The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 741 Venting Anger

"Yes...yes...let me think about it! I know!"

Fine beads of sweat quickly covered No. 2's forehead.

One of the leaders of this operation is his family, so which family he is from...

"Unfortunately, it seems you are unable to provide the information I want."

Bell had already anticipated this situation.

Previously at Hermione's place, he had used Legilimency on the attacker, trying to figure out the origin of the attacker.

But I wonder if the Menethil family has put too much pressure on these people? In short, the other party's memory has been carefully deleted and modified, and there is not much valuable information at all.

Even for the information in the other party's memory, including names, Bell could not confirm whether it was true or whether it was a trap set by the other party in advance to mislead him.

"Wait! Give me a little more time! Please! Just a little while, I'll remember it right away! Right away!"

No. 2 looked at Bell in horror as he walked slowly in. Under the threat of death, he even ignored the pain in his body and struggled to retreat away from Bell.

But unfortunately, with multiple fractures all over his body and even a broken wand, No. 2 was unable to break free from the shackles of the soil. He could only watch in vain as Bell gradually approached and put his hand on top of his head.

First, he used Legilimency again without giving up. Unsurprisingly, Bell only gained some insignificant information, and it was unclear whether it was true or false.

Then, Bell's palm lit up with a light blue light. Wisps of white mist mixed with some blue light flowed out from No. 2's eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

No. 2’s eyes widened and his mouth widened, but he could only make a low and hoarse whimper.

There is more and more mist, and the flow speed is gradually increasing. Finally, after reaching a certain critical point, a translucent light blue figure was pulled out from No. 2's head.

The light blue figure had exactly the same appearance as No. 2. He opened his mouth wide and let out a wailing sound that was inaudible to the human ear.

Bell frowned. Even though he had heard similar sounds many times during this period, Bell still felt sharp and harsh. Waves of discomfort originating from the depths of his soul made him want to strangle the other person's soul.

Using his arm and pulling outwards, Bell finally completely peeled off the opponent's soul.

This is one of the magic spells he is learning recently - [Soul Draining].

The real [Soul Drain] can extract the target's soul from a long distance. But he has only initially learned this spell, so he can only extract the soul through physical contact. And it must also be ensured that the target has no resistance.

The wand was tapped against No. 2's soul, and the azure magic power gathered together, sealing the mouth of No. 2's soul like a piece of tape. At the same time, several black chains were drilled out of the ground, binding No. 2's soul to prevent the other party from running away suddenly.

After rubbing his temples and blocking the other person's mouth, the wailing sound that made his chest tight and short of breath finally stopped, and Bell could concentrate and carefully observe the other person's soul.

The Forgetting Spell can modify the memory in the brain, but it cannot interfere with the soul. Everyone's memories, and even everything they experience in life, will leave traces on the soul. These traces cannot be detected even by myself. Only masters who study the soul deeply can read it from the soul.

So, of course, after staring at Soul No. 2 for a long time, Bell found nothing...

There is no way, he is just a beginner who is still far away from the master level. Wanting to read the other person's life experience directly from the soul is simply wishful thinking.

What? You asked him why he wanted to extract the other person's soul when he knew he couldn't understand it?


The purpose of his search for these agents was only one from beginning to end - to vent his anger!

He didn't have a habit of torturing his enemies, but these guys were too good at killing them with just one slap, which was completely unsatisfactory to him. So he could only do some tricks to vent his anger.

Otherwise, if he keeps this anger in his heart, Bell is really not sure what he will do in the future.

Taking a deep breath, and with the help of Occlumency, Bell finally suppressed the murderous intention tumbling in his heart. He stomped on the ground lightly, and then he saw the soil rolling, swallowing all the corpses and blood stains on the ground underground.

Then, as if the weeds in the distance had grown legs, they trotted over and took root again. In the blink of an eye, except for the slightly sparse grass, it was completely impossible to tell that there had just been a... not very fierce battle here.

After taking care of the attacker, Bell will naturally not continue to cause trouble here. He quickly returned to the main entrance of Hogwarts, and as soon as he walked in, he bumped into Snape and Hagrid coming towards him.

"Bell? Why are you here? You should stay in the auditorium now and shouldn't be running around. This is too dangerous!"

As soon as they got close, Hagrid's loud voice rang out. Apparently, he didn't realize that Bell had just come back from outside, and he was worried about Bell's safety.

"What did you go to do? What happened outside?"

In contrast, Snape was not worried about Bell's safety at all.

Just kidding, he had asked Isayama Yomi in private before whether he or Bell was stronger. Unexpectedly, but within reason, he got the answer "Bell is stronger".

He couldn't even defeat Professor Isayama, let alone worry about Bell. In contrast, he is still concerned about how to downplay the impact of this incident and keep his position as principal, which is more reliable.

He doesn't have as much prestige as Dumbledore. Lao Deng could face Black's invasion calmly. But he didn't have the ability to face the invasion of a group of dark wizards and take it seriously.

Moreover, this time there were actually three intruders! Even he still doesn't know whether these three people are all? Is there anyone else still lurking in Hogwarts who has not been exposed?

Snape felt a headache when he thought about these things.

"Me? Just taking a walk. Nothing happened outside."

Bell pretended to be stupid and said blankly.

He didn't want others to know that he just ran out and killed seven intruders.

After all, this is a peaceful era, and killing people is still difficult to accept. You see, even Snape, a former Death Eater, hasn't had a fight with anyone for who knows how long.

Plus, his reputation at Hogwarts is already strong enough. If other students knew about his murder, then he might really be famous throughout the British wizarding world.

That doesn't fit his low-key style at all.

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