The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 599 It’s all because of ideology

Kagura didn't know whether Sister Huang Quan's body had recovered, but she knew that the opportunity could not be missed and the time would never come again. Such a good opportunity to teach Bell a lesson did not come at any time!

Huang Quan may also have noticed during this period that Bell did not take into account some of Kagura's harmless playful behavior.

So, after hearing Kagura's suggestion, she ignored Bell's crazy hints on the other side, walked to the edge of the dojo with a smile, and gave up her position to Kagura.

Next, there is revenge and vengeance. For Bell, the bad guy who secretly kidnapped his sister, little Kagura had long wanted to teach him a lesson.

She had to let the other party know that Sister Huang Quan’s natal family was not someone to be trifled with!

If the other party dares to bully Sister Huang Quan in the future by relying on the constraints of the contract, she will not forgive him!

"Stop running away! How can you learn swordsmanship if you keep running like this!"

Seeing that Bell was as slippery as a rabbit, Kagura rolled her eyes and came up with a way to overwhelm others with righteousness.

If you want to learn swordsmanship, that's what the other party proposed. How can you do this now?

He didn't even let her chop him down honestly. It was so disrespectful to the teacher!

"If you want to learn to chop people, you must first learn to be hacked. This is what I call laying the foundation!"

Bell said that if he wanted to compete with him, Kagura was still far behind.

Hermione has been training for so many years, isn't she still a loser to him?


Just when Kagura was furious, a space in the dojo suddenly experienced a slight distortion.

With a wave of his hand, Bell touched Huang Quan's guard and looked at the figure who suddenly appeared in the dojo.

"Master, my subordinate failed in his duty and allowed the target to escape!"

As soon as she appeared, Jennifer bowed to Bell and said reproachfully.

"Oh? Did you find it so quickly? Tell me what happened?"

Bell asked curiously.


Suddenly, a loud shout came from behind Bell. Little Kagura jumped up high and struck Bell on the head with a fierce jump chop.


Turning around and pointing behind him, Bell used the body-holding technique to control Kagura.

"Are you planning to kill me?"

Bell couldn't help but complain as he reached out to grab Kagura's collar to prevent the little girl from falling.

Based on the other party's posture just now, those who didn't know it would have thought he was exterminating evil spirits.

"We're talking about business, don't make trouble. Huang Quan, come here and take your sister away."

'This bad guy, who promised not to use spells, actually broke the rules. He is indeed a big bad guy! ’

Kagura, unable to move, could only severely condemn Bell in her heart.

"Okay, you continue."

After Huang Quan took Kagura aside to comfort him, Bell looked at Jennifer again, who was standing quietly beside him.


Last night, we first went to the place where Ms. Huangquan was killed as recorded in the data, trying to collect the target's magic remnants.

But unfortunately, the other party should have dealt with the scene afterwards, and we found nothing.

Then, I divided everyone into 50 teams and conducted a thorough search of the city. Then this morning, traces of the target were discovered in the mountain forest where Master you fought yesterday.

But the target was very cautious. After the team members sent out the signal, the target quickly discovered our tracking.

So, the target used a gem called a killing stone to summon many evil spirits to interfere with us.

I don't know why, but our spells are very ineffective against evil spirits.

Finally, under the interference of these evil spirits, the target escaped from our blockade.

I'm really sorry, please punish me! "

After briefly introducing the actions of herself and others, Jennifer said guiltily again.

She didn't expect that it was just such a simple task. They had been busy all night and couldn't even see each other?

It's so embarrassing!

Fortunately, Huang Quan didn't know what Jennifer was thinking at this time, otherwise she might have died of shame.

After being reminded by Bell that someone was secretly watching them that night, Huang Quan conducted an investigation afterwards.

But no matter whether he relied on the power of the Isayama family or reported the information to the countermeasures room, nothing was found in the end.

It can be said that she didn't know who was behind all this until Santuhe and Hong took the initiative to appear in front of her.

However, now, Jennifer and others only spent one night to track down the other party's traces.

Even if there is information asymmetry, it can be seen that the capabilities of the action team are simply hundreds of miles ahead of the countermeasures room.

"It's not your fault."

Waving his hand, Bell motioned for Jennifer to stand up.

This matter was actually his negligence.

Strictly speaking, Bell has not had much contact with evil spirits. So he had accidentally forgotten that the wizard's spell was ineffective against evil spirits...

As we all know, in Europe, most wizards have no way to deal with ghosts.

Even for dementors whose existence is similar to that of ghosts, wizards only have the Patronus Charm as a response.

Of course, this does not include individual powerful wizards.

Although evil spirits are different from ghosts and have entities to a certain extent, in essence, they are still spiritual creatures.

Therefore, compared to the monks' spells and the onmyoji's incantations, the wizard's spells are much less effective in dealing with evil spirits.

This may be due to the environment in different regions, which has led to differences in the ideologies of humans in different regions.

Magical power interferes with reality by receiving ideas. This ideological difference also leads to magic that looks exactly the same, but may have completely different effects.

Of course, all of the above are just speculations made by Bell based on the available information. As for whether that was the case, he didn't know.

"In which direction did the target escape?"

Bell asked.

Hearing this, Jennifer did not immediately answer Bell's question.

She raised her right hand and slowly brushed it in front of her. A map formed by magic appeared in front of Bell.

There are a dozen blue arrows and one red arrow on the map.

"Master, the red arrow is the direction in which the target is fleeing.

We are still tracking it, and this time, we will never let the other party escape again! "

Jennifer said through gritted teeth.

Wherever you fall, you must get up!

Only in this way can they wash away the shame of being teased before!

After staring at the map in mid-air for a while, Bell suddenly frowned.

He also raised his hand and flicked the map, and the map quickly shrunk. Magic lines stretched out from the edge of the map. After a while, a complete map of the country was formed.

"Tsk! This damn rat!"

Bell muttered unhappily.

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