At this time, Stuart couldn't help but feel very emotional.

How come when they come out this time, the targets they face are all with extremely high defense?

The previous elemental lord was actually able to receive the main cannon's shots with his face. They fired more than 10 cannons before they completely eliminated the opponent's resistance. It was simply outrageous!

You know, even the fifth-level main gun, which is the least powerful, is the main gun of the battleship! On Earth, destroying a small city with one shot would not be a problem.

More than 10 shots of the fifth-level main gun were enough to destroy a small country, but the result was that the elemental lord was only half killed? If you leave it alone, how long will it take for the other party to recover as before?

To be honest, if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, if someone dared to say that to him, he would definitely not beat him to death.

Who are you insulting?

And now this [En'zoth], after receiving a direct shot from the most powerful first-level main gun, can still be alive and kicking as if nothing happened?

It’s simply off the mark!

You must know that the power of the first-level main gun cannot be described as many times that of the fifth-level main gun. The two are not the same concept at all.

In previous performance tests, the first-stage main gun of the [Williams] was fully activated and once destroyed a small, desolate planet with one shot. Although it was not the kind of destruction that was completely wiped out, the small planet was also blown into a pile of rubble that could not be put back together.

Before firing the gun, Stuart even believed that the gun could completely kill the target, or at worst, make the target completely lose its ability to resist.

However, now it seems that he was still too naive. Sure enough, the universe is so vast and full of wonders that there is never too much!

"The secondary main gun is fully charged!"


Compared to the previous one, the magic beam was slightly slender, and it arrived in front of [En'zoth] in an instant.

With the huge size of [Enzoth], it is impossible to effectively dodge when faced with the magic beam coming at extremely high speed. [Enzos] obviously realized this instinctively. At the critical moment, it suddenly rotated its body and turned the intact side of its tentacles forward to face the incoming attack.

After the violent explosion, [N'zoth] stagnated, and then broke through the dust again with a scream like background music.

"Damn it! Keep charging the main gun! Don't stop!"

Looking at [Enzos]'s still intact main body, Stuart's eyes couldn't help but be filled with a haze. For the first time, he had doubts about whether the Williams could win, and at the same time he was afraid of the unknown universe.

It is no exaggeration to say that the [Williams] is the most powerful weapon in the history of wizards, and it has the power to destroy the world. After personally presiding over the performance test of the Williams, Stuart once thought that nothing could stand in his way.

But now, just a 'random' creature in the universe has made his [Williams] helpless! ?

For a moment, Stuart felt a sense of despair as his faith was shattered.


A loud shout rang in Stuart's ears. Stuart trembled all over and turned his head to look to his side. There, Bell, who had been slumped in a wheelchair, sat upright at some point and was looking at him with a frown. The look in his eyes was as sharp as a sword, which actually made his skin tingle, making him want to escape from the other person's sight.

"We are in battle now. Please fulfill your duties, Captain!"


Stuart was shocked, and his back was instantly soaked in cold sweat.

At this moment, Stuart felt very ashamed. As the captain of the USS Williams and a experienced wizard, decades of experience have always made him believe that his heart is strong enough to face all difficulties and obstacles.

But just now, he was distracted by the terror of [Enzoth], and he had to rely on the reminder of his young master who had not yet graduated from Hogwarts to get rid of the feeling of despair and powerlessness.

‘What a disgrace! ’

After pinching his thigh hard, Stuart's eyes became firm again.

He decided that after this operation was over and he returned to Earth, he would apply to the head of the William family to be relieved of his position as captain of the USS Williams. He is still too weak, both in terms of strength and mental will. He plans to apply to return to the special operations team and hone himself again.

And now, betting on the name of 'Stuart Trivich', he will definitely defeat [N'zoth]!

As for how to defeat it?

One word: waste!

So what if [N'Zoth] can block the main gun fire, every time it blocks, the opponent will have to pay a few tentacles as a price.

Judging from the current situation, [N'Zoth] does not have the terrifying resilience of the elemental lord. As long as there is enough time for the magic stone to convert magic power, then [N'zoth]'s tentacles will be blown off sooner or later. By then, the main body of [N'zoth] will be nothing more than fish on the chopping board!

However, although the idea is good, things in the world are not always satisfactory.

After chasing for a while, they found that they still couldn't close the distance with the attacker. The many mouths that had been opening and closing on the main body of [Enzos] suddenly stopped, and then changed, and actually merged together to form a straight line. Huge cracks throughout the body.

The scream that had been echoing in everyone's minds suddenly disappeared. In the next moment, all the wizards on the battleship felt their feet shake. Some people accidentally fell to the ground and fell heavily.

"what happened!?"

Looking at the rapidly enlarging image of [En'zoth] on the screen, Stuart turned to look at the control panel of the power system.

"Report Captain, the battleship has been affected by unknown gravity, and its movement speed has dropped significantly!"

The wizard in charge of the power system didn't even bother to wipe the sweat from his face and loudly reported the unexpected situation that was happening now.

"Then why are you still standing there? Why don't you quickly increase the power!"

Stuart's body exuded a chilling aura, as if he were a ferocious beast that wanted to choose people and devour them.


Several wizards in charge of the power system did not dare to hesitate and controlled the power system to increase the output power. However, even if the power was increased to the maximum, [N'Zoth] was still slowly approaching.

"Damn! Can't you go faster!?"

Stuart roared through gritted teeth.

"Report to Captain, this is really the limit!"

"Where's the main gun? Isn't it fully charged yet?"

The power system was unusable, and Stuart could only try to solve the dilemma through other means.

"Reporting to the captain, because the power system has absorbed too much magic power, the charging speed of the main gun has dropped. It will take 30 seconds before the secondary main gun is fully charged.

Moreover, judging from the current rate of mana consumption, continuing to fire the secondary main cannon is likely to lead to an insufficient supply of the overall mana supply of the [Williams]! "

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