The emperor paid off his hard work. After Hermione was so worried that she couldn't sleep well all night, Bell and his party finally found the island the next morning.

As the venue for the first game of the Four Academy Competition, this island is actually quite big. It's just that under the influence of the formation, everyone can only discover the island when they get close to a certain distance.

After passing through a film-like barrier, Bell turned around and pressed it. He only felt that the place he touched was extremely hard, not at all as soft as when he touched it outside.

It seems like what the gentlemen said before, they have no intention of leaving the sea area centered on the island until the game is over.

At this moment, Bell couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

‘Fortunately, my sister had the foresight to store so much seafood in advance. Now, you can eat it with the golden beak chicken. ’

"Okay, now that we have arrived at the island, let's move towards our goal!

Let’s go eat chicken~! "

Bell cheered loudly.


This is Shanna.

‘Plop~! '*N

This is Hermione, Roy, Bugit, and some students who got up early on the beach to watch the game.

Looking at the energetic backs of the Bell brothers and sisters speechlessly, Hermione always felt that the goals of these two guys were a little skewed.

Although they do have to eat the chicken in order to take out the points card. But, but that’s poisonous!

At any rate, please respect the poison of the golden-beaked chicken, okay?

Doesn't Bell know that the meat of golden-beaked chicken is poisonous?

Of course he knows! He's not stupid!

But as we all know, the more poisonous the creature, the more delicious its meat is.

For example, puffer fish, Acromantula, and snakes...

Well, he really didn’t know how this last one tasted.

In view of the fact that the basilisk's life experience was too 'prominent', Bell still did not dare to speak after much hesitation.

He was afraid that after eating, he would acquire the legendary skill of 'laying eggs'. That wouldn't be fun.

Therefore, he gave the basilisk to his father to make wine...


According to his father, the medicinal wine brewed by the basilisk was very popular among wizards, and everyone rushed to drink it.

After all, this is made with a thousand-year-old basilisk! The whole world might not be able to find a second thousand-year-old basilisk. If you don't try it, how can you have the nerve to say that you are pure blood?

I have to say that there are really many "ruthless people" among wizards.

Closer to home, although Bell has never eaten golden beak chicken, he has never even heard of this magical animal before. But based on past experience, he believed that the golden-beaked chicken would not violate the above-mentioned rules of nature.

So he was looking forward to the taste of Golden Beak Chicken.

As for the issue of respect?

Just kidding, finding out the correct way to consume poison is the greatest respect for each other, okay?

If you don’t believe me, ask the puffer fish next door...

After landing on the island, looking at the dense woods in front of them, Bell and others decided to find a place to settle down first.

The main thing is that the pile of sea dragon meat needs to be relocated.

Unlike before when it was used as a 'boat' at sea, it was difficult to carry such a big lump of meat on land.

And it’s too conspicuous.

After some on-the-spot investigation, Bell finally settled on the top of a nearby hill, despite Hermione's objections.

"Bell, this place is too conspicuous! Especially with this pile of meat. We will be attacked by others!"

Looking at the Bell brothers and sisters who were using transfiguration to build a house, Hermione persuaded them again without giving up.

Hermione could be said to love and hate the pile of sea dragon corpses more than ten meters high in the open space beside her. She wanted to persuade Bell to throw it away, but she couldn't bear to part with it...

"Just be conspicuous, what's the big deal."

Bell said indifferently.

You know, although the island is not small, it is also covered with dense forests. But all this is actually nothing to these contestants. If you really want to find other players, it won't take much time.

It can be seen from the rules of this game that in addition to testing the players' ability to survive in the wild, the Academy encourages players to compete with each other.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to hide yourself so that others cannot find you.

He had sensed it before. About 10 meters underground on the island was the edge of the magic circle. This also means that it is impossible to hide underground.

In this case, instead of hiding carefully, it is better to stand up openly. Maybe this can make people more fearful?

Of course, the above remarks were all 'excuses' used by Bell to appease Hermione. The reason why he ran to the top of the mountain was actually because... there were too many bugs in the woods, right?

Although with the help of magic, they can easily repel nearby bugs. But Bell still feels uncomfortable.

Especially when they bring such a big lump of meat with them.

When he thinks about the meat he eats and being surrounded by a swarm of bugs every day, he loses his appetite no matter how delicious the meat is!

After settling in their residence, Bell and others decided to take the day off!

Not only did Hermione not sleep well while floating on the sea, but everyone else didn't sleep well either.

Considering how long this game will last, it is very important to ensure adequate sleep.

As for eating chicken, you can take your time. Anyway, this pile of sea dragons is enough to last for a long time.


After hearing Bell's heresy, not to mention what Hermione and the other three thought, the senior officials of the four major academies were all speechless.

The Fourth Academy Competition has been held for so many times, and this is really the first time they have seen such leisurely contestants.

So these guys are really here for a spring outing!

record! Write it down quickly! European wizards are lazy!

After a day's rest, Bell and his team were refreshed and finally got down to business.

After a greasy breakfast, Bell, who didn't want to eat barbecue three times a day, waved his hand and led his teammates down the mountain to pick wild vegetables... ahem, he was looking for medicinal herbs.

If you want to detoxify the golden beak chicken, you can't do it without the corresponding medicinal materials. So this time it’s really down to business!

Walking leisurely in the woods, bathing in the morning sun and breathing the slightly earthy air in the forest, Bell moved his hands and feet comfortably, and then began to close his eyes and meditate.

This was given to him by Huang Quan, saying that it can clarify the mind and calm the energy, and help improve the swordsmanship.

Bell has been meditating every day for several months, and the result is that he doesn't feel any use at all!

But under the terrible influence of habit, he still meditates for more than ten minutes every day.

What? What about herbs, you ask?

Ahem, this... As the saying goes, there is a specialization in a profession. As we all know, Bell specializes in alchemy. Regarding potions and herbs, he really couldn't tell the difference between those plants.

They all obviously look the same!

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