The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 79 Conversation with Dumbledore

Feeling the almost endless magic power contained in the magic stone in his hand, Bell was very satisfied. The Philosopher's Stone was even better than the best-case scenario he expected. With it, Bell's plan could officially begin to be implemented.

Of course, there is still the last step left, which is to get the magic stone! Not just the one in front of him, but a mere magic stone is completely insufficient to meet Bell's needs.

Bell took out his personal terminal and dialed his father's number. Unexpectedly, the communication was quickly connected.

"Hello? Bell? Why are you sending me a video so late? Did something important happen?"

William's figure appeared on the screen, and it could be seen that he had already gone to bed and was getting ready to sleep.

"Yes, I need you to help me contact Mr. Nico Flamel. The sooner the better! I hope to visit his old man during the summer vacation."

Bell glanced at the corner of the screen and continued: "Besides, I prefer my sister, not my brother."

‘Bang~~! ’

William's personal terminal flew out, and he was kicked to the floor by Elena. Bell waited for a while before William climbed up from the ground with his hands on his waist and picked up his personal terminal.

"Ahem." William Tactics coughed twice, "Why are you looking for Nico Flamel?"

Bell held the magic stone in front of the screen and shook it.

"Let's talk about some topics about the Philosopher's Stone. This matter is very important. If possible, I hope to see Mr. Flamel on the first day of summer vacation!"

"Okay, I will contact Nico Flamel as soon as possible. Speaking of which, Bell, where are you now? The image behind you doesn't look like you are in the bedroom." William asked doubtfully.

He was curious what happened? Where did the magic stone in Bell's hand come from? Are there so many good things in Hogwarts? Why didn't he notice it when he was in school?

"Are you sure you want to hear it now?"

Bell raised an eyebrow. His father is really brave. No matter what the occasion is, he can guarantee that if his father dares to listen now, he will probably have to live in a tent in the garden for a month.


William glanced back.

"Okay, let's talk about it next time. You should also go to bed early. Staying up late will make it easier for you to not grow taller. Also, pay attention to your safety and let me know if you need anything."

After speaking, William hung up the communication without waiting for Bell to reply.

"Mr. Menethil, can you tell me what you want to do with the Philosopher's Stone?"

Dumbledore's voice suddenly came from the side. He was standing beside Harry, looking at Bell with a smile.

Bell had no idea when Dumbledore had appeared there. However, he knew that Dumbledore would definitely appear, so he was not surprised, but just a little emotional. It seemed that he still had a lot to learn!

"This is a trade secret, Professor. I'm sorry I can't tell you." Bell shrugged and said casually.

"...Okay, let's change the topic."

Dumbledore obviously had no intention of getting to the bottom of it. But if he could stop staring at Bell with his sharp eyes, Bell would feel much more comfortable.

"This time is not a time for students to go out, so can you tell me why you are here?"

Bell said in a 'You're kidding me! ? ’ He looked at Lao Deng and then at Harry lying on the ground.

You are too slippery with this double standard!

But Dumbledore perfectly demonstrated to Bell that his more than 100 years were not in vain. Facing Bell's eyes, Lao Deng didn't even move his brows, and there was no wave on his face.

‘Okay, you are justified in forcing yourself. ’

The helpless Bell could only start making it up.

"Actually, it's like this, professor. The final exam is finally over today, and I'm so excited! You know, when people are excited, they always like to do things they don't usually do. So, go to bed at night I slipped out of the lounge without noticing. While wandering aimlessly in the castle, I overheard someone talking, but I couldn't see anyone. Out of curiosity, I followed the sound. Xiang Xiang secretly followed him, and then he was surprised to find that it was someone wearing an invisibility cloak."

"I think these people are very suspicious. Their behavior reminds me of the troll that ran into the castle the night before Halloween. Could it be that someone wants to sneak some dangerous things into this castle? Are you there!? As a member of Hogwarts, I must not turn a blind eye to this kind of behavior, so I decided to destroy these people's plans! But now it seems that I misunderstood? Oops, this is really embarrassing. "


Bell tries to be cute.

Listening to Bell's reason that he didn't even believe in ghosts, Dumbledore laughed "haha". Maybe he just likes this kind of careless thing? After all, none of the plans he designed were half-hearted.

"I'm very happy that you care about the school so much. When I was in school at Hogwarts, I always wanted to be a hero. For this reason, I secretly walked alone at night many times, trying to discover some People with evil intentions..."


Seeing that Dumbledore was in a lively conversation and could talk about tomorrow morning in one breath, Bell didn't want to spend the whole night in such a shabby room reminiscing about his youth with a bad old man.

Bell coughed slightly.

"Professor, maybe Harry needs to go to the school hospital for a checkup now? Oh, by the way, I saw Ron and Neville fainted before. It would be best to let Madam Pomfrey take a look at them?"

"Oh, yes! Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Menethil. As he gets older, he tends to be careless. It's getting late, and it's time for you to go back and rest. Just like your father said just now , you are at this age when your body is growing, and you need to maintain adequate sleep time. So, before you go back, can you return the magic stone to me? "

"Professor Dumbledore, although I know it's unlikely, I still want to ask, can you give me this Philosopher's Stone?"

"It's a pity, Mr. Menethil. This magic stone does not belong to me. I am only helping Nico to keep it temporarily. I have no right to give it to anyone."

Bell spread his hands indifferently and threw the Sorcerer's Stone to Dumbledore. Originally, he had no expectations of getting the Philosopher's Stone from Dumbledore. After all, he is not Old Deng's pet peeve, Little Harry, so he won't feel disappointed or anything.

After that, Dumbledore did not give Bell any more trouble. After watching Bell walk towards the Ravenclaw dormitory, he took Harry, Ron and Neville to the campus hospital.

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