"You, how did you know!?"

"I heard what my dad said. He said it was your dad who complained to him."

Looking at the little wizard with a flushed face, Bell couldn't help but mourn for his father and hoped that his father could have a good sleep tonight.

Another little wizard said that he had been skiing in the Alps a few days ago and met two snow monsters on the snow mountain.

"They are 10 feet tall, covered with white fur, and have tusks that long."

The little wizard talked and gestured.

"Fortunately, I secretly took my dad's wand away. I yelled and took out the wand..."

Since the description is too long, I can briefly summarize it by saying that after an American blockbuster-style battle, the little wizard successfully fought off the snow monster.

"Next summer I want my mother to take me to the beach in Venice for vacation. I heard that there are often water monsters there. I haven't beaten the water monster yet. When I defeat the water monster and prove myself, I will Write a letter to Professor Dumbledore and ask him to allow me to enter Hogwarts early."

Another little wizard said: 'Fighting is what barbarians do, real men all play Quidditch!'

"Let me tell you, my flying skills are terrible. It never took more than 5 minutes to catch the Golden Snitch. A few days ago, I suddenly felt that catching the Golden Snitch was too unchallenging, so I decided to go up to the sky and catch an eagle. "

"So did you catch it?"

"It was just a little bit close," the boy said with regret. "At that time, my hands had already touched the tail feathers of the eagle, and suddenly a Muggle plane flew over. In order not to knock it down, I had no choice but to The earth let the eagle go."

"But guess who was on that plane?" The boy whispered with a mysterious face. "It's the coach of the Scottish Quidditch national team! After he saw my outstanding flying skills, he jumped out of the plane excitedly. Want to invite me to join the Scotland national team!"

"How could the coach of the Scottish Quidditch national team fly?" Another little wizard looked unbelieving, "He must be riding a broom when he goes out."

The boy quit, his anger boiling over his face and he looked like if you don't believe it, I'll beat you until you do. So didn’t he just say that ‘fighting is what barbarians do’?

‘Fight! Fight! ’

It's not a big deal for Bell to watch the fun.

However, things did not go as Bell expected. After another little wizard measured the physiques of both parties, he asked weakly: "So have you joined the Scottish national team?"

"No." The boy said regretfully, "I told him that I was English and could not join the Scottish national team."


Bell listened with great interest. He is worthy of being a wizard. Even at a young age, his level of bragging and tricks are not comparable to those of a Muggle child.

After a long time, someone finally noticed the cheerful Bell holding a little girl beside him.

"Hey, what's your name? What are you good at?"

Bell thought about it carefully, and the only thing he could be said to be good at was reading... A group of young wizards gave a disdainful "cut", and then they all went to brag again.

Bell was happy to be quiet. After bringing a bunch of food for himself and Shanna, he started eating and drinking while teasing Shanna. Occasionally, he would share some of his food with other little wizards, or echo the bragging of the little wizard.

Although I don't even remember their names, I can be considered familiar with these little wizards.

Bell also met several young wizards who appeared in the book, such as Draco Malfoy, Hannah Abbott, Pansy Parkinson and others. He will not judge the person in front of him based on his past life impressions. At least for now, these little ladies and little lolita are quite cute. Of course, if compared with his sister, the difference would be hundreds of millions of points.

At around 9 o'clock in the evening, the banquet finally ended.

As the crowd dispersed, the Menethil family castle returned to its former peace. After the last guest left, William found Bell.

"Bell, are you sleepy? If you're not, I want to talk to you. Can you come to the small restaurant?"

‘You have said so, can I still say that I am sleepy? ’ Bell, who was already wanting to sleep, thought helplessly.

"Okay dad, I'll come find you when I send Shanna back to her room."

Zannah had fallen asleep smiling in Bell's arms. It was the first time for the little girl to experience such a big battle. She was very excited tonight, so she got tired very quickly. In addition, it was already getting late, and even the noisy noise at the banquet could not affect the little girl's dream.

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