The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 596 A cloud-piercing arrow

Chapter 597: A cloud-piercing arrow

After chatting with Nanami for a while, until he felt that if he entered the office at this time, Kagura would not be chased and chopped with a knife, Bell carefully opened the door and took a look inside the office.

I saw two sisters, Huang Quan and Kagura, holding hands, sitting together and whispering something.

"By the way, don't you two take a shower first?"

Bell asked.

Huang Quan's words were not bad. When he helped the other party clean up the blood stains on his body, he also removed the stains along the way.

But for Kagura, the image at this time is not very beautiful.

Not only was his body covered with dirt and grass clippings, his little face was also streaked with red and black, making him look like a little beggar.


Facing Bell's question, Kagura snorted angrily and turned away.

At this time, Kagura could no longer see the previous gratitude towards Bell.

How does she look at it now? Why does she feel that this guy Bell is disgusting and very annoying!

So, she simply turned her head and stopped looking!

Although under Sister Huang Quan's explanation, she already knew that the other party was to save Sister Huang Quan, so she contracted him as a shikigami.

But it’s understandable rationally, but it’s unacceptable emotionally!

Even if Sister Huangquan wants to become a shikigami, she should become her shikigami!

...Well, Kagura also knew that was impossible.

Not to mention that she already has Bai Rui and cannot afford other shikigami.

Even without Bai Rui, she wouldn't be able to bear the evil thoughts that the killing stone in Sister Huang Quan's body exudes all the time.

In other words, at present, it seems that only Bell can save Sister Huang Quan?

But it’s still unacceptable!

"You didn't say you could take a bath here."

Huang Quan rolled his eyes at Bell, then stood up, pulled Kagura and walked in the direction of Bell's finger.

Cleaning the stains on Kagura's body was one thing, but more importantly, she didn't want to see Kagura and Bell conflict.

One of the two is her closest sister, and the other is the master she just recognized. If these two people quarrel, then she will really become a different person inside and outside.

Although strictly speaking, she is no longer a human being, but an evil spirit.

"Sister Nanami, I went to buy two sets of clothes and came back. The sizes are..."

After shrugging and giving instructions to Misora ​​Nanami outside, Bell found a seat and sat down.

In fact, Huang Quan is simply over-worrying, and he won't care about that little girl Kagura. He's not that narrow-minded.

Rather, he found it quite amusing to see little Kagura's angry look, and couldn't help but want to tease her.

What? You ask why he knows the sizes of the two women?

Ahem, with his current insight, as long as he observes a little bit, he can tell almost everything...

After crossing his legs and being in a daze for a while, Bell decided to take advantage of the free time and get down to business first, so as not to worry about it all the time.

Taking out his personal terminal, Bell dialed a familiar number.


‘Click! ’

"Master, long time no see, do you have any orders?"

Looking at his young master on the screen, Sebastian was filled with emotion at this moment.

‘I wonder which unlucky guy offended my young master this time? ’

So far, he has received a total of five communications from the young master.

For the first time, the whole place was wailing in Knockturn Alley;

The second time, he lay on the ground outside the Quidditch World Cup;

The third time, the British pure-blood nobles were half as cold;

The fourth time, the American wizarding world is still in a mess.

And now, it’s the fifth time.

So this time, is my young master planning to extend his evil claws to the monks again?

Speaking of which, when he learned that the young master was going to study abroad, he figured out something was going on.

(Sebas did not know that Bell went to Japan.)

"Hey! Sebastian, long time no see. How have you been lately?"

Bell, who had no idea how his old housekeeper was slandering him in his heart, greeted him warmly.

Bell felt quite embarrassed every time he had to trouble the other party whenever something happened.

After all, Sebastian had to help his father deal with those trivial and annoying things every day, so he was really busy.

"Thanks to you, my work has become much easier recently."

Sebastian bowed and said.

As for the information that the pure-blood wizard families on the European continent seemed to want to unite to fight against the Menethil family, he did not tell Bell.

Without it, he was afraid that his family head William's heart would not be able to bear it.

So let’s let the head of the family wait a little longer.

The premise is that the young master will not make too much noise this time...

"Really, that's good. By the way, I'm running into some trouble here. How many people can the special operations team spare now?"

After a brief exchange of greetings, Bell decisively got to the point.

He is not a man who likes to talk in circles.

"Currently, we can only mobilize a team of 100 people at most. If you need more people, you may have to wait..."

As soon as he saw the caller ID on his personal terminal, Sebastian immediately called up the recent task list of the special operations team and calculated the number of manpower that could be mobilized.

After all, the young master suddenly came to him. Apart from shaking people off, he really couldn't think of anything else.

Sebas was not satisfied with the result that only 100 people could be selected.

Even in response to the difficulties faced by American gangs, 200 members of the action team were mobilized. Now we have to deal with the monks who are infinitely stronger. To be honest, Sebastian feels that even if all 300 people are transferred there, it won't be enough.

By the way, should he suggest that the family owner expand the size of the special operations team? I always feel like I'm getting more and more stretched lately.

And what troubles Sebastian the most is, how are these people going to get in?

With the Jiuzhou Guardian Formation blocking the way, if there are just one or two people, he can still sneak them in through his family connections.

But if there are dozens or hundreds of people, it will be really difficult to solve.

Therefore, he hoped that the young master could wait a little longer so that he could have more time to allocate manpower and find ways to obtain enough access tokens.

"No, no! 100 people are enough!"

Bell waved his hand hurriedly, interrupting Sebastian's speech.

Different from the previous time in the United States, this time, it can be said that it is completely his own private matter.

If he mobilizes too many people because of his personal affairs, he will not be able to deal with his father later.

Not to mention, it's just catching a dirty rat in the sewer. The only difficulty is to find the other party. There are 100 people, which is more than enough.

"You ask them to sneak into Japan in batches and gather here at the family's Japanese branch."

Bell ordered.

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