The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 590 Contract Array

"No, no! Absolutely not!

How could I dislike you? You have to know that without you, there would be no her! So you are the most important!

real! It's really true! "

Facing the aggrieved look of his patron saint, Bell hurriedly explained.

"Also, you don't always want to learn from Fina. You have to learn well and not be bad, you know."

Bell breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the innocent little Qiongqi regained his energy under his comfort, then turned around and continued to grin at Huang Quan's head.

He turned to look at Huang Quan again and asked:

"How's it going? Sister Huang Quan? Such a good thing doesn't happen at any time.

You have to know that although you can't be too far away from me for a long time after becoming my shikigami, you can still come back to Japan occasionally to visit your sister. "

Huang Quan looked at Bell with complicated eyes. After struggling for a while, he asked:

"Why? Why are you doing this?

Although we have some friendship, it shouldn’t be too deep, right?

And with the strength you have shown before, you shouldn't need my help.

Killing me directly and taking away the Killing Stone and [Lion King] should not be the most profitable option for you? "

"Of course it's because you are my favorite black long straight one!"


Huang Quan opened his dead eyes and looked at Bell speechlessly.

Would anyone risk their life for this reason to save someone who they don't even know can be saved?

So this kid is definitely not normal!

"Cough cough cough!"

After being stared at by his signature look for a while, Bell realized that he had accidentally let something slip just now.

"Slip of the tongue! That was a slip of the tongue just now! I mean, our relationship is so strong..."

Bell hurriedly tried to remedy the situation.

However, facing Huang Quan's "unwavering" eyes, Bell soon realized that it was impossible to recover from the overflowing water!

"What about that, Sister Huang Quan, let's discuss something.

As for what I said about my slip of the tongue, please don't say it out loud, okay? "

It's not that Bell is afraid of being criticized for his reputation. It's not a shameful thing to like black, long and straight people.

Mainly, Bell was afraid that Hermione would do something drastic if she found out.

He didn't want his girlfriend to suddenly use magic to get long, straight black hair one day. In his opinion, Hermione's natural brown-red curly hair was the most suitable and beautiful for Hermione.

"It's not impossible if you want me to keep it a secret, but I want to hear the real reason."

Huang Quan would not be fooled like this. She had already experienced Bell's ability to make jokes a few years ago.

"That's the real reason."


"Sister Huang Quan, human life is actually very short.

Compared to this world, just tens or even hundreds of years are just a snap of a finger.

When we die, everything we have will be gone with the wind, shattered like a dream.

So, why do you have to calculate so much?

No matter the benefits, gains or losses, they are just fleeting things.

You want to do it, so do it.

I wanted to come, so I came.

That's all. "

"...Your mind is indeed abnormal."

Huang Quan couldn't help but complain.

However, as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. Perhaps only a guy with an abnormal brain like Bell can become the master of an 'evil spirit' like her who is also mentally abnormal under the influence of the killing stone.

"So, what's your answer?"

Bell asked with a smile, not paying attention to Huang Quan's 'slander'.

"I agreed."

In fact, as early as when Bell said that she could come back to visit Kagura from time to time in the future, her answer was already determined.

After agreeing to become Bell's shikigami, Huangquan closed her eyes, opened her consciousness, and waited for Bell to imprint the shikigami contract in her soul.

Feeling the opening of Huang Quan's mind, Bell first took Qiongqi back into his body, then controlled Huang Quan's head and floated into the air.

With a wave of his wand, Bell smoothed the ground in front of him.

Then, he took out the magic materials prepared in advance from his pocket and quickly drew a magic circle on the ground.

In less than a minute, Bell completed a complex contract formation on the ground.

The preparations are ready, and now there is only the last step left.

Bell raised his left hand flat, and a large amount of blood full of magic seeped out from his palm and flowed into the magic circle on the ground.

Brilliant scarlet light shone out from the magic circle, as if even the sky was dyed red.

Bell's eyes were fixed on Huang Quan's head, and he chanted a spell quickly.

Even when he performs important magic rituals, he will recite incantations to help himself improve his concentration and prevent accidents.

As Bell chanted, the blood in the magic circle continued to twist, and finally turned into mysterious runes, sinking into Huang Quan's head and imprinted on his soul.

The entire magic ceremony lasted for more than ten minutes. The massive blood loss caused Bell's face to look sickly pale.

This is due to Bell's good health and the fact that he eats a lot and stores a lot of nutrients in his body.

Otherwise, if it were an ordinary wizard or an Onmyoji, he would have to take a break to drain some blood. It would probably take several hours, or even days, to complete the shikigami contract.

Of course, normally speaking, it is not so difficult to contract with ordinary shikigami.

Just like when Bell signed the contract with Qiongqi, it was completed easily.

But Huang Quan is anything but ordinary.

Even putting aside her own strength, the killing stone in her body is a big trouble.

How difficult is it to control the Killing Stone through a contract?

Just look at the Tsuchimiya family to which Kagura belongs.

The members of that family could only use the power of the killing stone to a limited extent at the cost of their lives.

Although Bell now indirectly controls the Killing Stone, Huang Quan is actually the one using the Killing Stone. But he also had to make sure the contract was strong enough to prevent the slain stone from breaching it.

Moreover, while concluding the contract, he also had to find a way to help Huang Quan suppress the power of the killing stone.

Otherwise, even if he has strong protection and is not afraid of the erosion of the killing stone, if Huang Quan goes crazy from time to time, or even loses his mind completely in the end, that is not what he wants to see.

By the way, I don’t know if Huang Quan can still learn the Patronus Charm in his current situation?

If there is a patron saint guarding the body, even if it is just the original patron saint, I believe it will be of great help in resisting the erosion of the killing stone.

As the last rune sank into Huang Quan's head, the light of the magic circle gradually dimmed, and a bright red prismatic pattern appeared on Huang Quan's forehead, surrounding the killing stone in the center.

From a distance, it was as if a third eye had grown on Huang Quan's forehead.

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