The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 665 Shanna’s Trap Lesson (Part 1)

Sitting slumped in the chair, Bell raised his right hand, and a Q-version of Qiongqi emerged from his palm.

Throwing Qiongqi down, Bell closed his eyes.

Although Qiongqi couldn't leave Bell's body to fight for a long time because he had to guard his mind, there was still no problem if it was just a short break.

Xiaoqiongqi, who was made up of magic power, skillfully bypassed the traps and came to a hidden place in the castle.

"Hermione, what are you busy with? It's been so long?"

Bell's voice came from Qiongqi's mouth, startling Hermione who was looking down and wondering what to think.

To be honest, Bell was really worried after not seeing him for a long time. If there hadn't been an abnormal explosion before, he would have thought that Hermione was accidentally killed by his sister's trap.

"I'm thinking of ways to retreat from the enemy."

Hermione said.

It can be said that no one understands the unreliable temperament of the Bell brothers and sisters better than her. So she had to think carefully about how she could recover her losses if the 'worst' scenario happened.

With that said, Hermione held Qiongqi in both hands.

She knew that this was also Bell's shikigami, but this was the first time she communicated with Bell through Qiongqi.

Seeing the little Qiongqi's mouth in her hand opening and closing, and Bell's voice coming out of it, inexplicably, she always felt... so cute!

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

To be honest, Bell didn't have the slightest expectation that his girlfriend could come up with any good strategies to defeat the enemy.

But it would be a good thing to help Hermione distract herself by thinking about things. It's better than the restless state before, isn't it?

"I just want to tell you that the other contestants have already entered the castle. You and the two seniors should stay at the general station. Don't run around and take care to protect yourself."

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely protect our points this time!"

Hermione had a determined look on her face, as if she was in the tower.

It's not like she suddenly swelled up. You know, as the location of the most important commander's platform, this place has the highest defense strength and number of traps in the castle.

With the help of these arrangements, she was even confident that she could compete with the four players in the first game 'Lost Night' (the night when the points were taken away, Hermione specially signed her name to remember it) on her own. enemy.

Although there are far more than four enemies this time, Bell is still there!

If Bell dares to sit back and watch her being 'bullied' this time, don't blame her for falling out!

Yes, after the first game, she heard the details of the battle between Bell and Wang Shouqiang from her classmates. The smart Hermione immediately realized that, like Sanna that night, Bell was deliberately restrained. 'living.

‘So how close are you to brother and sister? ’

But even if she vaguely guessed Bell's thoughts, the fierce Hermione still planned to compete for the first place.

She didn't care what the monks thought! Could it be that because of dissatisfaction with the second place, she would give up the first place?

That doesn’t make sense!

If your skills are not as good as others, then you deserve to be second! The worst she can do is never come here again!

"Uh... take care of yourself, that's all."

After saying that, Qiongqi turned into a wisp of white smoke and dissipated in Hermione's hand.

It didn't take long for the contestants from the four academies to divide into groups of two. It happened that one team was divided into two groups and started exploring the castle.

there's no way! The enemy is elusive, so they can only follow the script according to the opponent's requirements!

As for quitting?

That's impossible!

At least we have to wait for the people from other academies to retreat first, and then they will follow!

Otherwise, they will be scared off after just one face-to-face meeting, which is not even a formal confrontation. How can they go out to meet people in the future?

You know, this is a live broadcast!


Suddenly, a giant monster rushed out from the corner and roared angrily at the two little ones in front of it.

"What the hell is this? Why does it look so weird?"

One person asked his companion.

He had never seen a giant monster, a magical animal that was only found in Europe, so naturally he had no idea about the giant monster's strength.

But it doesn't matter. After all, he knows that among the contestants of this Fourth House Competition, there is no "Beast Tamer", let alone a fool who would choose such an ugly monster as a spiritual beast. .

Therefore, there is only one truth, this monster is fake!

In fact, from the aura emanating from the monster, he could tell that it was just a phantom used to scare people.

"I don't know. But don't take it lightly, maybe there is something fishy in it!"

The other person observed the surroundings warily. The strength shown by Bell before left a deep impression on him. He did not believe that the trap set by the other party was just to scare people.

"Ha! Then let me see what's so fishy!"

Not paying attention to the vigilance of his companions, the man casually waved his staff and shot a [Whip Mountain Curse] at the giant monster.

Unlike his companions, although he also admitted that Bell was very strong, at least a little stronger than him, that was all.

The opponent's previously elusive movement must have been difficult to use. Otherwise, why would the opponent only appear once and then disappear again?

Therefore, as long as they remain vigilant at all times, the other party will probably be unable to do anything to them.

Not to mention, even if the opponent is strong, it does not mean that the opponent is good at setting up spell traps. This is an unpopular field.

‘Boo~! ’

Under the attack of [Whip Mountain Curse], the giant monster collapsed at the first touch, proving with its strength that it was really just a phantom.

"No! It's poison gas!"

When he heard the sound like a bubble being popped, the person realized something was wrong.

When the phantom dissipates, it makes no sound.

Then, as expected, there was something fishy hidden in the phantom. A stream of yellow-green gas was seen floating out from the dissipated phantom, rushing toward the two of them.

"Look at me! Antidote charm!"

The man who used the [Whip Mountain Curse] to defeat the giant monster's phantom quickly took out a blank talisman from his arms and quickly drew a mysterious rune on it with his spiritual power.

This person is actually a talisman cultivator.

Fu Xiu threw the detoxification talisman towards the poisonous gas, and the pale golden light shone, instantly covering all the poisonous gas... However, it was of no use.

"Ugh~! This, what does this smell like! What's wrong with you! Can you do it?"

As soon as he smelled the 'poisonous gas', Fu Xiu's companion immediately retched.

This smell of stinky tofu that seems to have been pickled for hundreds of years is really over the top!

"Ugh~! This isn't poisonous gas at all! It's just a simple stench!"

Fu Xiu also said while retching.

He dared to swear to God that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his antidote charm.

And since the detoxification talisman did not dispel this mist, which looked very problematic at first glance, it means that apart from being smelly, this mist is really not poisonous!

"What is love? Ugh~! Hurry up and leave! It stinks to me!"

After saying that, the man turned around and ran back. He didn't want to smell this smell anymore for a second!

‘Boom~! ’

"Ah, it hurts! Since when did there be an extra wall here?"

He was not mistaken about the direction. This was the direction they had just come from.

"Oops! It's just a wall! Get out of the way and watch me break it!"

With that said, Fu Xiu shot out another spell.

Anyway, there are no spiritual fluctuations in this wall. It's just an ordinary wall. What's there to worry about? Just break it and it's over.

It also collapsed in one strike. This wall proved with its strength that it was really just an ordinary wall. So what happens next has nothing to do with it...

‘Boom~! ’


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