The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 75 Breakthrough

Harry took out the Christmas gift Hagrid had given him, a flute made by Hagrid himself, and played hard.

As soon as the flute sounded, Lu Wei fell down in response.

The three of them walked quietly past Lu Wei while keeping the flute sounding.

Opening the trap door on the ground, Harry glanced at the other two people.

‘I dance, you dance. ’

The two nodded, and Harry jumped down.

After Harry signaled a safe landing, Ron and Neville jumped in soon after.

The lower exit is covered with devil's net, a plant that binds. The three of them were all tied tightly by the devil's net and could not break free at all.

The three terrified people struggled hard, but with zero success. In the end, it was Ron, worthy of being from a wizarding family, who thought: ‘I can do magic! ’. Then he took out his wand with difficulty and cast a few spells randomly.

The devil's net is a light-hating plant. The light of the curse disgusted it and reluctantly let go of the three people.

The three people who successfully passed another level walked through the corridor and came to a bright room. At the end of the room was a heavy wooden door. The three of them tried hard for a long time but failed to open it. The three helpless people had no choice but to cast their sights into the air, where densely packed keys with wings were flying.

"The key to the door must be inside, and we need to seize it." Harry analyzed.

Ron and Neville agreed. The three of them searched around the room and successfully collected three broomsticks.

The three of them flew into the air and desperately grabbed the key. However, except for Harry, the other two people's flying skills were not very good.

"Neville, you'd better go down and help us pay attention to the location of the key..."

Under Neville's aggrieved gaze, and with Ron's encouragement throughout the whole process, Harry, after an unknown amount of time, finally relied on his status as the youngest Seeker in the history of Hogwarts. , successfully grasped the key to the door.

After passing another test without any danger, the three of them felt confident gushing out from the bottom of their hearts and continued to move forward like a dragon or a tiger.

Soon, they came to the next room.

There was a huge chessboard in the room, and on the chessboard stood huge chess pieces that were taller than them. The one standing on one side of the three is the white chess piece, and the one on the opposite side is the black chess piece.

Obviously, in order to pass this room, you must win a game of Wizard's Chess.

An evil smile appeared on Ron's lips.

'nobody! than me! Learn more about wizard chess! ’

He directed Harry and Neville to stand on the chessboard and began the most thrilling and exciting wizard chess game in his life.

The process is not very good, but the result is pretty good. In order to win, Ron sacrificed himself and opened the way for Harry and Neville to the next level.

"We must continue to move forward! We cannot let Ron's sacrifice be in vain!" Harry said firmly looking at Neville who was hesitating to move forward.

They came to a door again. When he opened the door, a stench that was familiar to Harry hit the door. Neville was knocked unconscious before he could stand. The two of them covered their noses vigorously and walked into the room.

In the center of the room, lying motionless, was a troll. There was a large bloody lump on the troll's head.

The two were glad that they no longer had to fight the troll, but Harry was not sure that he could defeat the troll again. They hurried across the room, out of reach of the troll's body odor aura.

The two opened the next door nervously. What appeared in front of them was a table with seven bottles of different shapes on it.

As soon as they crossed the threshold, a purple flame blocked their escape route, and a black flame also rose from the doorway at the other end, blocking the way forward.

There was also a piece of parchment on the table. Neville stepped forward, unfolded it, took a look, and immediately handed the parchment to Harry, then looked at him helplessly.

Harry took the parchment and read it strangely.

'Danger is in front of you, safety is behind...'


Harry couldn't stand it anymore. He raised his head and looked at Neville. The two of them stared at each other and fell silent for a moment.

"We have passed 5 levels. This level must be Snape's level, and it is also the penultimate level. Since we have not met Snape along the way, it means that he must be at the last level. We We don’t know how long Professor Dumbledore’s level can stop Snape, so we don’t have time to waste!”

With an indomitable momentum, Harry picked up the bottle closest to him and drank it in one gulp, without giving Neville a chance to stop him.

Smashing it in his mouth, Harry felt that it tasted pretty good. Then he closed his eyes and dove into the flames in front of him.

Seeing Harry leave, Neville was at a loss. He wondered if the potion Harry had just drank was the right one.

If Harry drank the correct potion, it meant that Harry passed through the flames successfully, but it also meant that he could not pass through the flames in front of him. And if Harry drank the wrong potion, that meant... he still didn't know which potion he should drink.

A difficult decision was placed in front of Neville, which completely paralyzed his little brain, which was not very bright.

I don’t know what Neville was thinking, maybe he didn’t think about anything at all? Anyway, Neville picked up a bottle of potion and drank it in one gulp, imitating Harry's example.

Just as he was about to plunge into the flames, Neville suddenly felt dizzy, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Silence filled the room.

After about 10 seconds, a burst of deep laughter broke the silence. The laughter grew louder and louder, until it turned into guffaws.

The air in the corner of the room was distorted, and Bell's figure bent over, holding his belly and laughing wildly appeared.

"Hahaha~! Hahahaha~~!"

Bell had been laughing for almost a minute, but he still couldn't stop. He was covering his stomach with one hand and holding on to the wall with the other, laughing so hard that he was out of breath.

"Hahaha~! I can't do it anymore, how could I...Haha~! I can be so funny..."

After receiving Lim's report, Bell rushed to the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor as quickly as possible.

Although the Ravenclaw lounge is further away than the Gryffindor lounge, Bell's speed is much faster than that of the three Harrys. So, when Harry and the three of them were standing outside Lu Wei's room cheering each other up, Bell also arrived.

Bell, who maintained the 'Illusion Curse' and 'Sound Isolation Curse' throughout the whole process, followed closely behind the three of them and witnessed the process of the three of them breaking through the barrier.

Bell still holds a positive attitude towards the performance of the three people. After all, they are just three 11-year-old wizards, so we can't be too strict with them. Although it's a bit useless, it's still within the normal range?

Bell wasn't sure, but he wasn't familiar with these three people, so he didn't care.

What really made Bell unable to suppress the vomiting spirit in his body was the levels set by these professors.

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