The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 778 Bell: ‘I will come back~! ’

So why did Bell stop Shanna from turning on the lights?

It's certainly not because he's doing anything shady. In fact, it's because Huang Quan can't see the light now, or to be more precise, he can't see him.

The strong wind during the previous flight had already cut Huang Quan's body with blood. Of course, the clothes he was wearing could not be intact.

In fact, Huang Quan's clothes had suffered devastating damage and he was now naked.

At this time, if someone suddenly lights the lamp, Bell has no confidence that he can resist looking at it. He never thinks that he can withstand temptation, so he will stay away from temptation from the source.

Bell has even turned off his own magic perception now, and he even learned of Shanna's arrival through the magic mark on the back of his hand. Of course, there was also the reason why he was too seriously injured and unable to maintain his perception field.

"Brother! How are you?"

Shanna trotted to her brother's side and felt his weak breath. The little girl almost shed tears.

"It's okay, better than expected."

Grinning, Bell tried his best to sound relaxed.

Thanks to Huang Quan's 'sacrifice', Bell's injury did not worsen and was indeed much better than expected. However, correspondingly, Huang Quan's condition at this time was very poor, even worse than him.

After drinking the magic potion fed by Zannah, and with the help of Zannah's transformation, Bell was finally freed from the cold and biting ground, and lay down on the soft and comfortable big bed.

Feeling that the injuries in the body are slowly healing under the dual effects of potions and spells, a numb and itchy feeling comes from the bones and muscles, as if there are countless ants crawling in the body.

Forcing himself to ignore his physical discomfort, Bell began to reflect on his actions this time.

It has to be said that his injury this time was largely due to his arrogance.

As his strength becomes stronger and stronger, Bell dare not say that he is invincible in the world, but he is getting closer and closer to the top of the magic world. With Dumbledore's death, Grindelwald's self-imprisonment, and Voldemort's resurrection hopeless, it is really difficult to find a wizard stronger than him in the entire European wizarding world.

In addition, after so many years of development, the power of the Menethil family has also grown day by day. Whether it is a one-on-one fight or a group fight, Bell is fearless. This also caused Bell to inevitably become a little distracted without even realizing it.

If Bell could spend more time testing the effects of various spells on ordinary [ice elements] before facing the elemental lord, and carefully analyze all aspects of information, there would be no situation where the fire cannot be extinguished. , he and Huang Quan would not be seriously injured as a result.

"Brother, what should we do next?"

Shanna suddenly asked.

Originally, she had an indifferent attitude towards hunting the elemental lord. As a little witch who aspires to become a potion master, Zannah has no need for ice cores. So she really just traveled with her brother.

But now, the little girl's thoughts have changed drastically.

Just kidding, that damn big ice pimple actually dared to seriously injure her brother. If there weren't many people on [Dark Star] now, Shanna really wanted to turn around and go back to reward the other party with a pure fire spell. She might as well kill the whole person. Forget it, every planet has been burned into dust in the universe.

No matter what others think, Shanna will never allow the other party to survive.


Bell gritted his teeth and said.

Compared to Zannah, although Bell couldn't be said to have any hatred towards the elemental lord (after all, strictly speaking, he was the one who took the initiative to stir up trouble), but he also wanted to avenge Huang Quan.

It's just that doing something knowing that it can't be done is not something a wise person would do. Bell is also a wizard after all, not just a reckless berserker. If there is no way to break through the defense, he will not trouble the elemental lord again.


Shanna tilted her little head in confusion.

"Yes! Wait! When the space battleship is completed, let's try our hand at the elemental lord first!"

Magic props are also made with the magic stone as the core, and their functions will be very different depending on the direction of focus. For example, Bell's Ten Thousand Snakes focus more on flexibly responding to various battles. Therefore, if Bell releases ten thousand snakes to fight with the elemental lord, he can remain undefeated, but it is basically impossible to defeat the opponent.

The space battleships under construction are mainly focused on destruction. Although the space battleship has not yet been completed, according to the design plan, the destructive power it can erupt in an instant is hundreds of times that of magic puppets such as Wan Snake. If nothing else, it should not be a problem to break through the defense of the elemental lords. .

After a simple treatment, Bell and Huang Quan took Shanna's [Bena] speedster and flew quickly towards the base.

Due to the serious injuries of the two people, especially Huang Quan's condition, even after simple treatment, the situation was not optimistic and they could not withstand the pressure caused by space movement, so they could only adopt the inefficient method of flying.

Fortunately, Shanna's [Bena] never left her body, which increased the group's return speed several times. It only took about an hour to reach the base smoothly.

Before the flying car stopped, medical staff who had been waiting for a long time came to greet him. Bell only had time to say hello to his own Hermione before he was carried into the treatment room by a group of people yelling.

By the way, this is the first time Bell has entered a professional medical room in his life. The many magical instruments placed inside the medical room opened Bell's eyes. He also wonders if he gave Madam Pomfrey some medical equipment, could it alleviate Madam Pomfrey's resentment towards Huangquan?

Before Bell could carefully analyze this possibility, his vision suddenly went dark, and the medical staff knocked him out with a magic version of anesthesia - the sleeping spell.

"Oh~! I really want to eat ice cream..."

Sitting on the balcony, Bell looked up at the dark sky and let out a sad sigh.

Speaking of which, it was mid-July, which was a good time to eat ice cream. However, he was trapped in [Dark Star], a poor place where supplies were scarce and no one had shit, and he fantasized about the sweet taste of ice cream all day long. , I want to eat but can’t get it.

Oh my God! Please open your eyes...

"Don't move! Open your mouth!"


Bell opened his mouth obediently and waited until Hermione put the preserved egg and lean meat porridge into her mouth before closing it.

Mmm, it smells so good!

In fact, Bell really didn't want Hermione to feed him. It had been three days since the treatment, and his injuries were almost healed. Let alone eating, he could now play an exciting Quidditch game. .

However, Hermione didn't know what kind of stimulation she had been under these past few days, and she took very good care of him. While Bell was confused, he could only enjoy the care of his girlfriend with peace of mind.

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