The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 707 White Face

"Practice exercise? Why did you choose actual combat exercise?"

Hermione's eyes twinkled slightly.

Although she had planned to ask Bell to take this course with her. But what she invited and what Bell took the initiative were two different concepts.

"It's not that guy from Huang Quan who insists on my help."

Bell curled his lips.

His time is very precious, and this school year is also very busy.

But the problem is that this is Huang Quan's first time as a professor, and the most important thing is that she doesn't know any magic spells at all!

Feeling guilty, Huang Quan strongly urged Bell to take the practical training course. That way, if she encounters any problem that she can't solve by herself, she can leave it to Bell to solve.


After staring at Bell for a while, Hermione finally said nothing, but lowered her head to study Bell's class schedule.

Because she went to study abroad last school year, she was unable to take the O.W.T.s exam, so this year, she had to prepare for both the O.W.T.s and N.E.W.T.s exams at the same time.

Just thinking about it made Hermione irritated.

Although Bell tried to persuade her, her own spell-casting ability was the key, and she didn't need to pay too much attention to the two exams.

But as a god of study, with two exams right in front of her, how could she resist the temptation?

And since she has to take the exam, she naturally needs to get an 'O', so her courses this year will be very intense. Not only can the sixth-grade courses not be left behind, but if she has time, she also plans to audit the fifth-grade courses to prevent any knowledge points from being missed.

"I won't go! I won't go even to the death!"

After Hermione asked Bell to go with her to 'make up lessons', Bell's head was shaking like a rattle.

"Hermione, you have a disease and it needs to be cured! My life also has a limit, but I know it has no limit. If I have a limit, it will follow the limitless, and I will die!"

"……What's the meaning?"

These ancient Chinese words made Hermione dizzy even more than the ancient magic texts.

"...It means that you are not allowed to audit fifth-grade classes!"

As the grades go up, the curriculum tasks at Hogwarts become more and more arduous. Normally, the sixth grade courses alone would be enough to tire out many students.

As a result, Hermione actually plans to take fifth grade courses at the same time?

You can't just ruin yourself when you're young!

"Little Lingdang, big brother has given you a difficult task!"

"Okay! What's the mission?"

Little Bell's eyes bloomed with a frightening light. She has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

"Spy on your big sister Hermione and strictly prohibit her from attending fifth grade classes!"


...But big brother, what are the fifth grade courses? "

"Uh... did you see that big sister over there? If the big sister and I are not here, it means that the class is for fifth grade."

Pointing to one of Hermione's roommates, Bell explained.

"Little Bell, what should we do to our disobedient bad sister?"

"Don't give her anything to eat!"

In Xiao Ling Dang's simple philosophy, not giving him anything to eat is the most severe punishment.

I think back then, she...

"Ahem! That kind of punishment is too harsh, just a lighter one."

Hungry Hermione, let's not say whether she can do it or not, even if she can, Bell won't be able to part with it!

"A lighter one?"

Tapping her lips with her fingers, Little Bell started thinking with all her strength.

"Just spank her."

After rubbing Little Bell's head, Bell gave a good idea.

"OK, all right!"

Nodding vigorously, the little bell looked at Hermione's butt with 'malicious intent'.

At this height, she should be able to get it without jumping up.

"not good at all!"

Hermione looked at the adults and children beside her frantically.

The thought of being chased and spanked by a little guy like Little Bell Dang made her want to bite Bell to death.

It's better not to give her food!

Speaking of which, Bell, can't he give his children something positive?

However, just like Little Wolf, Hermione's right to speak in Little Bell's case is obviously not as good as Bell's. Therefore, no matter how crazy Hermione was, she could not shake the determination in the little guy's eyes.

In the evening, Bell was walking alone in the corridor again.

Looking at the junior wizards laughing and playing around him, Bell suddenly felt like he was in a trance.

Before he knew it, he was already in the 6th grade. In two more years, he will graduate and leave this school completely.

I still remember that he was so unwilling to come here to go to school. But now, as graduation was getting closer, he suddenly felt a sense of reluctance.

Man, what a strange creature.

So should he find a way to repeat the grade for two years and then graduate with his sister?

I always feel that if that happens, Hermione will definitely strangle him to death...

‘Dong dong~! ’

Unknowingly, Bell had reached the third floor of the castle. Looking at the familiar wooden door in front of me, I wonder how Professor Lu Ping is doing now? Putting aside the fact that he favors Gryffindor and favors Harry, the other party can be regarded as a good professor.

At least much better than Quirrell and Lockhart.

"Please come in!"

The answer came from inside the door. Bell opened the door and slowly walked into the office.

"Master! Please sit down!"

Seeing that the person coming was Bell, Cremy Sain quickly stood up and said respectfully.

"Don't be so formal. Here, you are a professor and I am a student. I should salute you. You must not do this outside!"

Bell hurriedly stopped the other party from bowing.

If other students see Cremy's current appearance, I don't know what kind of rumors will spread. Although he has no worries about his debts, Cremi's image as a professor still needs to be taken into consideration.

Sitting on the chair, Bell first observed the other person's complexion before asking:

"How is it? How does it feel to be a professor for a year?"

"It's good. It's far away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and the children are very cute. Looking at them every day, I feel as if I am much younger."

Cremy said with a smile.

In fact, at the beginning, he was reluctant to have his family send him to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. Not to mention the rumor of a curse that spread throughout the British wizarding world, just saying that he was a single mother and had no experience in dealing with children.

However, after a year of getting along with them, he likes getting along with children more and more.

Children with simple minds don't have as many intrigues as adults. Even if they are occasionally naughty, most of them don't have any bad intentions.

Of course, if you encounter someone who refuses to change despite repeated admonitions, you have to be severely punished.

However, thanks to Filch's existence, the professors were able to maintain their gentle and charitable image.

When I think about it, I suddenly feel that I am so dirty waiting for others, right?

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