The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 780 A long-lost date (1)

After breakfast, Bell and Hermione left Granger's house as if they were running away. Breathing the cool morning air, it took a while before the heat on their faces finally dissipated.

All along, Bell thought he was thick-skinned enough. However, today he discovered that his previous self was still too inflated.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard...

"Bell, where should we go next? Go to your library to read?"

Hermione turned to look at Bell, and successfully received a blank stare from him.

"What library should we go to, what books should we read! Let's go shopping today!"

My girlfriend is good at everything, but her academic aura leaks out from time to time, which makes people feel a little suffocated.

Please! It’s summer vacation now! Moreover, it is still the last summer vacation of my student career. How can I waste my time in the library?

When it comes to summer vacation, it must be a date!

(Bell is always busier during holidays than during school, super~ shameless thought.)


Hermione tilted her head and stared at Bell for a while, then raised her hand and reached for Bell's forehead.

"No fever..."

With that said, Hermione touched her wand again. She planned to use her not-so-excellent medical knowledge to conduct a full-body examination on Bell.

You know, every time she went to Hogsmeade Village in the past, Bell would often look reluctant, and she would force him to play with her.

As a result, Bell actually offered to go shopping today?

Hermione seriously suspected that Bell had been brain-damaged by the elemental lord before.

"Of course I don't have a fever. Also, my injuries have healed."

Bell reached out and grabbed Hermione's hands, stopping her from taking out her wand at the slightest disagreement.

"Okay, don't waste time, let's set off quickly!"

Holding Hermione's hand, Bell turned around and strode forward. However, after taking a few steps, he stopped again.

"Hmm...where should we take the bus?"

As a wizard, Bell said that the last time he took a bus was a lifetime ago.

The real ‘last life’.

Having said that, taking the bus should cost money, right? If he threw a few coins into the coin box, the driver wouldn't let him get on the bus, right?

And he didn't seem to have a single pound on him...

‘Sanna~! Where are you~! Your brother has no money for a date again~! ’

A good-for-nothing brother who was paralyzed by his sister's absence looked around anxiously, hoping that his sister would suddenly appear to save him.

Of course, it is impossible for Shanna to suddenly appear here. If nothing else happens, the little girl should be 'torturing' the group of magical animals at home with Little Bell.

Moreover, even if Shanna was here, it would be of no use. Although the little girl is a truly rich little girl, with countless gold galleons stuffed in her little satchel, there is not even a piece of "waste paper" like pounds that no one (the wizard) wants.

Bell stretched out his hand tremblingly, like a hungry traveler lost in the desert, and picked off a leaf from the tree beside the road.

Then, under Hermione's puzzled gaze, the green leaves twisted and deformed, and a brand new pound note appeared in Bell's hand.

"What are you doing!?"

Hermione was shocked when she saw the 'pound' in her boyfriend's hand.

Even if the Menethil family has a strong relationship with the Ministry of Magic, if what he is doing now is exposed, he will be detained for a few days, right?

Hermione has specialized in the laws of the magical world.

In order to one day help my boyfriend commute his sentence...

"Relax, don't worry, I'm using the permanent transformation technique and it won't change back."

As the saying goes, there are only zero and countless times for everything. After transforming into a banknote, Bell's hand stretched out to the leaves again and became much more stable.

While there was no one around, he had to change a few and keep them for later use.

"Don't use magic spells in places like this!"

It is also a powerful permanent transformation technique.

You know, compared to ordinary transformations that have a limited time limit, permanent transformations not only consume more magic power.

In order to successfully cast the permanent transformation spell, the internal structure of the transformed object must be completely analyzed. If there is even the slightest mistake, a large amount of magic power will be wasted, and the object will return to its original shape after a period of time.

Hermione wasn't surprised that Bell was able to cast permanent transformation. But the problem is that paper money does not mean that it can be transformed into an identical one, then it is really currency.

Even if Bell is highly skilled, he can even copy watermarks and the like, but what about the numbers? There is no way to fake this.

Therefore, no matter how realistic it becomes, it is still a fake coin!

Grabbing Bell's hand, Hermione snatched the brand new 'pound' from his hand.

"...Why is it 100 pounds! Also, what the hell is this Sanna's avatar?"

This is really something you don’t know until you see it, and you will be shocked when you see it. Fortunately, Bell didn't use this "pound" to buy anything, otherwise the police would jump out and arrest him in the next second.

"Of course it's because the face value of £100 is large."

Bell said unreasonably and angrily.

Anyway, it costs one leaf and the same magic power, so of course he has to choose the maximum face value to change it.

As for why it has Shanna’s avatar on it?

That's of course because he doesn't know what the face printed on the pound looks like!

By the way, the pattern of the banknotes was also DIYed by him based on the memories of his previous life...


Putting this aside for now, if nothing else, just the subtle and slightly tilted portrait of my sister on the banknote is far beyond what a mere 100 pounds can compare with. If you can receive this banknote, the merchant will make a lot of money, right?

What should I do if I suddenly feel reluctant to spend the money...

"You're so big, you big-headed devil!"

Hermione raised it hard, and the flames flashed away, burning the banknotes into black ashes. A breeze blew by, carrying the still-warm ashes to the end of the sky.

(Bell: 'Ah! My Shanna...')

"The highest denomination of the pound is only 50. Are you trying to insult someone's IQ by getting a 100 pound note?"

And the avatar on it is still Shanna’s.

Thinking of this, Hermione couldn't help but cover her face. So this unscrupulous boyfriend of mine really never forgets to promote his sister-controlling nature...

"Go to hell you!"



A graceful arc was drawn in the air, and Bell landed face first, dead...


"Isn't this the same for me..."

Bernono wanted to defend himself.

By the way, it turns out that the maximum denomination of the pound is only 50?

"Okay, don't explain, I have money here."

Reaching out to pull Bell up, Hermione carefully patted the grass blades and dust off her body.

After her 15th birthday, her parents got her a credit card. Over the years, her pocket money has been stored in it and has not been touched much, which can be regarded as a considerable savings.

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