The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 711 Retro fighting style

Hermione still remembered that when he first entered school, Bell was obviously a very low-key person, even so low-key that it made her teeth itch. It is precisely because of this that she never knew how strong Bell was until the two officially started dating.

Although it seems like she doesn’t know now?

But I don’t know since when, Bell gradually stopped keeping a low profile...

It doesn't seem to be accurate to say this, after all, Bell is silent most of the time. Rather than saying that he is no longer low-key, it is better to say that he is no longer so repressed?

To be honest, when they first met, Bell always gave her the feeling of being cautious in doing things, as if she was afraid of something.

Later, Bell gradually let go of that fear. And now, it gives her a feeling of wanton display.

So what happened?

Just when Hermione was confused, she saw a black line spinning around the water dragon. Then, the water dragon collapsed, a large amount of lake water crashed down, and a water wave of more than ten meters high hit the shore.


No longer thinking about the reason for Bell's change in behavior, Hermione shouted to the classmates around her before the water wave arrived:

"Stand where you are! Stand firm! Don't run around!"

If you run around at this time, you may cause a stampede if you are not careful. Although everyone is a wizard, there is no need to worry about anyone being trampled to death. But it is normal for a few wounded people to appear.

After all, this was Sister Huangquan's first class, and Hermione didn't want students to be carried into the infirmary before the class officially started.

Although Huang Quan himself doesn't seem to care that something like that happens...

Crouching down, Hermione held the wand upside down and thrust it into the ground. Magic power is quickly injected into the ground through the wand.

Before anyone else could decide whether to obey Hermione's order, they felt the ground shaking beneath their feet. In the panic, everyone helped each other and barely managed to avoid falling.

Then, they discovered that the ground beneath their feet was rising rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the area where everyone was standing rose nearly ten meters.

The waves of water rushed over and hit the soil hard, causing even more violent vibrations. But in the inner surprise, these small details were ignored by everyone.

To be honest, compared to the grand scene of Bell and Huang Quan fighting in the distance, it was Hermione's series of operations in front of them that were even more difficult for everyone to accept.

This feeling is as if I had only seen those billionaires on the magic screen before, but one day I suddenly discovered that the person living next door to my house was also a billionaire?

This lurking is too deep!

After squatting on the ground and panting for a while, Hermione stood up. She didn't pay attention to the eyes of the people behind her, but looked into the distance worriedly.

So how long do those two guys plan to fight?

While Hermione was worried, Bell was also frowning. He also didn't expect that Huang Quan's so-called "serious" would actually be so serious.

Looking at the looming scarlet light in the other person's eyes and the slightly mad smile on his face, Bell realized at this moment that even with his help to suppress it, the evil thoughts in the killing stone would still inevitably leak out.

Although these sporadic evil thoughts are insignificant, if they accumulate for a long time, they will have an impact on the underworld. Maybe Huang Quan herself didn't realize this before, otherwise, it would be impossible for her not to tell Bell.

Today, by chance, Bell was the first to notice this problem. It seemed that he would have to fight Huang Quan every once in a while to let the other party vent the evil thoughts accumulated in his heart.

The wand pointed to the right, and a rapidly rotating water ball shot out, preventing Huang Quan from approaching. Then, a circular wall of water rose up, surrounding Huang Quan in the center.

The power of the spell formed a shield on the body, and Huang Quan hit the wall of water and rushed out of the siege. She didn't dare to rush out from the gap above because she wasn't sure whether it was a trap or not.

His hair was stuck to his forehead, making Huang Quan look a little embarrassed. Facing the current, her cutting power will be greatly weakened, and it is already very difficult to avoid being injured. She has no intention to take into account image or anything.

Water cannons, water blades, water dragons, and the huge body of water in the black lake provide sufficient materials for Bell's transformation technique, allowing him to sway freely and attack the underworld one after another.

Huang Quan, on the other hand, either dodged or slashed with his sword, and was not hit even once from the beginning to the end. From time to time, Huangquan would rush into Bell's vicinity, forcing Bell to defend or move.

The fierce offensive and defensive battle quickly lasted for nearly ten minutes. Huang Quan's speed suddenly slowed down a bit. Seeing this, Bell quickly reduced his strength.

In less than ten minutes, Huang Quan certainly couldn't be exhausted. But after venting, her mind became clearer and she subconsciously started to stop.

In this way, the two of them gradually weakened their attack intensity, and within 5 minutes, they stopped completely.

"Sorry, Bell, I didn't know it would be like this."

Standing opposite Bell on the lake, Huang Quan said apologetically.

"It's nothing. This is also my negligence. From now on, we will have a discussion at the end of every month."

Slowly walking to Huang Quan's side, Bell tapped him lightly with his wand.

The warm breeze circulated around Huang Quan from head to toe, cleaning away the stains on his body and drying the water stains on his clothes.

That wet look was not suitable for appearing in front of other people.

"Okay, the display effect should have been achieved. Let's go back to class."

After waving, Bell took the lead and walked towards the shore.

This is a practical training class, not a duel performance. Class is the most important thing.

The display effect is not only achieved, it is almost overwhelming!

Seeing Huang Quan walking slowly, both boys and girls suppressed the little thoughts in their hearts that they shouldn't have.

Although the opponent's fighting style is a bit retro, somewhat like Gryffindor, one of the rumored Big Four of Hogwarts.

And from beginning to end, they didn't see what spell the other party had cast.

However, this does not prevent everyone from realizing that the other party is very, very strong!

So as a human being, you still have to be down-to-earth! Don't always think about things you don't need.

As for teaching Snape a lesson?

Just kidding, how could they, who respect teachers so much, go to trouble 'dear' Professor Snape?

Those are all malicious speculations by some people with ulterior motives!

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Huang Quan glanced around the students in front of him doubtfully.

At this time, all the lake water on the shore had been 'thrown' back into the lake by Bell, and Hermione had also turned the previous high platform back to flat ground.

Everything is restored to its original appearance. Only the water stains on everyone's bodies and the tense expressions on their faces proved that the previous competition was not a dream.

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