The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 631 A big-bellied person never holds a grudge

Bell, who had been reminded by Huang Quan, followed the principle of being careful and never making a big mistake. He did not relax his vigilance like others, but kept paying attention to the movements on the ground.

‘Boom~! ’

A brand new stone giant crawled out of the ground and once again announced his existence to everyone.

This time, after learning from the previous lesson, it no longer rushed towards the barrier regardless of the situation. After all, it's just brainless, not stupid... but it always feels like there's no difference?

In short, it has learned a lesson and gained wisdom. This time, it decided to deal with these annoying little bugs on the ground before enjoying a delicious meal.

Lifting one foot, Li Gui stomped towards the ground...the ground...

‘Where’s my ground! ? ’

He glared and kicked his legs, but the expected scene of shaking the earth did not appear, and those 'little bugs' were not smashed into mosaics by the scattered gravel.

Looking at Mother Earth getting further and further away from him, this fierce ghost only felt that he was drifting and helpless like a rootless duckweed. Since its birth, this is the first time it has left the embrace of Mother Earth.

This feeling is really terrible!

"hia~hia~hia~! Little devil! You had a great time beating me before!"

Using a floating spell to control the stone giant to float in front of him, Bell let out a standard villain-boss laugh.

After learning that Li Gui was probably still alive, Bell started thinking about countermeasures.

The stealth ability of this fierce ghost was too strong, and he had never been able to sense the location of the opponent's body before. But one thing he was sure of was that the evil ghost must be inside the stone giant.

Because if it is controlled remotely, it is impossible for him not to sense the traces of the caster. If this fierce ghost was really that high level, he wouldn't have to struggle and just lie down flat.

Since the ability of this fierce ghost is to control the earth, it is best to separate the opponent from the earth.

The power of a spell never lies in its destructive power, but in its diversity.

So what if those magical creatures are more talented?

With only a few abilities, their weaknesses will inevitably be discovered and easily restrained.

Of course, it is not an easy task even for Bell now to use the Levitation Spell to levitate such a heavy piece of 'rock'.

He had been accumulating magic power before, and only after the stone giant climbed out of the ground did he control the opponent in one fell swoop.

‘Shattered to pieces! ’

Along with the light of the curse, the stone giant's right arm turned into powder.

"It seems like you're not in your right arm, what about the left one?"

Silently, the stone giant's left leg also turned into powder.

He didn't say it was the left arm, right?

"Tsk! Damn, you're pretty lucky."

With a wave of the wand to the right, a rapidly flying boulder was deflected from its trajectory and flew past Bell's side.

"Forget it, I won't play with you anymore."

Dazzling thunder and lightning rushed out from Bell's wand and quickly spread throughout the stone giant's body.

A shrill wail sounded from the left shoulder of the stone giant, and quickly weakened.

In less than two seconds, the wailing sound disappeared, and the stone giant collapsed into pieces of rubble.


With a cold snort, Bell twisted the wand in his hand, and thunder and lightning suddenly erupted.


Finally, after all the rubble was electrocuted into fly ash, another scream mixed with pain and resentment was heard, announcing the end of this evil ghost.

I wonder if it felt remorse for its greed in the last moments of its life?

Bell, who had his 'big revenge' avenged, breathed out a sigh of relief.

As we all know, he is a pot-bellied man and he never holds a grudge!

The evil ghost was so slippery before, and he was worried that his "not holding grudges" persona might collapse.

Fortunately, God bless you, or should I say Huangquan bless you? His character was finally saved.

It's really gratifying.

By the way, he didn't actually realize that the other party was pretending to be dead before.

But you must know that when Shanna was 5 years old, Bell began to cultivate the good habit of last-hitting in his younger sister.

After so many years, Bell didn't know whether Shanna had developed this habit. But he has developed it himself, and it has almost become an unconditioned reflex.

But having said that, this fierce ghost is really weak!

It can be said that apart from hiding and sneaking, it is useless in other aspects.

After being controlled by his floating spell and leaving the ground, he couldn't even put up a decent resistance. It made him feel like he was torturing food, and there was no sense of accomplishment at all.

After the high-level ghost who 'went to the wrong set' was dealt with, there were no further accidents.

I don't know if the law enforcement team on the front line is really that powerful and stopped all the high-level ghosts, or if there are fish like the 'earth ghost' that slipped through the net, but they were just luckier and slipped away from other directions. Already?

No matter what, those are things that the monk alliance needs to worry about, and they have nothing to do with ordinary people.

Bei Zhen, the culprit, classified himself into the category of "ordinary people" without any psychological burden. At this time, he was squatting on the hillside, playing skewers while waiting for the alliance's arrangements.

there's no way! He doesn't want this either!

And there's no way he could just run up to the alliance law enforcement team and say that what happened last night was all caused by him, right?

He's not stupid yet... ahem, he's so sincere.

Therefore, only the delicious mutton skewers in his hands could barely soothe the guilt in his heart.

Bell has already decided to ask his father to donate some healing potions to the alliance. This is called internationalist aid. Isn’t this what Muggle governments often do?

"Brother! Ten more skewers!"

Zannah said in a low voice.

While talking, the little girl fiercely inserted the bamboo stick in her hand into the ground, as if there were evil spirits underground.

After receiving the mutton skewers from her brother, Shanna pulled off a piece of meat and chewed it hard.

She is unhappy now, very unhappy!

Of course, the little girl's bad mood cannot be directed at Bell. She is angry at those evil spirits.

‘Those bad guys are so useless! ’

The cause of the matter goes back half an hour.

After a night of hard work by everyone, finally, the number of ghosts began to decrease and were eventually completely eliminated.

Putting down her wand, Zannah kept chirping. Then, at the call of her brother, she took out the healing potion stored in her small satchel and went to help treat the injured.

Overall, Shanna was quite satisfied with this night's battle.

My only regret is that I didn't get to fight the big rock man head-on.

At that time, she was relatively far away from the stone man, so she only threw a shuriken from a distance... No, it was a magic spell.

She didn't even know if her spell had time to take effect, but she saw the stone man shattered to pieces on the ground.

When she discovered that the stone man crawled out of the ground again, she was quite happy, and then her brother snatched her head.

Of course, Zannah couldn't blame her brother, so it was all the stone man's fault!

Whoever called it so weak didn't even try to struggle symbolically!

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