The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 792 The last step

After a lot of fussing, the ice ball left by the Elemental Lord was successfully transferred to the center of the uppermost open-air platform of the Williams.

Around the ice ball, there are 6 wizards. These six people are the six people with the strongest magic control in the [Dark Star] base. They were originally responsible for peeling off the ice core. At this time, they were selected by Bell to take out the ice core of the elemental lord.

"Listen up, be careful and be careful later! If someone's hand shakes and explodes, then we all have to finish playing, remember!"

Standing outside the circle surrounded by six people, Bell warned again uneasily.

In fact, if possible, he would like to do it himself. But in the previous battle, he consumed too much magic power and energy, and even lost his dominant right arm. It was not realistic to try to peel off the ice core again.

Therefore, in desperation, he could only choose to trust these members of his family.


The six people swallowed nervously and responded in unison.

"very good."

Bell nodded and turned to look at Stuart.

"let's start."


Stuart gave the order, and then he saw the complicated lines under everyone's feet being filled with magic power, emitting a faint glow.

Under the control of the battleship staff, the magic flowed through the lines to the six wizards in the center. The light blue magic light mist rose up and enveloped the six people, making their figures look a little blurry.

When the magic haze stabilized, the six people without any hesitation pointed their wands at the ice core. The extremely sharp magic rotated at high speed, forming a disc and slowly approaching the ice ball.

"Slow down! Slow down a little bit more!"

Seeing the six people starting to take action, Bell on the side quickly reminded them.

Unlike the [Dark Star] base where the power of the magic stone can only be borrowed to a limited extent, the magic pattern array engraved on the battleship can help wizards greatly increase the power of magic spells. Now the six people are acting according to their original experience, which is obviously inappropriate.

"You can go slower at the beginning and familiarize yourself with the bonus of magic patterns. Also, the more magic you borrow, the more difficult it will be to control. Pay attention to your control limits, we have plenty of time, don't be anxious, and always keep safety first in mind. one."

After all, the magic power of the magic stone is an external force, and it is difficult to control it like the wizard's own magic power. Even with the assistance of magic patterns, the wizard can only guide the magic power of the magic stone through his own magic power. The more magic power is guided, the worse the accuracy will naturally be.

This is also the reason why Bell did not let the [Williams] land on the surface of [Dark Star] to deal with the elemental lord before.

There is less magic power to guide, so it will not pose a threat to the elemental lord.

There must be more magic power in the guidance, that is, you can point wherever you hit, and if you don't do it right, the ice core might explode.

"Sanna, go and rest for a while."

Seeing the six wizards constantly adjusting their efforts, Bell turned to Zannah beside him and said.

Shanna was the main force in containing the elemental lord before. Although the little girl's magic power was still at its peak because she did not need to provide magic power to the crazy bear, the mental consumption was not less at all.

Bell, who was familiar with his sister, could tell at a glance that the little girl was very tired at this time, and it would be difficult just to stand here.

"No! I want to stay with my brother!"

Taking a secret glance at her brother's right arm, Shanna couldn't help biting her lip.

How could she sleep without watching the elemental lord's last body turn into ashes? If it weren't for the fact that the mental consumption was so great, she would have done it herself no matter what she said now!

And the most important thing is that she is very worried about her brother's condition and must keep an eye on him at all times!

"……Oh well."

Facing Shanna's stubborn eyes, Bell finally compromised. He took out the sofa from his pocket and pulled his sister to sit down.

"Stuart, bring us some food. We've been working for a long time and we're hungry."

According to the current peeling speed, it would be impossible to complete it in less than a few hours. While it was just beginning, Bell planned to make up for himself.

"Zannah, wake up, Zannah."

Drowsily, Shanna vaguely heard her brother's call.

"Brother? Where is this..."

Opening her sleepy eyes, Shanna couldn't remember where she was now.

"Ah! Is it done?"

Noticing the six wizards standing in a circle not far away, the memory revived in Zannah's mind.

"It's almost done."

Patting Zannah on the shoulder, Bell motioned for his sister to stand up.

Only then did Shanna realize that she had fallen asleep on her brother's shoulder without realizing it. Seeing the wet marks on the clothes on her brother's shoulders, Shanna quickly wiped her mouth and her face turned red with embarrassment.

‘It’s so inappropriate! My brother was so seriously injured, how could I still rely on him and cause trouble for him! ’

At this moment, Shanna felt very guilty.

If she wants to rely on her, she should let her brother lean on her!

Bell didn't know the complicated thoughts in his sister's heart, and he didn't have the extra time to pay attention to other things at the moment.

Standing up and stretching his numb shoulders, Bell took two steps forward and stared at the hockey puck in front of him.

At this moment, the huge ice ball that was originally dozens of meters in diameter was only a few dozen centimeters in size. The thin layer of ice could no longer block Bell's perception. Even from a distance of more than ten meters, he could clearly feel the ice core within it.

As early as a few hours ago, when the size of the hockey puck was reduced to a certain level, the six wizards were divided into groups of 33 and took turns to rest. Even so, after a long period of concentrated work, several people were already exhausted.

‘Click~! ’

The sound of the ice breaking suddenly sounded.

It was obviously a very slight sound, but to everyone's ears, it was like thunder on dry land, making everyone present tremble. The three wizards who were cutting the ice ball subconsciously stopped and retreated, fearing that the small ice cube in front of them would explode in the next second and blow the entire battleship into powder.

"Everyone, step aside and let me come!"

Signaling the exhausted six people to retreat, Bell strode forward.

After this period of rest, his mental state has improved a lot. He may not be able to sustain a fierce battle, but some less complicated operations are not a problem at all.

As soon as the wizards stopped, the cracks that had just appeared on the ice ball began to heal immediately. Seeing this, Bell quickly stretched out his left hand and firmly grasped the hockey puck.

The surrounding thick magic light mist immediately gathered towards Bell and seeped into his left arm. Bell gritted his teeth and endured the pain like a knife. The veins in his left hand popped out and he slowly injected magic power into the crack.

A wizard cannot perfectly control the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone, so in order to be foolproof, Bell must first convert the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone into his own magic power.

Inhale the magic power of the magic stone into the body, and then use your own magic power to assimilate it to completely tame these 'wild horses'.

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