The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 635 Bell’s Dream

After hearing Bell's instructions, Huang Quan immediately sheathed his sword and sat next to Shanna.

Seeing this, a group of demon masters looked at me and me, and finally sat down.

After all, they are the bosses, so how can they stand while others sit?

"Who are you?"

Chen Kun from the Ax Gang asked.

Since the opponent's strength makes him qualified to talk to them, they will naturally not refuse him thousands of miles away.

At least not until the other party makes any excessive demands.

"This is really rude again. I even forgot to introduce myself."

Bell said pretendingly.

In fact, he didn't forget at all, but deliberately didn't say it.

He didn't think that as long as he said that he was from the Menethil family, these people would welcome him warmly.

In other words, he will be welcomed, but with the characteristics of the devil.

After all, their family doesn't have that much of a deterrent here, so these people might want to swallow them whole.

But after showing extraordinary strength, and then telling your background, not only will it not arouse the other party's greed, but it will also make the other party more fearful.

It is out of this thought that Bell deliberately left the self-introduction until now.

"I, Bel Menethil, am the Menethil that everyone knows. These are my sisters..."

After listening to Bell's brief self-introduction, everyone was not surprised at all that Bell and his team could find this place.

After all, they have privately had business dealings with the Menethil family, so it is quite normal for the other party to find out information about today's gathering.

"Then you come today..."

Brother Kun asked knowingly.


Unexpectedly, when faced with the other party's inquiry, Bell unexpectedly sighed.

I saw him holding up his non-existent glasses, wiping the corners of his eyes with the tablecloth, and then said in a low voice:

"Everyone, to be honest, I have had a dream since I was a child, and that be a prodigal!

Even in my dreams, I want to lose all the Galleons in my family's vault!

By the way, you know what a galleon is, right?

……That's good.

I was squandering money day and night, racking my brains and wasting my money. As a result, guess what.

Those golden galleons in my house, they seem to be reproducing themselves. They bloom more and more, and they bloom more and more!

Up to now, Galleons have not decreased at all, but there is an extra treasury. You say it's annoying or not!

My whole body is almost empty from the gold galleons, not to mention how uncomfortable it is...

No, I heard not long ago that the people here are very kind-hearted, so I didn't even want to go back home during the holidays, so I hurriedly came to you for help.

So everyone, please do me a favor. The price is negotiable. "


To be honest, if the little girl holding the knife hadn't put her hand on the handle of the knife again, they would have smashed the chopsticks and bowls in front of them on the head of the Menethil brat.

I’ve never seen anyone so angry!

So if you want to buy their products, just say no? I talked a lot and made myself look very rich! ?

Let's see how she kills you in a while!

As usual, after the dinner party, each gang will take out the treasures they have acquired over the year and hold a small trade fair.

On the one hand, everyone gets what they need.

After all, smuggling involves risks and consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. If it can be digested internally among gangs, the profit margin will increase a lot.

Moreover, although they all wish for others to die, strictly speaking, they are in the same camp and are a 'family'.

Therefore, they are still willing to do things that are mutually beneficial.

On the other hand, it’s also to show off.

Treasures are not so easy to obtain. Whichever gang obtains more naturally symbolizes the strength of the gang, and it seems confident to talk to people when going out.

Originally, outsiders were not allowed to attend this trade fair. Only products that no one wants at the fair will be smuggled and sold later.

But it was obvious that Bell came here for the trade fair and could not leave honestly.

With their past cooperation with the Menethil family, it was difficult for them to chase people away.

And the most important thing is...two gold galleons from the treasury!

Although they don't know how big those two vaults are, even if they estimate it based on the smallest specifications, they are much richer than them!

Although they may look good on the surface, they are like a person who knows how to drink water and knows whether he is warm or cold. On the one hand, they have to feed so many subordinates, and on the other hand, they have to deal with the exploitation from time to time by the monk alliance. Really, the landlords have no food left over!

Now, the fat sheep... ahem, they are distinguished guests. Of course they have to make each other feel at home!

So if the price is raised three to five times, that's what it should be...

Have you ever heard people say that they have too much money to worry about and can’t even sleep? If this doesn't help, how can they live up to their reputation as 'kind-hearted'?

Once things are settled, things will be easier to handle.

After a lively dinner, the gangsters, who were almost not full, ordered their men to carry out the goods that had been prepared.

"Come on, nephew Bell, come and take a look at this. This is the spiritual ginseng we found with great difficulty in the deep mountains and old forests of the Northeast."

Under the temptation of money, the people who just wanted to peel off Bel's skin looked at him more lovingly than they looked at their own sons.

In just one meal, Bell was successfully upgraded from a 'little brat' to a 'nephew'. If I go to take a bath again, I'm afraid I won't be able to drink chicken blood until I get back.

I saw the leader of the Sanshan Gang opening a beautiful wooden box. In the box was a ginseng that looked like a little man. It was tied tightly with red thread and could not move at all.

"You don't know how difficult it is to catch this spiritual ginseng! In order to catch it, we..."

Ignoring the exaggerated description of the Sanshan Gang leader, Bell carefully looked at the spiritual ginseng in front of him.

Although it was not as outrageous as what the leader of the Sanshan Gang had described, hundreds of people from the entire gang had been ambushing him for three days and nights.

If the Sanshan Gang really had so many people, they should have been wiped out by the Monk Alliance long ago. How can they still brag here?

However, spiritual ginseng is indeed very precious.

Apart from the different color, the spiritual ginseng looks somewhat like mandrake.

However, growing spiritual ginseng is much more difficult.

Spiritual ginseng itself is not a magic medicine. It is made from ordinary ginseng that grows in an environment rich in spiritual energy for a long time and finally transforms into it.

This transformation involves a lot of luck, which makes the artificial cultivation of spiritual ginseng very difficult.

And once the spiritual ginseng completes its transformation, it will awaken an ability similar to earth escape.

If you are not careful, the spiritual ginseng that you have cultivated with great effort may disappear. It can be said that you have lost both your wife and your army.

This unique transformation process of spiritual ginseng also gives it a very unique medicinal effect - allowing those without spiritual roots to gain spiritual power.

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