The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 718 An inexplicable sense of familiarity

"Okay, big brother is here to help you."

After rubbing Little Bell's little head, Bell decisively stood on the little guy's side.

Of course, although he is biased, he cannot be too biased. Otherwise, if Fina makes trouble later, he will be the one who suffers.

Bell placed his right hand on the top of the little bell's head, and a blue light curtain stretched out from his palm, wrapping the little bell inside. When the light curtain closed, it was like a soap bubble, with the little bell wrapped in it floating in the air.

"Awesome! I can fly! I can fly~!"

The little bell cheered excitedly.

Although Sister Shanna had taken her on several flights before, she was always held in her arms at that time. But now, she was alone, floating in mid-air.

"But big brother, I can't move. How can I catch Fina like this?"

After being excited for a while, Little Bell realized the problem. Her limbs kept swinging in the air, as if swimming in water, but she couldn't move at all.

Seeing Fina squatting on a branch not far away and arranging her hair leisurely, Little Bell became a little anxious.

"Don't use your hands and feet, use the magic power in your body to control the flight direction."

Bell taught with a smile. After saying that, he used his magic power and pushed gently on the soap bubble, causing the little bell to float slowly towards Fina.

Little Bell also followed what Bell said, and seriously tried to control the magic power in her body, trying to control the flight direction and speed of the soap bubbles. But this was the first time Xiao Ling Dang had done this kind of thing, so he either used too little force, used too much force, or went astray.

Bell's magic is always attached to the soap bubbles, helping the little bell correct its speed and direction. At this moment, he was like teaching a little kid to ride a bicycle, holding on to the back seat with both hands to prevent the little kid from falling.

Seeing Xiao Lingdang's serious look, her face turned red. Bell seemed to have returned to his childhood, to the time when he and Shanna played games together.

"No, big brother, Fina runs too fast, I can't catch it."

After being easily escaped by Fina again, Xiao Ling Dang pouted her mouth in embarrassment.

Sister Shanna can obviously pinch Fina's balls at will, why doesn't the other party let her pinch them?

Xiao Lingdang felt that Fina must not like her.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it seems quite normal that the other party doesn't like her. After all, most of the people she has met over the years dislike her. Although Fina is not a human, she seems to be smarter than many humans.

Before controlling the soap bubbles to fall back, Bell gently popped the soap bubbles and held Little Bell in his arms. He knew that despite the little guy's usually cheerful appearance, deep down deep down, he still had low self-esteem and was very fragile.

This is also the reason why Bell has not taught any magic spells to Little Bell so far.

Bell had no good way to deal with this. He could only let time slowly heal the little guy's inner trauma.

"Fina is playing with you. She likes to play with you, so she doesn't want to be caught by you."

Bell persuaded softly.

"Really, really? Isn't it because Fina hates me that she doesn't pinch my balls?"

Little Bell looked at Bell expectantly.

"Of course not. Fina likes to play this chasing game the most. Haven't you seen her playing with Little Wolf every day?"

Fina on the tree couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

It doesn't like to play any kind of chasing game, it just likes to play canyon battles. If it hadn't been for its master's strict orders, it would have killed that stupid dog with a breath of fire.

However, at this time, Bell took advantage of the gap when the little bell turned to look at Fina, and also glanced at Fina on the tree.

This made Fina immediately straighten her posture and nod crazily at the little bell with a serious look on her face.

That’s right! It likes to play chasing games the most!

As for the canyon battle?

A stupid game that will ruin your childhood!

So, Little Bell happily went to catch Fina again. It seems that the little guy really likes to pinch Fina’s balls.

Not only Little Bell, but also Little Wolf, Phyllis, Reina, and Luna also joined in this chasing game.

But to be honest, even if 5 were chasing 1, Bell didn't think everyone could catch Fina.

If Fina is serious, among the people present, only he, Shanna, and Huang Quan can catch each other. The rest is free even if you come together.

Since chasing and playing consumed a lot of energy, it didn't take long for several people to start to feel sleepy after lunch.

Looking at the little bell sleeping peacefully in Hermione's arms, Bell regretted letting him play so crazy before.

That's his place!

He didn't get enough sleep in the morning, and it looked like he wouldn't get much sleep in the afternoon either. Bell simply stood up and walked in the woods to eat.

After a while, the sound of horse hooves suddenly reached Bell's ears. He looked around and saw a centaur approaching quickly.

"Little guy, this is not the place you should be."

Firenze looked at Bell condescendingly.

"By the way, have we met somewhere?"

After carefully recalling the little wizards he had met so far, Firenze did not find Bell among them.

There are not many young wizards who would come to the Forbidden Forest privately, and Firenze was very sure that he had not forgotten anyone.

But for some reason, when he looked at the little wizard in front of him, he always felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

"Yes, yes? This is my first time talking to a centaur, ha, haha~"

If the other party hadn't suddenly mentioned it, Bell would have forgotten that he had ever interacted with the centaurs.

But having said that, when the centaurs arrived, he had already disguised himself under Aragog's kind reminder. How could the other party still feel familiar?

The intuition of these Zima people is too keen.

After carefully looking at Bell up and down, Firenze always felt that the other person was hiding something.

But obviously, Firenze was destined to discover nothing.

"Forget it, this is not the place you should come to. You should go back to the castle quickly."

Glancing at the vague figures in the distance, Firenze spoke out again to drive them away.

"Why is this also your patrol location?"

Bell asked curiously.

This is the outermost part of the Forbidden Forest. How come the centaurs' sphere of influence has expanded here?

What Bell didn't know was that since the Acromantula moved, the centaurs quickly designated the entire Forbidden Forest as their own territory. Some of the more radical centaurs even began to oppose Hagrid's entry into the Forbidden Forest.

They were afraid that one day Hagrid would bring in some dangerous creatures and raise them in the Forbidden Forest.

It can be said that in the eyes of most centaurs, Hagrid is a terrorist.

Every time Hagrid enters the Forbidden Forest to patrol, there will be centaurs monitoring Hagrid's every move, fearing that the other party will suddenly pull out some biological killer weapon.

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