The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 582 Bell’s discovery

That is to say, Bell knew nothing about Sakamoto's thoughts at this time, otherwise he would definitely...sneer at it!

Just kidding, he has no interest in those Japanese traditions such as the inferior overcoming the superior.

And as I said before, the person with the highest status in the family is undoubtedly Shanna, and the second place is her mother Elena. He can only be ranked third at most.

After finding a seat and sitting down, Sakamoto finally had the opportunity to ask his doubts.

"Master, I wonder what you have to do when you come to Japan this time?

It's been quite dangerous here in Tokyo recently, so please pay attention to your safety. "

"That's what I'm here for."

With that said, Bell took out his personal terminal, called up a piece of information from it, and displayed it in mid-air.

“I visited Japan with my family a few years ago, and it was Sister Huangquan who hosted us.

After getting along for more than ten days, our relationship is pretty good.

Therefore, after seeing the information you submitted, I decided to come over and see if I could help Sister Huang Quan with her treatment. "

Sakamoto looked at the information in front of him, and he recognized it at a glance.

This information was collected by him personally just a few days ago. Especially the photo in the intelligence report impressed him even more.

When he was having a hard time, he also considered joining the government's countermeasures room.

After all, his shikigami is still very strong, no weaker than the ordinary shikigami inherited from his family.

If he joins the countermeasures room, he will definitely be taken seriously.

Therefore, he has investigated the information of the countermeasure room in detail and understood the strength of each member.

What surprised him was that among the nearly ten members of the countermeasures room, the strongest Onmyoji was actually the youngest girl among them - Isayama Yomi, the heir to the famous Isayama family.

From the other party, Sakamoto realized for the first time that the talent gap between people can really be that big.

Sakamoto, who had always been praised by his master for his outstanding talent and considered himself a genius, realized that his pride over the years was so ridiculous after witnessing the battle scene of Isayama Yomi.

Because of this, a few days ago, when he saw the other party being carried like a disabled person, unable to even move a finger, he was extremely shocked.

He felt that he might never be able to forget the scene he saw that day in his entire life.

Moreover, is it true that the world of magic is so dangerous? ?

Speaking of which, Sakamoto had been an onmyoji for a long time, but that day, for the first time, he had the idea of ​​​​escape from Japan and the world of magic.

I don’t know if he applied to the family to be transferred to another branch, would the family agree? He can give up the position of branch director!

"Sakamoto? Sakamoto?"

Bell waved his hand in front of Sakamoto's face.

I don’t know why, but the other party just glanced at the information in the air, and then became stunned.

This information should have been provided by the other party, right? Why do you look like you are seeing me for the first time today?

"Oh! I'm sorry, Master. I was thinking about the information about Miss Isayama Yomi."

Sakamoto said hurriedly after coming back to his senses.

In other words, he really didn't expect that his young master would actually know Isayama Yomi, and for him, he would go to Japan regardless of danger.

Could it be that because the family has been unable to truly intervene in the world of magic, it is planning to find another way to marry into the Isayama family, which has great influence in the world of magic?

No, he had heard before that the Isayama family had decided to marry the Iizuna family. Isayama Yomi is already engaged to Iizuna Noriyuki, the heir to the Iizuna family.

"How is the situation now? Has Sister Huang Quan's injury been cured?"

Without giving Sakamoto time to continue thinking, Bell asked about the latest situation.

After all, the intelligence was from several days ago, based on the description in the intelligence. Although Sister Huang Quan's injury is serious, it should be cured, right?

"Master, Miss Isayama Yomi's injury has not improved at all."

Sakamoto said in a low voice.



Bell interrupted Sakamoto in surprise.

"What's going on? Could it be that because the intelligence mentioned that the countermeasures room suspected that Sister Huang Quan was involved in murder, it did not treat her?"

At this point, Bell felt a little angry. Isn't it just killing someone...ahem!

We haven't confirmed whether it was Sister Huangquan who killed him, so why can't he be treated properly?

He felt that the countermeasures room was unreliable back then.

It's obviously a government department, but it turns out that it's useless, and the Onmyoji family doesn't care about it at all.

The result is now...

"No, Master."

Sakamoto quickly explained.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

"According to the information I heard, the Countermeasures Room is fully committed to treating Miss Isayama Yomi.

But since the remaining curse on Miss Isayama Yomi's wound comes from the killing stone, no one can dispel it at all. "

When the killing stone was mentioned, Sakamoto couldn't help but tremble.

Although I have never seen such a terrifying stone with my own eyes, as long as I am an Onmyoji, there is no one who does not know the bad reputation of the Killing Stone.

When he heard the words 'killing stone', Bell also frowned.

This was the second time he heard the name. The last time, when he was in China, Zhao Youde introduced him to it.

Although according to Zhao Youde, the birth of the killing stone was very evil, he had not taken it to heart before.

After all, no matter how powerful the killing stone is, can it still be as powerful as the magic stone?

But now, his thoughts can't help but waver.

Perhaps it's because his current strength far exceeds that of when he traveled to Japan.

Therefore, as soon as he set foot on the land of Japan today, a strong feeling of discomfort appeared in his heart.

After careful sensing, he was shocked to discover that the earth's veins were constantly absorbing evil thoughts emitted by humans, or rather intelligent creatures.

And it is these evil thoughts that continuously give birth to evil spirits.

In other words, as long as humans still live on this land, evil spirits will never become extinct.

Why this land has this characteristic, Bell doesn't know. After all, the magic of nature cannot be fully analyzed by humans.

But after hearing the name of the Killing Stone again from Sakamoto, and thinking of the birth process of the Killing Stone, Bell suddenly realized that if the Killing Stone had some resonance with the veins of this earth, then it would be This means that maybe the Killing Stone can also continuously generate magic power, and the total amount of magic power it can generate may even exceed that of the Magic Stone.

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