The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 770 The most dangerous existence on [Dark Star]

With Shanna's current skills in magic, she is not yet able to summon various combinations of magic spells at her fingertips, so she just used transformation to restrain the [Ice Element] to buy herself time to prepare the spell.

With the Shadowless Curse as the shell and the Impact Curse as the core, it condenses, compresses, and rotates. The sharp Shadowless Curse has powerful armor-breaking capabilities when rotating at extremely high speeds, and is supplemented by the powerful impact provided by the Impact Curse. Even if the [Ice Element]'s body is made of solid steel, it cannot resist Shanna's combined spell. .

Under the admiring gaze of everyone, [Ice Elemental]'s body and trunk were smashed into pieces, and its limbs and head flew in different directions. It looked quite scary.


Facing the admiring glances from her companions, Shanna not only did not feel happy, but her whole body suddenly tensed up, showing an expression of 'getting into trouble'.

She was a little annoyed by the powerful defense of [Ice Element] before, and all she could think about was how to break through the opponent's defense. As a result, she accidentally forgot about the ice core.

According to research, the ice core of [Ice Element] is most likely to be located in the torso, followed by the head, and there is a small probability of being hidden in the limbs.

If the ice core of this [ice element] is located in the torso, then under the attack of the magic spell just now, the ice core is likely to be damaged and the function of converting magic power will be completely lost.

Although destroying an ice core was not a big deal, and no one would blame herself for it, as a good and thrifty girl, Shanna still didn't want to do such a wasteful thing. Especially in front of his brother.

Fortunately, it turns out that Shanna's luck has always been very good, and she is worthy of her 'European' ancestry.

I saw the scattered limbs of [Ice Elemental] suddenly flying quickly towards the position of the head. After a period of flow and deformation, it was reassembled into a new life with a completely different form, using the original head as the core.

The new [Ice Element] is much smaller than its previous size. Other than that, there was no stagnation in the movements of his body. After simply adapting to the new form, he bravely rushed towards Shanna again.

[Magic Shock]!

After knocking back the [Ice Elemental] that was trying to get closer, Zannah repeated her old trick, controlling the ground to deform into chains and binding the opponent firmly in place.

Compared with before, [Ice Elemental] has experienced a significant decline in both strength and speed after its size became smaller. The only thing that remains unchanged is the hardness of its body.

Carefully controlling the magic spell to hit the [Ice Elemental]'s limbs, it took more than a minute for Shanna to finally completely disarm the opponent, leaving only a round ice ball on the ground. Lying there motionless.

"Aunt Jennifer, what should I do about this?"

Shanna stared at the ice puck in front of her with a troubled face, as if a mouse was trying to pull a turtle and had nowhere to go.

There is no doubt that the ice core is inside this ice ball, but the question is, how can she get it out?

It's a small powerful spell that won't break defenses.

A powerful spell, Zannah was afraid it would destroy the ice core inside.

This is really sad.

"It's sister!"

Jennifer said looking at Shanna seriously.

Just kidding, she is still more than a year away from turning 30, which is far too early for her to be called an aunt!

While correcting the wrong word in Shanna's address, Jennifer quickly walked to Shanna's side.

"Bring the ice puck back to the base, and then specialized personnel will peel out the ice core."

Jennifer pressed her wand against the ice ball, and ancient magic characters were generated from the tip of her wand and fell on the ice ball.

In a short time, the surface of the ice ball was covered with magic text. The magic words were connected into one, emitting a faint light, and then the ice ball shrank rapidly. The ice ball, which was originally the size of a football, turned into a small bead in the blink of an eye. The cold air it exuded all the time was also blocked by the magic words. .

Bending down to pick up the ice beads and putting them in Shanna's hands, Jennifer continued:

"Okay, you can take it with you. When you return to the base, there will be specialized personnel responsible for grinding off the outer ice bit by bit. Of course, if you are interested, you can also choose to do it yourself. Just be patient. It’s actually not difficult.”

Hearing this, Shanna played with the ice beads in her hand for a while. This thing felt very smooth, cool, and a little comfortable.

Without wasting time, the group continued on their way. Since he still had plenty of time during the vacation, Bell simply regarded this trip to [Dark Star] as a tour. He rejected Jennifer's proposal to "use apparation to quickly transfer to the target location" and instead chose to fly all the way. Go to.

From time to time, a group of people would be attacked by [Ice Elementals]. In addition to ordinary humanoid and beast-shaped [Ice Elementals], they also encountered several elite monsters that were more than ten meters high.

The so-called elite monsters are some [ice elements] that survive for a long time. During their long ice life, by constantly preying on [Ice Slime], they accumulated a large amount of ice-attribute magic power in their bodies, making themselves stronger and stronger, and their size will increase accordingly.

Of course, the efficiency of the ice core in the elite monster's body to convert magic power is far higher than that of ordinary [ice element]. Therefore, elite monsters are also the main hunting targets of the Menethil family.

However, because the elite monsters are so powerful, it often requires a team of 10 elite wizards to defeat them, which takes 7 or 8 hours. Therefore, the number of elite monster ice cores currently obtained by the Menethil family is not large.

Unknowingly, Bell and others traveled on [Dark Star] for three days. In the past three days, not only had each of them fought against the [Ice Elemental], but also when facing elite monsters, several of them had joined forces to deal with the enemy, giving them a rare opportunity to practice their cooperation.

The most dangerous situation we have encountered in the past few days is not an elite humanoid [Ice Elemental] over 20 meters tall, but a group of insect-like [Ice Elementals] not exceeding half a meter tall.

Most of the [Ice Elementals] wander alone because they have to absorb the energy in the environment and convert it into magic power to supply their own activities.

However, there are also very few forms of [Ice Elemental]. Since their own magic power is weak, they do not need to absorb too much energy to survive, so they choose to live in clusters.

However, the danger level of such 'weak' [Ice Elementals] is often far greater than that of 'powerful' elite monsters. Facing the overwhelming attacks from these little guys, Bell and others had no other choice but to run away with their heads in their hands.

After all, [Ice Elemental] has no life limit. If a group survives for many years, its scale is simply terrifying. With powerful defense and terrifying numbers, even the most powerful wizard will be beaten to death.

In other words, shouldn't this be called 'reincarnation and retribution'?

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