The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 713: The most painful beating, the thickest armor

One after another, cries of pain echoed in the sky above the shore of the Black Lake. Huang Quan looked around, but he couldn't find anyone who could cast the Iron Armor Curse.

Is the Iron Armor Curse that difficult?

Well, she doesn’t know, after all, she doesn’t know how to…

Ahem, but seeing that Bell and the other three could usually cast it with just a raise of their hands, she always thought that this kind of spell was not that difficult.

"Bell, how about you teach everyone?"

Moving closer to Bell, Huang Quan whispered.

This means that she doesn't know how to do it, otherwise she would definitely have done it herself.

"When did you become so soft-hearted?"

Bell glanced at Huang Quan.

When the other party taught him swordsmanship before, he was so merciless that he almost knocked him unconscious.

"Moreover, this is a practical training class. As the name suggests, it is for everyone to engage in actual combat. Regarding the study of magic spells, that is the area that Professor Flitwick is responsible for."

Before Huang Quan could continue to speak, Bell added.

This is why he dared to let Huang Quan be his professor even though he knew he couldn't use magic spells. In fact, Iron Armor Curse is a fifth grade course, but it won't be tested in the exam.

"But if this continues, someone will get hurt."

Huang Quan looked at everyone in the field hesitantly.

Not getting hurt is the principle when she teaches. Although she had hit Bell so hard before, that was because she knew that Bell was rough and thick-skinned and could not be hurt.

But now, after only a short period of time, she saw that several students had bruises and swollen faces.

So didn’t I say try not to get slapped in the face?

There was still more than an hour until get out of class ended, and she was really afraid that someone would be beaten up.

"It's just an injury. It's nothing more than going to the infirmary and drinking a potion. That's what Madam Pomfrey and Snape need to worry about. You only need to worry about how to maximize the training effect. "

Bell wasn't worried at all that anyone was going to get busted.

What is the Iron Armor Curse?

It's a defensive spell.

In order to cast a defensive spell, you naturally need to have a strong intention to protect yourself from harm.

Therefore, no one has successfully cast it yet, which can only prove one thing: 'The beating is still not hard enough'.

Therefore, let alone shouting to stop, if it wasn't too troublesome, Bell would have wanted to take action himself and help everyone work harder.

After more than ten years of peace, Hogwarts' education has indeed neglected actual combat. Just look at it now, not only the defensive side's performance is poor, but also the offensive side is actually in a mess.

At such a close distance, these people were unable to accurately control the landing point of the impact spell. Those who were hit in the face still behaved well, and nearly half of the spells were actually hit on the open ground.

Bell motioned to Huang Quan with his eyes.

Huang Quan frowned, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it out with all his strength.


"You're not allowed to miss it on purpose! And you're not allowed to be lazy!"

Huang Quan scolded.

Although she was worried that the current training method would cause someone to get injured, that didn't mean that she would allow someone to deliberately leave their hands behind.

These are two different things.

After the leader was beaten, the others quickly extinguished the small fire in their hearts that should not have been there, and continued to cast the impact spell with concentration.

This time, I really can’t blame them for not caring about human kindness.

The practice lasted for half an hour. Then, Huang Quan asked everyone to rest for 10 minutes, then switched offense and defense and continued training.

Looking at the students gnashing their teeth in front of them, a group of people felt like crying without tears.

Although I expected this moment from the beginning, it was still difficult to accept it when the roles were actually reversed.

Next, there was revenge and complaint, and for a while, the cries of pain on the shore of the Black Lake became even louder.

During dinner, Huangquan's name once again spread throughout Hogwarts.

The previous fight between Bell and Huang Quan caused such a big commotion, and many people in the castle saw it. But because of the distance, most people don't know what happened.

After everyone in the sixth grade vividly described it, the little wizards learned that Professor Isayama, who looked young, was actually as young as he looked... ahem, he actually had extraordinary strength. .

However, Huang Quan's strength is not actually what the students are most concerned about. What really made Huang Quan famous at Hogwarts was the miserable appearance of the sixth graders.

Even after Madam Pomfrey's treatment, there were still many people sitting at the dining table with bruises and swollen faces, and they had to eat carefully for fear of causing injuries on their faces.

There were so many injured that Madam Pomfrey could not treat them alone. In desperation, she could only pick the injured ones and use magic spells to treat them.

As for the remaining ones who only suffered some superficial injuries, only one person received a sip of the magic potion.

As we all know, due to limited funds, most of the potions in the infirmary are configured by Snape.

In order to enhance the effect of the potion, Snape, who was 'responsible', would always add a little bit of ingredients to the potion.

This behavior became even more unscrupulous after Snape was promoted to headmaster.

Therefore, after getting the magic potion, many people would rather endure the pain than drink the magic potion with added ingredients.

This also allows other people to feel very intuitively how miserable these people's previous experiences were.

At this moment, many people regret signing up for practical training courses. Unfortunately, if you want to terminate an elective course, you need the principal's signature. The current headmaster of Hogwarts is Snape.

So just take a shower and go to bed...

"How can these guys say that about Sister Huang Quan!"

Hermione sat at the dining table angrily, not even having the appetite to eat the delicious food in front of her.

Now, most of the people in the auditorium are talking about Huang Quan and the previous practical training class. Among them, there are many students who can't bear the hardship and are secretly fabricating bad things about Huang Quan. Hermione was very angry about this.

Huang Quan is not only a professor, but also a big sister she knows well. Excluding Bell's factor, Hermione still likes him very much. When she heard someone speaking ill of Huang Quan behind her back, Hermione wanted to argue with those people, but Bell pushed her back.

"Okay, don't be angry. It's not worth it to be angry with those guys."

Bell took a plate of beef, cut it into small pieces, and put it on Hermione's dinner plate.

In fact, as wizards, although everyone's innate talents are somewhat different, more of it depends on the hard work of the day after tomorrow. Nowadays, those who complain constantly and say bad things behind their backs will ultimately have to bear the consequences of their actions.

There's really nothing to argue with these people. If you can't win the argument, there is no point in winning the argument.

"Don't eat! I'm so full of anger, what else can I eat?"

Pushing the dinner plate further away, Hermione turned her head, leaving Bell with the back of her head.

What those people said made her angry, and Bell's obstruction also made her angry.

"You have to eat as much as you can, otherwise you'll be hungry at night."

Pulling Hermione's dinner plate, Bell forked a piece of beef and brought it to Hermione's mouth. After much talking, Hermione finally ate the piece of beef.

Seeing that his girlfriend was finally willing to eat, Bell raised the corners of his mouth slightly and put down the fork in his hand. The moment the fork touched the dining table, an undetectable magic power spread along the dining table into the ground.

He never cared what others said about him, but that didn't mean he would sit back and watch others slander his family.

Not to mention, those guys even made his Hermione angry.

Since you are so energetic, you should eat less dinner to avoid being unable to sleep at night.

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