The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 643 The game officially begins

"Brother! Look! It's a sea dragon! It's a sea dragon!"

At this time, Shanna on the side suddenly shouted in surprise.

After hearing this, Bell quickly looked over and saw a giant beast that looked like a snake but not a snake, with a single horn emerging from the water about 1 kilometer away from everyone. Judging from its body on the water, this sea dragon is at least thirty meters long.

"As expected of an animal in the sea, it's huge."

Bell couldn't help but sigh.

You know, the shameful basilisk that lived for thousands of years was only a little over ten meters tall. This sea dragon is more than three times larger than the basilisk.

And according to records, the longest sea dragon ever discovered so far is a full one hundred meters long!

In other words, the sea dragon that appeared in front of Bell and others was actually the 'sho' among the group.

This is normal when you think about it. After all, the competition between the four colleges is just a competition between students. If we really get a group of behemoths that are 7 or 80 meters long, what's the point of competing? We can all run together.

Even now, when Bell faced dozens of sea dragons of that level at the same time, he had to flexibly use thirty-six strategies... as the best option.

"Zanna! Be careful! Don't be careless!"

Seeing that his sister rushed out impatiently, looking more like she had been hungry for two days than the sea dragon, Bell reminded her loudly and helplessly.

Even though the sea dragon is a little bit more 'frozen', it is still a sea dragon!

Although the sea dragon is inferior to the fire dragon in terms of strength, defense, and innate magic. But don’t forget, this is the sea!

Humans are not an aquatic species. Facing the sea dragons that have the home field advantage, if they are careless, they may capsize in the gutter.

"Don't worry~!"

Shanna's voice came from far away.

In just two words, the little girl had already arrived near the sea dragon.


‘Boom~! ’

Roy and Bugit, who had not recovered from the shocking size of the sea dragon, were instantly drowned.

Zannah, everyone knows that it is common practice to fire an explosive spell in the first hand. If this explosive spell had not been thrown out, the little girl would not have known how to 'fight'.

But having said that, the power of Zanna's explosive spell was also surprisingly powerful, and the waves it stirred up spread thousands of meters away.

It seems that Shanna can't wait to have a taste of a 'small' animal like the sea dragon that she has never eaten before.

‘Ang~! ’

The sudden explosion made the sea dragon a little confused.

Why did the 'small snacks' take action before it even finished eating those 'small snacks'?

This is unreasonable!

In its... who knows how many years of life, it has never encountered such a thing.

But the next second, endless anger filled the heart of this sea dragon.

As the overlord of the sea, it always swims sideways in the sea! As a result, an 'ant' that is no bigger than its teeth dares to challenge its majesty?

This is asking for death...

‘Boom~! ’

Another explosive spell hit the sea dragon's head, and its scales, which were stronger than steel, were blasted with cracks as thick as an arm. A large amount of blue blood gushes out from the cracks, making the sea dragon, which was majestic just now, look embarrassed and desolate.

Although I don't know why this sea dragon not only didn't fight back after being attacked, but also stayed in a daze. But Shanna would not miss such a good opportunity. She immediately canceled her original dodge plan, waved her wand and fired another explosive spell, hitting the previous location.

This time, her attack finally broke through the defense of the sea dragon's scales and caused substantial damage to it.

‘The Divine Edge is Shadowless! ’

The Shadowless Curse accurately shot into the crack in the sea dragon's scales, and the next moment, blue blood surged out like a fountain. Even though the sea dragon is huge, it may not be able to last for more than a few minutes with this amount of bleeding.

The threat of death made this sea dragon put away its pride as the overlord of the ocean. It endured the pain and jerked its head towards Shanna.

The torrent spurted out from its mouth, hitting Shanna's body hard with an aura that seemed to be able to overwhelm everything.

Then, the sea dragon swung its tail vigorously and dived toward the sea surface.

It's going to run away.

The head injury was too severe and it now needs to find a safe place to recover. With its powerful body and the magic power within it, maybe it can still survive?

Haijiao didn't know whether he would be spared. This was the first time he had suffered such serious injuries.

I don’t know if it was because the injury was so serious that it affected the perception? This sea dragon always feels that it has been swimming for a long time and it seems to be still in the same place without moving?

‘Swish, swish, swish~! ’

A few rays of golden light cut through the water flow and penetrated deeply into the wounds on the sea dragon's body. After struggling desperately for a while, the breath of life left the huge body of the sea dragon.

Looking at the bodies floating like hills on the sea, Bell put away the wand in his hand.

Just now, he used the transformation technique to control the water around the sea dragon, and then killed the opponent with a last hit.

"I told you not to be careless!"

Bell said distressedly to the sea beside him.

The next second, Shanna's little head emerged from the sea.

At this time, the little girl's hair was stuck to her face, and her clothes were stained with water.


Shanna admitted her mistake in disappointment.

She didn't expect that this sea dragon could be so insidious!

The other party first pretended not to be too smart and stayed there stupidly, allowing her to easily injure the other party.

Then, at the moment when she felt that the overall situation was decided, the other party suddenly launched a swift and violent attack, causing her to be accidentally blasted directly into the sea.

"Eat a lesson and gain wisdom. Remember, next time, don't let your guard down until the battle is completely settled! Do you hear me?"

After reaching out and 'pulling' out his sister, and cleaning the seawater off the little girl's body, Bell educated her seriously.

"Well! There will definitely be no next time!"

Shanna said firmly.

While speaking, she also glared at Haijiao's body fiercely.

It's all this bad guy's fault for embarrassing her in front of her brother. She will eat it all without leaving any room for him later!

Then, a barbecue party was held on the sea...

"Beiwu, we are wasting time like this, are you going to make a fool of yourself?"

Hermione asked with a 'worried' look on her face.

"...Swallow the meat in your mouth first before you speak."

Bell, whose mouth was also full of meat, said.

If you don’t have the ability to speak clearly while eating, why don’t you imitate him to eat and speak at the same time?

You know, his technique of using magic vibrations to simulate vocalizations requires very high magic control. Even he had to practice for a long time before he could make the sound clear and without any sense of disobedience.

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