The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 754 Happy Playing

"Well, don't worry, it's not a real dragon, it's just made of bones to look like a dragon. The soul in its body is also the soul of the fire dragon."

The giant dragon has been extinct for who knows how many years. The last recorded giant dragon still appeared during the period when Merlin was alive. Naturally, Bell was not so powerful as to be able to obtain a real dragon skeleton and use it to create a frost dragon.

In fact, despite the menacing appearance of the giant skeletal dragon in the sky, it is actually just a lookalike.

The existing fire dragon is a bipedal flying dragon, with its forelimbs evolving into wings.

The dragon has four limbs and wings on its back.

Therefore, when Bell first made this giant skeleton dragon, this guy couldn't even fly. After a period of adjustment, it can barely fly now, but its attack methods are only hitting and biting people, and its four claws are basically just decorations.

'Get back! ’

Staring up at the giant skeletal dragon in the sky, Bell conveyed his will directly into the opponent's soul through vibrating magic power.

After feeling this familiar wave of magic power, the giant skeletal dragon hurriedly braked and flew back to the mountain while crawling on the ground.

Unlike ordinary skeleton soldiers, Bell spent a lot of thought on this giant skeletal dragon. When I was adjusting the soul of the fire dragon, I also taught this disobedient guy a lesson.

So for now, this giant skeletal dragon is the only undead creature that Bell can control in the [Box of Curses].

"what have you done?"

Seeing that the majestic skeletal dragon in the sky suddenly turned into a mess, Dulude found that he couldn't understand his grandson even more.

He had just sensed a weak magic wave coming from Bell's body, and then he saw the mighty and domineering dragon, instantly transformed into a mouse seeing a cat.

"Nothing, just saying hello."

Bell said modestly.

"Hey! Stop chatting, you two! Come and help!"

Seeing Bell's leisurely look, Orn couldn't bear it anymore.

He has been on the front line from the beginning of the battle, and it has been more than 10 minutes now.

The continuous casting of spells made Aoun feel waves of stinging pain in his body, which was very uncomfortable. What made Aoun feel the most uncomfortable was that he was surprised to find that his little granddaughter seemed to be stronger than him?

During this period of time, hundreds of skeletons were killed, and about half of them were killed by Shanna.

This made Aoun unbearable.

Although it is a good thing that the granddaughter is promising, the problem is that Shanna is only 16 years old now! Is it stronger than him? This makes him, a grandfather, lose his face!

He originally planned to show off his powerful and handsome side, and then calmly accept the admiration and admiration of his little granddaughter. As a result, now that the strength has changed, is it possible that he should praise his little granddaughter with his head turned upward?

That scene was so beautiful that he wanted to die just thinking about it!

"Speaking of Bell, where did you get so many souls?"

Looking at the overwhelming skeletons in front of him, Aoun felt a toothache.

Even if you don't count the hundreds that were killed before, there are thousands of them standing on the ice now. And under the ice in the distance, there are still skeletons crawling out, with no tendency to stop.

He knew that over the years, in order to expand his power, his family had fought against many people, overtly and covertly.

Since there is a fight, there will naturally be sacrifices. The special operations team suffered many casualties during the execution of their missions.

Of course, the enemies died more.

Therefore, when these skeletons crawled out at first, Aoun didn't pay attention. He believed that his grandson would not use his own soul for research.

But now, there are too many skeletons! Have so many wizards died in Europe in the past few years? Why didn't he know? ?

"These souls are mainly extracted from the killing stones."

Bell explained.

In fact, the souls in the skeleton soldiers who have fought with everyone so far are all the soul fragments in the killing stone. That's why these skeletons are so weak.

And complete wizard souls and magical animal souls are very precious resources, and every Bell is very precious.

After all, these days, all the easy-to-catch dark wizards are thrown away to mine. The rest are just as slippery as Greyback. So it is really not easy to get the complete soul of the wizard.

Currently, in the [Curse Box], apart from the fire dragon soul in the previous skeleton dragon, there are only a complete wizard soul and the soul of a divine rune horse.

He made these two guys into a death knight and buried them at the foot of the mountain not far away. Counting the time, the other party should be awakened by now.

‘Da da da~! ’

As the saying goes, good things don't work but bad things work. Before Bell could finish his thoughts, there was a sound of horse hooves in the distance.

A skeleton cavalry wearing black full-body armor and holding a knight's sword appeared at the back of the sea of ​​skeletons.

The death knight turned a blind eye to the skeleton soldiers blocking his path. He urged the horse forward, and the tall skeleton horse effortlessly knocked away the skeleton soldiers on its path, as if a pair of scissors were cutting cloth.

"Brother! Let me do this!"

This time, before Bell could take action, Zannah jumped into the air first and intercepted the death knight's charge with a magic blast.

Seeing this, Bell put down his wand.

Despite the domineering name of the Death Knight, since Bell has not yet found a way to inspire the power of the soul, this Death Knight is actually a pure melee player. As long as Zannah is flying in the air, the death knight will have no power to fight back and will only be beaten.

"I don't want to know where these souls come from, I just want to know how many damn skeletons there are!?"

After issuing another fire spell and clearing away the approaching skeleton soldiers, Orn began to feel a little powerless.

It has been said that he has not personally fought in battle for many years, let alone such a high-intensity battle as now. This is really his first time.

"Well, the total number is about three thousand. Another thing is that the current record of everyone is... zero kills."

Bell cruelly exposed the fact that everyone's output was zero.


Not only Aoun, but before Bell finished speaking, everyone looked over in surprise.

They had obviously killed hundreds of skeletons, so how could they kill zero?

"These skeletons are actually just some bone powder, which aggregated into human shapes under the attraction of souls. So unless you use soul-type magic spells to annihilate the souls in their skulls, even if the skeletons are broken, it won't take long to We will come together again.”

After spreading his hands, Bell explained casually.

Just kidding, the skeletons here are all important research materials for him, okay? He won't let anyone destroy it at will.

Precisely because he knew that these skeletons would not really be killed, he just sat back and watched everyone's "happy play", otherwise he would have thrown these guys out long ago.

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