The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 774: One operation is as fierce as a tiger

“The sun is shining!”

Taking advantage of the interval between the elemental lord's attacks, Bell used the wand to tap on his body, causing himself to emit bright but not dazzling sunlight. Bell's whole body seemed to have transformed into a little sun.

In this way, the elemental lord's 'hate' will be firmly fixed on Bell, preventing other people's magical light from attracting the elemental lord's attention.

‘Bang~! ’

Another big ice cube came flying at high speed, and Bell's protection was defeated again.

"We can't go on like this! Come with me, we'll take the initiative!"

I don't know if the elemental lord's movement speed is really that slow, or if this guy is doing this on purpose. Based on the opponent's current traveling speed, it will take about 10 minutes to enter the effective attack range of everyone.

The elemental lord's attack is not easy to block, and Bell doesn't want to stand there and be hit by the opponent for 10 minutes.

After greeting everyone, Bell took the lead and flew towards the direction of the elemental lord. In order to constantly respond to attacks from the elemental lords, he did not fly too fast.

When the others saw this, they followed without hesitation. Huang Quan, a close combatant, surpassed Bell with a few leaps and started running quickly towards the front.

With his body flickering, Bell avoided several elemental lord attacks one after another, but as the distance between the two parties got closer, it became increasingly difficult to dodge.

"Okay, Zanna, don't go any further. Support us from this distance."

After getting within 10 kilometers of the elemental lord, with the help of the light emanating from Bell, the huge figure in the distance could be vaguely seen.

Seeing this, Bell immediately stopped Shanna and others from following her.

Although there will be a certain delay when supporting at this distance, the safety will be much higher. In contrast, Bell would rather take more risks himself than pass these risks on to his sister and girlfriend.

Hearing this, Shanna and others immediately stopped, leaving only Bell and Huang Quan to continue moving forward. While walking towards each other, the two soon met the elemental lord.

The 'enthusiastic' elemental lord stretched out his hand without saying anything, as if he wanted to shake Bell's hand. However, because the size difference between the two was too large, the elemental lord's palm covered Bell's entire body.

With his body dodging continuously, Bell concentrated on avoiding the attack of the elemental lord. He didn't dare to be attacked by the opponent, otherwise, even if he was lucky enough to survive, he would definitely be seriously injured.

While dodging, Bell also did not forget to fight back. Unfortunately, Bell's spell hit the elemental lord's body, and even a few ice shavings couldn't be scraped off, which was not enough for scraping.

【Avada Kedavra】!

Seeing that ordinary spells had no effect, Bell used the killing curse that everyone in the magic world heard about.

A thick dark green light beam shot out from Bell's wand and hit the elemental lord instantly.

Then, the elemental lord's waving arm suddenly stopped, but in less than a second, he swung it down again at high speed, scaring Bell so much that he hurriedly ran away with his head in his arms.

I wonder if there is no soul in the body of the elemental creature at all, or the soul of the elemental lord is too powerful? At least on the surface, Bell's killing curse did not cause any harm to the elemental lord.

It is said that he should have found an ordinary ice element to test the effect of the killing curse before.

It's all Dumbledore's fault. Thanks to Lao Deng's efforts over the years (and of course the powerful assistance of Voldemort and the Death Eaters), the terror of the Killing Curse has penetrated into the deepest parts of wizards' hearts. These days, even among the dark wizards, there are few who can skillfully use the killing curse.

Because of this, Bell had accidentally forgotten the existence of the Killing Curse before.

After making good excuses for his negligence, Bell set his sights on Huangquan.

At this time, Huang Quan has arrived at the feet of the elemental lord. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the elemental lord's attention was attracted by Bell, Huangquan briefly charged up his strength, and the blade was wrapped in rich scarlet light, and he slashed hard at the elemental lord's head. Ankle position.

‘Qiang~! ’

When the sound of the collision reached Bell's ears, it was already inaudible, but from Huang Quan's performance, Bell could also guess how powerful the sword was.

Huang Quan slashed with his sword, but the elemental lord's ankle was still as smooth as a mirror. On the contrary, it was Huangquan himself who raised his hands high under the reaction force and jumped back, narrowly avoiding the elemental lord's kick.

'Chance! ’

Bell appeared on the ground in a flash, holding his wand upside down and thrusting it into the ground. Huge magic power was injected into the earth through the staff, and spread like lightning to where the elemental lord stood.

The ground quickly deformed amid a rumble, following the force of the elemental lord's kick and using the force to knock it over to the ground.

The strong wind mixed with gravel, smoke and dust came over the pavement, and Bell jumped up in a hurry.

The elemental lord was too heavy. He just fell on his back and the damage caused could be called a 'war trample'. The ground was undulating for several kilometers around, and large amounts of smoke obscured everything below.

"Hey! Huang Quan! Are you okay?"

The opportunity before was fleeting, and Bell didn't bother to remind Huang Quan. He suffered a "war trample" at such a close distance. I wonder if Huang Quan was injured?


Huang Quan directly transmitted his voice to Bell's mind through the connection of the shikigami contract.

Just when the elemental lord fell, she flew into the air one step ahead. Although she was still inevitably attacked by Gangfeng, she successfully avoided the vibrations on the ground, which caused her to be blown away for a distance without being seriously harmed.

Seeing Huang Quan's figure jumping out of the smoke, Bell breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately afterwards, he saw Huang Quan's whole body glowing with red light, and he suddenly plunged back into the smoke.

The dazzling red light turned into a phantom, opening up empty tunnels in the smoke and dust. Huang Quan was seen running at great speed on the elemental lord's body, and the [Lion King] in his hand struck out with sharp blades.

However, it is a pity that although Huang Quan's operation is as fierce as a tiger, if it were replaced by ordinary ice elements, it may not be able to be cut into smooth ice, but when put on the elemental lord, the output is basically zero.

There were only a few shallow knife marks on the elemental lord's body, and they were still healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Looking at this, even if the elemental lord stood there and let Huang Quan chop him at will, he might not be able to kill him even if he hacked him for ten thousand years.

"The underworld is coming!"

The strong traction force acted on Huang Quan's body. Although Huang Quan didn't know why Bell interrupted her attack, out of her trust in Bell, she immediately gave up her resistance and pushed hard in the direction of the traction force, heading towards the top speed. Bell flew away.

The next moment, a giant hand made of ice struck where Huang Quan had just been, stirring up ice shards all over the sky.

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