The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 729: Seizing ‘political power’ by force

While Greyback was about to freeze into a dog, Wallace finally walked into the dormitory where Bell was.

I have to say that the door knocker at the entrance to the Ravenclaw lounge is really impressive. The angle of the question was very tricky. Wallace thought about it for a long time before finally passing the test.

After entering the dormitory, Wallace also faced the same situation as Hermenim.

Belle's bed was empty.

Instead of rigorous verification like Hermenium, Wallace directly targeted others in the dormitory.

Apparently, he and Hermenium thought of going together.

Pretend to be the target's classmate, and then lure the target to an uninhabited corner for a sneak attack.

However, the idea was quite good, but just before Wallace took out the wand and before he had time to cast the spell, a pair of golden eyes suddenly opened and looked at the location of Wallace doubtfully.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the eyes that suddenly lit up in the darkness. Wallace immediately stopped moving. He maintained the illusion spell and stood there without daring to move.

He didn't notice just now that there was a pet cat sleeping on Bell's bed.

Many wizards' pets have some thin blood of magical animals mixed in their bodies, which gives these pets a sensitivity far beyond that of ordinary animals.

If a cat discovered this and the plan failed, he would probably be laughed to death when he returned.

Fina glanced around the dormitory in confusion. In its eyes, the dark bedroom was not much darker than the daytime.

Just now, while it was sleeping, it suddenly sensed a dangerous aura, but now it couldn't find anything unusual.

After licking her paws, Fina lay back on the bed.

I thought it was just a baby, and it had to keep vigil for its owner all the time. How could it have such a miserable life?

You know, midnight and early morning are the best times to score points!

Lanshou, shiitake mushrooms...


‘Brush~! ’

The sharp claws streaked through the air at high speed. The claws glowed with a faint white light and stayed briefly in the sky, just like the airplane cloud left behind after a plane passed by.

Floating in mid-air, Fina glanced at her little paws in confusion. It had just clearly felt that the sense of crisis was coming from this position. How come it couldn't catch anything when it put its claws down?

After stretching out her little paws and scratching nearby a few more times, Fina tilted her head and floated back to the bed.

Seeing Fina lying back on the bed again, still in the same position and posture, drops of cold sweat seeped out from Wallace's forehead and wet his bangs.

What the hell kind of cat is this! ? How could Hogwarts allow someone to keep such a dangerous animal in the school! ?

Just off the mark!

Previously, after discovering that the pet cat lay back down again, Wallace slowly adjusted the direction of the wand, intending to deal with the sensitive kitten first.

As a result, who would have thought that before his spell could be cast, the other party launched a surprise attack on him with lightning speed.

Fortunately, he tilted his head subconsciously, otherwise, the main artery in his neck might have been severed.

By then, the best-case scenario is that the body is exposed, the plan completely fails, and God knows whether he can escape. But if he is unlucky and the worst happens, he will never have troubles again.

Lying on the ground, Wallace didn't dare to take a breath, trying his best to calm his inner turmoil.

How pitiful it was that the closest he came to death in his life was the work of a 'cat'. This is really a series where humans are inferior to cats.

After lying on the ground for a while, feeling that the cat had relaxed its vigilance, Wallace tiptoed towards the door.

With his eyes fixed on the scary little cat on Bell's bed, Wallace opened the bedroom door little by little. In order to ensure that no sound was made, he spent 5 minutes on a simple opening of the door.

Then it was another 5 minutes before closing time.

It wasn't until he returned to the lounge that Wallace finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat. His shirt stuck to his body, making him feel uncomfortable.

Looking back at the boys' dormitory area for the last time, Wallace walked out of the lounge.

Although there was little hope, he still planned to use the last moment before dawn to search the castle.

Anyway, he had nothing to do in the Ravenclaw common room. And it’s easy to expose.

Might as well go out and try your luck. What if he happens to hit the target and steal the fragrance back?

Unconsciously, there was a shimmer in the eastern sky. It turns out that Wallace overestimated his luck.

For an hour or so, apart from being lonely, he didn't even meet a single person.

Just when Wallace was about to find a place where no one was around to hide temporarily, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from the stairs below.

"Hurry, we're going to be late."

Along with the footsteps, there was also the little girl's breathless urging.

Although I don't know what the other party is doing in such a hurry this morning. But looking at the two pretty figures appearing in his field of vision, the corners of Wallace's mouth slowly turned up.

This was truly a loss and a gain. He failed to find Bell, but he accidentally met these two little guys.

‘Boom~! ’

A violent explosion suddenly sounded, and the entire Hogwarts Castle seemed to tremble.

The little wizards who were seizing the last moment to have breakfast in the auditorium were almost frightened by the sudden explosion and sat down on the ground.

With rustling dust, the dust was blown down from the roof, covering the delicious food under the heartbroken gazes of the little wizards.

Seeing that there was no breakfast left, everyone could only focus their energy on discussing and speculating.

In a very short period of time, the level of noise in the auditorium increased by three levels. Some were whining in confusion, some were eager to find out, but most of them were just speculating.

Among the many speculations, the most convincing one is that Professor McGonagall has finally reached the limit of her patience with Snape. No longer able to endure it, the old professor finally threw away his shackles and planned to seize the position of principal by force.

In this regard, many young wizards expressed strong condemnation.

How could Professor McGonagall not call them to do something like this to Snape?

You know, many of them have already fully practiced the '108 moves against Snape' in their dreams, and they are just missing a chance to practice it.

With a 'bang', the door of the auditorium was pushed open forcefully. The young wizards heard the sound and saw Professor McGonagall walking in quickly with a serious expression.

Before everyone could smile with joy and congratulate the old professor for getting rid of Snape so quickly, the old professor said loudly:

"Everyone, please stay at the dining tables of your colleges and don't run around! Prefects, maintain order in your colleges and start roll call immediately! I want to know who is not here and where they have gone!"

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