The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 796 Spiritual Communication

"You are the captain, you have the final say."

While speaking, Bell also turned sideways away from Stuart. He didn't know why, but in the past few days, he always felt that the other person's eyes were not right when he looked at him, which often made him feel tense all over.

And in the final analysis, he is just a layman after all. He has never studied the specific performance and combat instructions of warships before, so he certainly will not give blind orders at this moment.

"As you command, Master."

Bowing again, Stuart straightened up and began to issue orders with high spirits.

The young master and lady are watching from the side now. He has to show his professionalism and style.

"Battle wizards, everyone is on the battleship deck, ready for attack and defense! Adjust the power of the magic stone to the maximum, start charging the main gun, and prepare the disembodiment system, ready to cast phantom disembodiment at any time!"

Under Stuart's order, the interior of the battleship, which had just been quiet and leisurely, immediately tightened like a bowstring, and everyone quickly prepared for battle.

"Sanna, why don't we go to the deck and watch the fun?"

Sitting in the wheelchair specially made by Zannah using the transfiguration technique, Bell suggested with an itchy voice.

There is no way, this is the sequelae of acting too hard. Although he can now run and jump, he is still pinned down in a wheelchair by his sister and has to be pushed wherever he goes.



The previous sentence was said by Shanna.

The little girl rejected her brother's willful proposal without hesitation. Although she also wanted to go on the deck and directly watch the battle with [En'zoth], it would be best if she could do it herself and weigh the opponent's strength. But at this moment, for Shanna, nothing is as important as her brother's safety. She would never allow her brother to continue to take risks even though he was injured.

The last sentence was said by Stuart.

Just kidding, now he already feels that his identity as captain is likely to be in jeopardy. If he lets his young master run to a dangerous place again, if something unfortunate happens to him, will he still live? ?

Maybe he will become the first member of the Menethil family to be secretly dealt with, and he will leave his name in history!

"...That's okay."

After smacking his lips and seeing the two people beside him looking like they were facing a formidable enemy, Bell finally said nothing.

In fact, in his opinion, there is not much difference in safety between the bridge and the deck. The defense of the [Williams] mainly relies on the defensive barrier formed by the magic stone as the core. Compared with the defensive power of the barrier, the strength of the ship itself is much lower.

If [N'Zoth] can break through the barrier, then even if he is hiding in the bridge, he will not be able to survive.

Seeing that Bell had calmed down and showed no signs of further mischief, Stuart could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Then, he focused all his attention on the next battle against [N'Zoth].

After all, this was the Williams' first substantial battle against the enemy, and he had to give a perfect answer and live up to his duties as captain.

"Reporting to the captain, the battle wizards are all ready."

"Report to Captain, the main gun has been charged, and the charging level is one."

"Reporting to Captain, the transformation system is ready and ready for space jump at any time."

"Very good, where's the power system?"

Stuart nodded, then turned to look to the far right side of the bridge.

"Report to captain, the power system has completed its self-test and there are no problems."

Soon, the preparation work and self-inspection work were completed.

"Okay! So, everyone, the first battle of the [Williams] is about to officially begin. I hope you can work together with me to complete this mission perfectly."


Everyone in Cambridge, including the battle wizards on the deck, all agreed neatly. A little fear and nervousness in facing [Enzoth] were also suppressed in this atmosphere of unity.

"The [Williams] continues to move forward and reaches the optimal firing range in 1 minute. All mental protection barriers are activated and begins to try to communicate with [N'Zoth]."

This is the first time that humans have discovered life in the universe. Regarding the various situations of [En'zoth], even after a long period of observation, the wizards still have a blank look.

After all, this guy has been floating here eating rocks and spitting gravel without moving.

Therefore, although there have been attempts to communicate with [N'Zoth] through explorers before, the main function of explorers is exploration, communication, etc., which is really better than nothing. At this time, when they came to [En'zoth], Bell and his party still planned to be polite first and then attack, and try to communicate with [En'zoth] first.

If this guy actually has a high IQ, then by communicating with him, the wizards may be able to obtain a lot of knowledge about the universe.

After receiving the order from the bridge, in a closed room located in the corner of the battleship, a dazzling magical light appeared on the wall.

Looking carefully through the light, you can see densely packed ancient magic characters, like countless ants, crawling on the wall.

These ancient magic texts all serve as spiritual protection.

As all the characters lit up, the room turned into a sea of ​​magic. A wizard who had been standing in the center of the room closed his eyes, amplified his spiritual will through the barrier, and projected it to [Enzo] in the distance. Si].

1 minute passed... 2 minutes passed...

The wizard frowned and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Projecting one's own spiritual will into the bodies of other creatures is not an easy task. Especially when there is a huge gap in the total amount of energy between the two, if you are not careful, your spirit will be severely damaged by the other party, and you may even become a vegetative state.

"It's been three minutes, bring his energy back!"

After taking a look at the time, a wizard standing in the corner immediately gave an order to his companion beside him.

Hearing this, the other wizards appeared in the center of the room around the wizard responsible for spiritual communication, and all raised their wands.

A white magic light beam shoots out from the wand and connects to the wizard responsible for spiritual communication. Soon, the wizard responsible for spiritual communication opened his eyes and his body shook.

"How about it?"

A wizard with quick eyesight and quick hands took two steps forward to support the opponent.

"No, there is no response at all. It feels like it is in a deep sleep. However, the target's mental power is very huge. Although it is nothing compared to its size, it does not guarantee that it will have some unique abilities."

The wizard responsible for spiritual communication shook his head and expressed his judgment.

"Thank you for your hard work. Now take a good rest. I will report all this to the captain."

After signaling to the other companions to help the wizard down to rest, the leading wizard contacted the bridge and reported the situation just now.

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