The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 758 Free throws are a moment of pleasure

After calling the game to stop, Snape ignored the players from his academy and instead walked aggressively towards where Bell and others were.

Before the game started, he had paid attention to Shanna's position, so even if Bell and his party were in the expulsion barrier now, he could successfully find a few people based on his previous memories.

The expulsion barrier is not a defensive barrier. Although it makes people ignore and stay away from the barrier, it has no function of blocking entry and exit.

Therefore, without much effort, Snape passed through a layer of water-film-like barrier, and the scene that appeared in front of him almost made him angry.

I saw a group of people talking and laughing in the barrier. Most importantly, they were eating and drinking, talking and playing happily.

He even heard some people saying that Beilang was good at fighting, saying that this is how to treat others in their own way.

This is really unreasonable! He has already remembered the person who just spoke. Let’s see how he puts on the other person’s shoes later!

"Zannah, what happened to that Beiwolf today! His behavior has seriously violated the rules of Quidditch!"

He shouted Zannah's name, but Snape's eyes were fixed on Bell.

He now seriously doubted that this guy Bell had given some instructions to Beilang before the game. Otherwise, why in the first two games, the opponent was not as murderous as today?

"Huh? Is that so?"

Zannah looked at Professor Snape with a dumb look on her face.

Did Coyote break the rules of Quidditch?


By the way, are there any rules for Quidditch?

"of course!"

Snape glared at Zannah with hatred.

He felt that Zannah might have forgotten that she was from Slytherin House. But even if you turn your elbow outward, it's okay to turn to Ravenclaw House, but you can't turn to Gryffindor!

Those are class enemies!

After saying that, Snape looked at Bell again. If the other party doesn't give him an explanation today, don't blame him for being unkind.

"Ahem, don't worry, Professor Snape. I'm going to talk to the little wolf and ask him... to be gentle."

Before Zannah could speak again, Bell took over.

In fact, even if Snape didn't come to him, he planned to tell the little wolf after the game was suspended. After all, in his heart, he definitely prefers his own Slytherin house.

Yes, deep down in his heart, Bell always believed that he was from Slytherin House.

"Even though I'm wearing Ravenclaw school uniform, my heart is still Slytherin~"

Cough cough cough.

Therefore, although he will not use some means to help Slytherin House, basic fairness and justice must still be maintained. Gryffindor already has Harry, the cheating guy, and with an out-of-standard player like Little Wolf, how can the others still play?

And the most important thing was that Bell felt that if the fight continued like this, someone might really lose his life.

After all, it is well known that in the eyes of the young wizards at Hogwarts, the Quidditch game is much more important than their own lives.

After raising his hand to summon Qiongqi and asking him to convey his instructions to the little wolf, Bell looked at Snape with a smile.

"Professor, do you want to sit down and have something to eat together?"

"……Need not."

With his goal accomplished, Snape took one last look at everyone in the barrier, leaving several little girls in silence, and then left without looking back.

Snape was quite aware of his unpopularity. And he wasn't used to sitting with students. Especially the look on Bell's face. God knows what evil plot that damn brat is planning in his heart. It would be better for him to stay away from him.

Soon, the timeout ended and the game started again. Everyone could clearly feel that the intensity of the competition had dropped significantly.

The young wizards watching the game were very dissatisfied with this. Even the new host was shouting that Snape must have used some conspiracy again.

As the saying goes, nothing is too big a deal to watch, and the audience didn't care how badly the Slytherin players were beaten. Rather, the worse the Slytherin players were beaten, the happier they were.

Waves of boos were heard everywhere. Except for the young wizards of Slytherin House, most people in the other three houses were venting their dissatisfaction to their heart's content.

However, the players on both sides of the field did not pay attention to this.

The Slytherin players, whose lives were saved, would certainly not take the initiative to provoke the little wolf. Although free throws are fun for a while, if they keep making free throws, the pressure on their health bar is really great.

Even the Gryffindor players were relieved that the little wolf was no longer focused on beating people.

Although watching the Slytherin players being beaten, it was like drinking a bottle of iced drink in the dog days of summer, feeling refreshed from head to toe. But if you keep drinking iced drinks, your stomach will not be able to bear it no matter how hot the weather is.

The dull collision sound of the big stick and the flesh would make their hair stand on end when they heard it, and it would bring back some tragic memories that they didn't want to recall.

In addition, looking at the rapidly widening score, the Gryffindor players were still under great psychological pressure.

The boos gradually subsided and everyone watched the game with great interest. Although it was not as exciting as before, it was the final of the College Cup after all. Both sides tried their best, and the overall enjoyment of the game was still higher than the previous games. Many people said they were complaining, but in fact, more people just took the opportunity to mess with Snape.

"Brother, I also want to play Quidditch."

Little Bell shook Bell's arm and looked at the little wolf flying rapidly in the air with an envious look.

The little guy is at a playful age. When he sees what others are playing, he always wants to come over and play together. Not to mention, Bell has never allowed Bell to play Quidditch.

"Little Bell is still too young to play Quidditch now. When you grow up a bit, when you are 11 years old and enter Hogwarts, you can play Quidditch to your heart's content."

Bell rubbed the little guy's pale hair and persuaded softly.

There is no way, Bell really doesn't dare to let Little Bell play in competitive sports such as Quidditch, which are relatively prone to injuries. Otherwise, if the little guy's magic power goes wild, the power will not be comparable to that of other children.


Little Bell lowered her head in disappointment.

In fact, this is not the first time she has been rejected, but occasionally when she sees other people playing happily, she can't help but mention it again, hoping that her elder brother can give a different answer. But obviously, her expectations were once again disappointed.

Little Bell did not continue to pester, but calmed down very sensibly. However, it is not difficult to see the desire hidden in her eyes as she looks towards the arena.

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