The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 776 The effect is so good but it’s also troublesome!

After trying various other spells to no avail, Bell had no choice but to use the [Immortal Flame] spell at the bottom of the box.

Facts have proved that Li Huo is worthy of being called the devil's flame, and its property of burning everything perfectly restrains brainless creatures like the elemental lords.

But this thing, the only bad thing is that the effect is too good!

The most ideal situation is that [Eternal Flame] can reduce the elemental lord's defense, allowing Bell and others' spells to break through the defense.

The worst case scenario is that [Eternal Flame] will melt the elemental lord's body. In this way, Bell must be careful not to let the fierce fire burn the elemental lord's ice core. Otherwise, if it explodes, they will definitely not have time to escape.

The current situation is that [Eternal Flame] can not only melt the body of the elemental lord, but its effect is also outstanding. The body of the elemental lord is being burned and shrunk at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye. It can be seen that Bell is two-dimensional. My legs trembled, fearing that I would be dead in the next second.

"Quick! Hurry up and inject the power of the killing stone into my body!"

Bell said anxiously.

Originally, when Zannah was asked to cast [Eternal Flame], Bell had already begun to prepare [All Curses Are Ended].

But who would have imagined that in just the blink of an eye, the scale of the [Eternal Flame] expanded hundreds of times. Coupled with the flames splashed on the nearby ground by the elemental lord, Bell would be able to use up all his remaining magic power. There is no confidence that all flames can be extinguished.

Feeling the urgency in Bell's words, Huang Quan completely activated the killing stone in his body without any hesitation.

A scarlet crack appeared between her eyebrows, and then the skin split to both sides, as if a third eye had opened between her eyebrows.

Huang Quan pressed his forehead against Bell's and controlled the power of the killing stone to continuously flow into Bell's body.

The crystal white light enveloped the bodies of the two of them. Bell mobilized Qiongqi's power and tried his best to purify the evil thoughts contained in the magic power of the killing stone. But even so, his mind was still full of distracting thoughts, one after another. , constantly popping up in my mind.

With his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, Bell gritted his teeth, trying hard to maintain the [All Curses Are Ended] spell in the wand, and injecting all the magic power supported by Huang Quan into it.

Putting his arms around Huang Quan's waist, Bell led him back quickly, away from the ground covered with fierce fire. Then, he squatted down again and thrust the wand into the ground.

The orange-red light started from Bell's wand, spread in the direction of the Elemental Lord, and split to both sides in the middle, eventually forming a circle that surrounded a large area centered on the Elemental Lord.

Magic power burst out from the cracks in the ground, forming a light curtain thousands of meters high in the air. The light curtain shrank inward at an extremely fast speed, and all the flames it touched seemed to be erased by an eraser and dissipated instantly.

Perhaps he realized that the power in the light curtain could help him. When the light curtain formed by [All Curses Are Ended] approached the elemental lord, the elemental lord not only did not attack the light curtain, but also stopped struggling and acted honestly. He stood there, enduring the scorching heat and motionless.

The light curtain deformed and wrapped around the elemental lord, continuing to shrink inward, but this time, the light curtain encountered fierce resistance.

Different from the rootless fires on the ground before, the fierce fire on the elemental lord was supported by the infinite magic power within the elemental lord, and it launched a counterattack against [All Curses Are Ended].

I saw that under no one's control, the fierce fire on the elemental lord spontaneously condensed into ferocious beast heads. Accompanied by a sky-shaking roar, they collided with the light curtain. For a moment, the light curtain was almost broken. the trend of.

"Damn it, increase the magic power transmission!"

Bell ordered to Huang Quan who was very close at hand.


Huang Quan looked at Bell worriedly.

The power of the killing stone is not easy to bear. Even though she has merged with the killing stone, she does not dare to extract the magic power from the killing stone indefinitely. Not to mention Bell, who has absolutely no adaptability to the killing stone.

If the power transmission continues to be increased, Bell may have to consume his precious life force in order to contain the rampage of the power of the Killing Stone.

"I can't control that much anymore!"

Bell looked firmly at Huang Quan.

He must extinguish the fierce fire on the elemental lord, otherwise once the ice core in the opponent's body explodes, the entire [Dark Star] may even fall apart.

Even leaving aside the value of the ice core, such a short period of time is simply not enough to teleport all the wizards on [Dark Star] back to Earth. Once the transmission device is damaged, they can only float in the dark space. When the magic power in their bodies cannot maintain the miniature barrier, they will completely become a cold corpse.

Bell won't allow that to happen! It was under his order that Zannah used [Eternal Flame] to attack the elemental lord. Now that there's a problem, it's his responsibility to solve it!

Although Bell likes to habitually blame others, he just thinks about it in his heart. As an adult, as an adult male, Bell will never shirk his responsibilities.

Perhaps the determination in Bell's eyes was successfully conveyed to Huang Quan. Huang Quan bit his lip, and then increased the output of magic power without saying a word.

The dazzling scarlet light shone from the killing stone between Huang Quan's eyebrows, actually breaking through the shackles of the white light mist. For a moment, the red and white lights flashed alternately around Bell and Huang Quan. Looking from a distance, they looked quite beautiful. A feeling of disgrace.

It's just that Bell, who was at the center of the light, couldn't feel the slightest sense of beauty at this time. Only the harsh wailing sound echoed in his mind, which was the unconscious cry of the many undead fragments in the killing stone.

Qiongqi guards Bell's mind, guarding his last shred of wisdom. The protection composed of soul spells wrapped around Bell's soul, trying its best to reduce the impact of the magic power of the suicide stone.

Fortunately, Bell spent the entire school year last year focusing on the study of soul magic. He already felt like vomiting after hearing the wail of his soul. Otherwise, he might be able to break through his defenses with the power of the killing stone in an instant, and then fall into a frantic state of rage.

With the help of Huang Quan, a large amount of magic power was transmitted through Bell's wand into the light curtain formed by [All Curses Are Ended]. The orange-red light curtain gradually transformed into a scarlet color. While it looked crystal clear, it also gave people an evil feeling.

Suddenly, the light curtain shrank suddenly, instantly extinguishing all the flames on the elemental lord. Not only that, the light curtain attached to the elemental lord's body surface actually made a "chichi" sound, rapidly corroding the elemental lord's body. Its corrosion speed, even compared to Li Huo's burning speed, is not much slower.

This unexpected situation did not bring any joy to Bell, but instead made his expression change drastically.

"Run! Quick!"

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