The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 766 [Dark Star]

There was definitely time, and Hermione could cancel the trip at any time if she wanted to. There is no doubt that Bell can tolerate such innocuous little caprices from his girlfriend.

But this rare adventure once again activated the Gryffindor soul in Hermione. Quitting or something is really just a thought. Even this thought could not stay in Hermione's mind for more than 10 seconds before it was replaced by another feeling of eagerness to try.

It didn't take long for the remaining two people to arrive on time before 8 o'clock. A group of 15 people, under the guidance of the staff, entered the teleportation cabinet and waited for transmission.

Before entering, Hermione carefully observed the teleportation cabinet this time.

Compared with the previous first-generation teleportation cabinet, the current teleportation cabinet is basically the same in appearance, but its size is much smaller. Each teleportation cabinet can only teleport one wizard, which makes Hermione feel very uneasy because she can no longer teleport with Bell.

Of course, it was impossible for Hermione to say that she was uneasy.

After all, there are many outsiders here. She is not that thick-skinned to act coquettishly with Bell in front of so many outsiders and cannot do such shameful things.

Amidst the uneasiness, Hermione felt her head dizzy and her vision went dark. Then, the door to the teleportation cabinet reopened.

Hermione poked her head out curiously. She thought there was something wrong that caused the transmission to fail. However, what caught his eyes was a completely different scenery from the previous floating island.

"Hermione, what are you doing? Come out quickly."

Bell waved to his girlfriend in a funny way.

At this time, Hermione was like a little animal, peering around to observe things outside the lair. She looked so cute no matter how cute she looked.

"Ah? Is this, is the transmission finished?"

Hermione was astonished.

Although she had already learned from Bell before, the current teleportation technology has been improved a lot, and the teleportation experience is far better than before. But no matter what, the gap is too big!

"Obvious, isn't it?"

Bell pointed behind him. There was a small town there. The lights in the town were brightly lit, and some voices could be heard vaguely in the distance.

Nodding, Hermione curiously observed everything around her and walked to Bell's side.

"Bell, is it night here now?"

Hermione found that except for the lights reflected in the distant town, everything else was pitch black. Not to mention the moon, there is not even a single star in the sky, which is a bit strange.

This is not the earth, and there is no moon as a satellite, which is quite normal. But there isn't even a single star in the sky, which is very abnormal.

Inexplicably, Hermione felt a sense of panic in her heart. Thinking back to what Bell said before, there are many dangers on the [Dark Star], Hermione couldn't help but lean towards Bell's side again.

By the way, this place shouldn't be haunted! ?

"No. To be precise, there is no distinction between day and night on [Dark Star]."

Gently holding Hermione's shoulders, Bell explained.

This planet is located in the cosmic space not far from the previously discovered [Enzos]. Perhaps because [Enzos] has been swallowing meteorites and spitting out stardust all year round, a large area centered on [Enzos] is covered with stardust, so that the light of distant stars cannot shine in.

Therefore, there is no light at all on this planet that is not too far away from [En'zoth]. The name [Dark Star] can be said to be worthy of its name.

While briefly introducing the background of [Dark Star], Bell took the lead and walked outside the teleportation area. There, there are already greeters waiting.

"Long time no see, Jennifer, how are you doing?"

From a distance, Bell took the lead in saying hello.

Standing at the front of the greeting staff was none other than Jennifer, the captain of the Third Special Operations Team who had helped Bell capture Kazuhiro Santsukawa.

Since the acquisition of resources on [Dark Star] requires a high level of combat, William specially sent the powerful Jennifer to [Dark Star] to serve as the general person in charge.

"It's not good at all, Master."

Jennifer stared at Bell with a look of resentment, which made Bell's scalp numb.

No, this is wrong!

When faced with such polite greetings, shouldn't everyone generally respond with something like "Have a great time"?

Moreover, what is that resentful look in his eyes? Why is it that it seems like he has abandoned her in the end?

'I'm not! I don't! Don't come over here——! ’


Feeling the strange look in Hermione's eyes next to her, Zhen·B·Innocent·Er quickly asked:

"Uh, what happened? Is there any trouble here at [Dark Star]?"

"That's not true."

Jennifer shook her head and continued:

"Except for that [Lord], the rest of the [Ice Elements] are not difficult to solve."

"Then why did you..."

"Master! Do you really not think twice about transferring me to your direct guard? It doesn't matter if the salary is lower!"

Jennifer looked at Bell expectantly. With that look, even if she knelt down and hugged Bell's thigh the next second, it wouldn't be awkward at all.

As a wizard who was eager to fight, or rather to cause trouble, Jennifer would feel uncomfortable if she didn't fight for a day.

It was precisely because of this that she was thrown into [Dark Star] by her family owner, a poor place where there was not even a bird.

Originally, a place like this, where there were endless fights every day, should be nothing short of paradise for Jennifer.

But as the saying goes, 'It was once difficult to make a difference', ever since she had an incident with her young master, and faced those stupid [Ice Elementals] who only know the two tricks over and over again, Jennifer could no longer feel satisfied. .

Dreaming back to the past countless times, Jennifer really missed those 'cute' evil spirits and onmyojis and the like.

"Uh... But the problem is, I don't have any direct guards at all."

Bell scratched his head in embarrassment.

He is still a student now. He stays in Hogwarts every day, attends classes and studies honestly, and never causes trouble. Why should he be directly under the guard? The name of this thing makes it very unsafe.

Even after graduation, Bell has no plans to engage in such things. After all, whenever something happens, a message can be sent to Sebas and a large group of people can be recruited. There is no need for him to bother himself with unnecessary things.

"Master! You can have this!"

Jennifer looked at Belle excitedly.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit it. How about we start from now on! I, Jennifer, am willing to be the first member of your direct guard!"

Jennifer patted her chest with a decisive look on her face, and someone who didn't know it thought she was going to sacrifice her life for righteousness.

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