The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 609: Pretend and run away

Maybe even God was moved by Yu Yihu's obsession and wanted to give her a chance, or was it a deeper despair?

In short, just when Hagoromo Fox was thinking about countermeasures crazily, his eyes almost turned red. Just when Bell raised his wand again, he was about to strike again.

A black shadow flashed across the sky and suddenly appeared next to Bell.

"Uh, done?"

Bell asked.


Nodding, Huang Quan stretched out his left hand and handed three scarlet gems that exuded an ominous aura to Bell.

"Oh, this guy is quite fat!"

Seeing the killing stone, Bell immediately stopped caring about the feathered fox.

He took the killing stone, stared at it carefully for a while, and then picked one out.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, Bell suddenly thought of something.

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he pointed the wand at the killing stone.

‘Rage spell! ’

The scarlet magic light shines from the tip of Bell's staff, reflecting the killing stone even more sinisterly.

'ah--! ’

Obviously there was no sound in their ears, but at this moment, everyone present seemed to hear a shrill wail, echoing in their souls.


With a disdainful snort, Bell finally put away the three killing stones.

"He's not dead?"

Huang Quan asked with a frown.

She had fulfilled her promise perfectly before. Not only did she chop Santuhe into meat paste, she even let Luan Honglian use Roaring Wave to beat the meat paste into powder.

But who would have thought that even then, he would still be suppressed by the other party?

"It's just lingering, it's not much better than death."

Bell comforted.

The killing stone he picked out before was probably the one embedded in Santuhe's eye socket.

Before the other party died, he hid his soul in the killing stone, and was able to deceive Huang Quan, who was not good at onmyoji.

But Bell is not a ghost. Although he is still involved in the soul realm, it is more than enough to deal with Santuhe, a second-hand swordsman who plays with butterflies.

Therefore, it didn't take much effort for him to discover the soul of Santuhe hidden in the killing stone.

You know, the killing stone is of great use to him. It is an artifact that can be upgraded while idle. He will not allow any unstable factors to exist.

But the problem is that he cannot accurately extract Santuhe's soul from the many crazy remnant souls, nor can he, let alone destroy this killing stone.

Therefore, Bell had an idea before and used the berserk technique on the Killing Stone, causing the already chaotic and crazy remnant souls inside it to frantically want to dismantle something as if they had been beaten to death.

Therefore, the only alien around them became the target for them to vent their anger.

"As for the killing stone, I will take it away. Everyone present, who is in favor of it and who is against it?

...cough cough cough!

Don't worry, I can't help it, please treat it as if I didn't say anything. "

He accidentally pretended again, and before anyone else could object, Bell himself felt embarrassed.

What a shame!

...It feels a little bit better...just a little bit!

He took out two badges from his arms and threw them to Hagoromo Fox and Nura Rikusheng. Seeing the other party's alert look, Bell didn't pay attention.

Now that he has obtained the killing stone, there is no need for him to stay here any longer.

"Take that badge, and someone will come to you later. Don't worry, it's just a simple transaction, and it will be beneficial to both of us.

Oh, by the way, don’t eat my people, or I’ll destroy you! "

Considering the urinary nature of the evil spirits, Bell felt that it was still necessary to warn the other party.

"That's it, goodbye everyone, I wish you all the best."

After saying that, Bell grabbed Huang Quan's arm and disappeared in a slight spatial distortion.

"Hey! You're not taking me with you..."

Before Kagura could stop complaining, Jennifer next to her grabbed her arm and also apparated away.

In less than a minute, all the hundreds of people on Bell's side had disappeared, making the ruins look a little empty for a while.

"Tsk~! At least let's lift the barrier before leaving!"

Long Er smacked his lips in displeasure.

Regarding Bell and others' behavior of running away leaving a lot of mess behind, Long Er said that he should not let him meet these guys again, otherwise this matter will never end!

"Yuro, come with me to find a way to lift that barrier."

Long Er greeted his sister.

He wanted to take this opportunity to examine Yuluo's understanding of barrier magic.

As the next heir to the head of the Hanakaiyuan family, it is not enough to just know how to use the shikigami, and there must be no shortcomings in other aspects.

"Yu Luo? Yu Luo!?"

After waiting for a long time, he still didn't see that familiar figure. While Long Er was dissatisfied, he also felt a little uneasy.

"Well, as for Yura, she, she went to the Nura group."

An onmyoji from the Hanakaiyuan family said hesitantly.


Hearing this, Long Er almost burst out of anger!

Ryuuji really wanted to kick that Nura Rikuo to death who dared to seduce his sister.

It's a pity that the opponent is outnumbered and powerful. He has the intention but is unable to do so.

Just when Ryuuji was thinking about whether he should take advantage of the opportunity that Nura Rikuo was injured by the Hagoromo Fox to kill him with a sneak attack, a cry of surprise came from the Nura group, immediately attracting his full attention. force.

"This, this symbol is the Menethil family!"

Yuro exclaimed.

Seeing that before leaving, Bell threw a badge to the two groups of monsters respectively, but did not give them Hanakainjia. Yura was curious and ran to Nura Rikuo, whom he knew well, and wanted to take a look. What is the mystery of that badge?

After seeing the badge in person, she recognized the pattern immediately.

After all, the long sword exuding an icy aura and the hideous demon skull on the hilt were so recognizable that it was difficult for her not to remember them.

"Family Menethil? What kind of power is that?"

Nura Rikuo asked curiously.

He had never heard of this family.

"The Menethil family is a family that sells magic props, that is, spell tools. The explosive flame beads I used before were made by the Menethil family."

Yuro explained kindly.


After listening to the other party's explanation, several black lines immediately appeared on Nura Rikusheng's forehead. He was simply not too impressed by the exploding fiery red beads. Because the Explosive Flame Pearl Yuro mentioned was used on him!

Hide the explosive flame beads in the body of the paper god, secretly arrange them around him, and then detonate them together. He was almost killed by the explosion and spent a whole week in bed before he was finally able to get off the ground.

Even thinking about it now, he still felt a burning tingling on his skin.

At this moment, even Nura Rikusheng, who aspires to be an ordinary person, is looking forward to someone from the Menethil family.

Not to mention, the old terrorists who eavesdropped on all the conversations - Hagoromo Fox and his gang.

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