The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 685 Special Guest

"Hey! What's so strange about this? Have you forgotten who our sister Ma is?"

At this time, Lu Feitian on the side also joined the conversation.

"Who? Woman?"

Bell looked at Lu Feitian strangely. Is it possible that Ma Jingjing has some strange life experience?

Why is your life experience related to speed racing? That's really strange...

"It's a sword cultivator! A sword cultivator!"

"What does sword cultivation have to do with liking speed cars?"

"You don't know? Okay.

Let me tell you, there are few swordsmen in this bunch who don’t like flying swords.

But you also know that the safety of Feijian is really not very good. In addition, flying at high speed consumes a lot of spiritual energy, and usually it doesn't last long before it collapses.

Therefore, after the emergence of speed racing competitions, basically all swordsmen became ardent speed racing fans. To this end, the alliance has also issued regulations specifically prohibiting private racing.

Although it’s of no use whatsoever…”

Lu Feitian explained the causes and consequences in detail.

Hearing this, Bell nodded clearly.

He really didn't expect that his own flying car would have a 'physical constitution' that attracted sword cultivators. No wonder the speeding car in the cultivation world sold so well. You know, the sword cultivators these days are all wealthy!

By the way, in the third-generation speed car, the Menethil family installed a magic memory. The wizard can store unused magic power in the speed car during normal times. In this way, when you want to race, you can do it all at once.

Even the most ordinary flying car can maintain the flying car at full speed for 2 hours after the energy storage inside it is filled with magic power.

And for racing cars, the capacity of the internal energy storage is several times that of ordinary speed cars. Under the speed limit of the competition, the speeding car can even be kept flying for a month.

(The faster the speed, the magic power consumed increases exponentially.)

"Ah——! Jia Liang~! Come on Jia Liang~! Jia Liang you are the strongest~!"

Suddenly, another scream exploded in Bell's ears, making his whole head buzz.

So didn’t you just say that relaxation is the strongest? Why did the formation change so quickly?

Shaking his head, Bell stood up helplessly and walked away from Ma Jingjing. He is not the two pitiful guys Zhang and Lu, so he is not afraid that Ma Jingjing will settle the score with him later.

"Bell, here, come here quickly!"

At this time, Wang Shouqiang suddenly greeted Bell.

From the evil look on the other side's face, Bell could tell that this guy must be thinking about something bad again.

"Bell, your family is the organizer of the speeding car race, so you must know a lot of inside information. Come on, tell me, who will win this race? When I win the money from the bet, let's play 37, no, 28 , you two and me eight, how about it?"

When Bell approached, Wang Shouqiang immediately grabbed Bell and whispered his plan.

In fact, he had this idea not long after he met Bell. As long as Bell provided him with inside information, wouldn't he be possessed by the gambling saint and win hundreds of bets?

By then, he can make money while lying down and no longer need to think about finding a job!

Unfortunately, gambling in groups is strictly prohibited in the cultivation world, and the league's punishment for this matter is much stricter than the ban on private racing and racing.

Therefore, while the ideal was beautiful, the reality was very disastrous. He had to temporarily put aside his plans to make a fortune and chose to be patient.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off. Today, Wang Shouqiang finally made it through!

Car gambling is actually legal here in the UK!

‘Ah~hahaha~! ’

It’s no wonder that he brought all the savings he had accumulated over the years! Sure enough, opportunities always come to those who are prepared!

"There's no inside information. Besides, you're only the second best!"

Bell rolled his eyes at the other party angrily.

Just kidding, his competition has always been fair and just, okay? For those capitalist forces who practice favoritism and seek to profit from the competition, his family will directly kill them without leaving any room!

"Now, I would like to invite the 101st contestant of this competition and the special guest of this competition, contestant Zannah Menethil!"

The host's passionate voice echoed in the box.

...Ahem, this is short, this is not malpractice for personal gain!


Ma Jingjing instantly appeared in front of Bell at a speed that exceeded the limit. She grabbed Bell's neck with both hands and shook her hard.

"What's going on? What's going on!

Didn’t it say that there are only 100 players in this world finals? Why did the 101st one appear?

Also, why Zannah? Why did she just go to the competition?

This won't work! I also need to go! I want to participate in the competition too——! "

Ma Jingjing, who was filled with ugly envy, jealousy and hatred, was so excited that her face was red and her eyes were bloodshot, as if she was going berserk.

"Ahem! Calm down! Sister Ma, you have to calm down! The game is about to start now, it's already too late!"

Bell said with difficulty.

This is really careless!

He should have expected this to happen when he discovered that the other party was an avid speed racing fan.

If I had known earlier, I would have run away.

While there was chaos in the box and everyone was busy comforting Ma Jingjing, many spectators outside and the players participating in the game also looked at the [Bena·Change] in surprise as they slowly drove onto the track. 】.

They all just knew that there was a 101st player in this game. Many people, especially the players, frowned in dissatisfaction.

You know, it has been four or five years since the advent of speed racing. This year is the first time that a large-scale world final is held, and many racing fans are looking forward to it. As a result, before the game officially started, the Menethil family started to make trouble?

The other players all went through numerous selections and stood out from many competitors before finally being able to participate in this competition. What qualifications does that little girl from the Menethil family have to compete with these people?

"Oh? This is really incredible!"

Before everyone could vent their dissatisfaction, the host's voice rang out again.

“Here are two pieces of good news for all the players.

First of all, because the little princess of the Menethil family is a special guest, her results will not affect the rankings of other players.

Secondly, all contestants ranked in front of the little princess will receive gifts from the Menethil family. For each person ahead, you will get 100 gold galleons.

oh! Oh my God! what does that mean?

This means that if the little princess falls in last place, the first place player will receive an additional gift of 10,000 gold galleons!

You know, the prize for the champion is only 5,000 gold galleons!

Merlin's beard! As expected of the Menethil family, they are extremely wealthy!

However, I would like to friendly remind all contestants that our competition is broadcast in real time to the whole world, and the little princess is not yet 15 years old. If you, a group of adults, ganged up to bully a little girl, it would be a real disgrace to the whole world. "

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