The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 625 Dark clouds cover the sky


Winter nights always come so unexpectedly, and before you know it, the sky has completely darkened.

The stalls on the roadside were all lit up with bright lights. Looking from the air, it looked like a giant dragon made of lights, entrenched around the holy mountain.

Bell, who felt a little tired after shopping all day, said goodbye to his sister, took Hermione, and the two of them walked outside the celebration area.

Seeing Shanna's back jumping away without any loss of energy, Bell, now 16 years old, couldn't help feeling that he was really old and no longer had the energy of a young man.

"Okay, come on! Pretend like it's real!"

Seeing Bell sighing in an old-fashioned way, Hermione couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

You know, she and Bell are the same age, and her birthday is even a few days earlier. If Belle is already old, doesn't that mean she is even older?


Age is always a taboo for women, not to mention that she is now a real young and beautiful girl. She is not old at all!

So Bell is not allowed to grow old!

Seeing that his girlfriend is so unreasonable and won't even allow him to grow old, what else can Bell do?

He could only hold on to the other person and make love for a while to soothe his injured heart.

Lying on a small hill, holding Hermione's soft body in his arms, admiring the dense stars in the sky, Bell felt very satisfied.

‘I really hope this life can last forever! ’

Perhaps it was the influence of the previous Jiuding Array? At this moment, Bell was in a very comfortable mood and his mind was empty.

Some of the problems that had been bothering him before could be solved immediately with just a little movement of his mind. All kinds of strange and wonderful thoughts are coming out one after another.

After a while, Bell, who couldn't hold back his inspiration, took out a killing stone from his pocket and wanted to take the opportunity to study it, regardless of how disgraceful his behavior would be.

The Spring Festival Festival will last until 7 pm, and at the end of the festival, a grand fireworks will be released.

The fireworks will last for half an hour, and then everyone will go back to their homes to celebrate New Year's Eve.

If you are interested, you can also catch up with the Spring Festival Gala hosted by the non-spiritual people.

By the way, the Spring Festival Gala will be broadcast in real time on personal terminals, so even if there is no power like the Lu family, there is no need to worry.

In other words, it would take more than two hours to return to Lu's house and have some free time after dinner. Bell, who was feeling itchy, didn't think he could hold on for that long.

So, he decided to take advantage of the hour or so before the fireworks were set off to test out his new idea. After that, he could watch the fireworks with his sister and girlfriend with peace of mind.

Seeing Bell staring intently at the Killing Stone in his hand, Hermione couldn't help but roll her eyes, but didn't say anything.

She even slowed down her breathing slightly and remained still for fear of disturbing Bell.

After watching the scene of Huangquan releasing his power before, to be honest, Hermione truly realized intuitively that Bell did not deceive her.

There was nothing I could do about it. When she was in the academy, Huang Quan had always acted like a gentle big sister. She was even more normal than she was. It really made Hermione have to wonder whether what happened to him was true. Is it as serious as Bell said?

After experiencing the horror of being immersed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, Hermione realized for the first time that the scarlet gem that Bell often held and played with really had what Bell said. So scary.

No! It was a hundred times more terrifying than what Bell described!

To be honest, after realizing the true nature of the killing stone, Hermione really wanted to persuade Bell to throw away this stone. But from the way Bell always looked at the killing stone baby, she knew that her persuasion was in vain.

Not to mention, there is a killing stone in Huang Quan's body. She can't let Bell throw away Huang Quan, right?

Although she really wanted that to happen, it would also mean killing Huang Quan, and she couldn't make that request.

So what else could she do?

All we can do is... alas~!

While Hermione was thinking a lot, Bell had already injected magic power into the killing stone according to his sudden idea.

The activated killing stone emits a faint red light, which looks so strange and ominous in the dark night.

I don't know how much time passed, but Bell's body suddenly stiffened.

He suddenly looked up into the sky and saw that the night sky, which was full of stars not long ago, had been covered by thick dark clouds before he knew it.

Seeing this, Bell couldn't help but frown. You know, for a wizard who has reached his level of strength, there is no need to make special observations. The premonition of the weather is more accurate than the weather forecast.

Bell had no premonition of cloudy weather before.

Not to mention, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the sacrificial ceremony, the monks will cast spells to disperse nearby clouds on this day every year.

The effect of the spell will not only last until noon, but will be ineffective after the sacrifice, right?

That's too lazy!

No matter how he thought about it, Bell felt that there was something strange about the dark clouds in the sky. There was always an ominous premonition in his heart.

"What's wrong, Bell?"

Hermione, who was lying on Bell's chest, immediately noticed something strange about her boyfriend's body.

She climbed up and looked curiously at Bell, who was frowning. She thought it was because the other party's research had encountered difficulties again.

"I don't know, but something bad might happen later."

Bell said in a deep voice.

After saying that, he took out his personal terminal and dialed his sister's number.

"Brother? Have you rested enough?"

As soon as the communication was connected, Shanna asked happily.

The little girl was immersed in the celebration and did not notice anything unusual in the sky. She thought her brother had finally had enough rest and wanted to come and play with her. There were so many monks here, and the atmosphere was very chaotic. It was understandable that my brother couldn't pinpoint her location for a while.

As he grows older, his brother will not activate the magic mark on the back of his hand unless it is absolutely necessary. She obviously didn't care at all.

"Sanna, something seems to be wrong. You should immediately take everyone to the place where we separated before to find me."

"Okay brother, be there soon!"

After hearing her brother's unexpected instructions, Shanna agreed without any hesitation.

Although she was curious about what happened, she knew from her brother's serious face that now was not the time to ask.

"Everyone! Come with me! Hurry! Don't leave behind!"

After shouting hello to the others, Shanna immediately turned around and ran away without looking back.

The rest of the people looked at each other and reluctantly chose to follow.

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