The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 579 You must remember your boss’s name well

In the early morning, the streets were crowded with people.

Someone yawned listlessly, trying to drive away the sleepiness that had not yet receded from his mind.

Some people are running sweating profusely, trying to reach the company before the deadline.

There are also some students who are laughing and playing carefree. They begin to exude their youth and vitality early in the morning.

On such a road filled with all kinds of things in the world, at some point, there was an extra person who shouldn't be here.

Standing on the crowded street, Bell, who had just arrived here through Apparition, raised his head and looked around.

He only found out the specific address from family members last night. He had never been here before, and he didn't know if he went to the wrong place?

After searching for a while, Bell's eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally found the goal of his trip on the sign at the door of a slightly old commercial building.

By the way, that sign is too inconspicuous! Thanks to his good eyesight, otherwise he would have been hard to find.

Arriving on the fifth floor of the commercial building, Bell couldn't help but shake his head when he looked at the small floor in front of him.

I had long heard that it was difficult to do business here, but I didn't expect it to be so miserable.

‘Dong dong~! ’

Walking to the front desk, Bell tapped the table twice to wake up the receptionist who had been dozing off early in the morning.

(Or should I say that it was just because it was early in the morning that I dozed off?)

"Hello! Huan, welcome...come..."

I don’t know if it was because she hadn’t woken up yet, but after the receptionist suddenly raised her head, she suddenly got stuck in the middle of her lines.

‘Oops! Oops! What is our name here? ’

Nanami Misora ​​couldn't help but sweat broke out on her forehead.

She was only recruited here last month, and in more than a month, she has never received a single customer.

This is why, as soon as she came here in the morning, she dared to start catching up on her sleep immediately.

There is nothing to do anyway.

Therefore, as time passed, she accidentally forgot the name of the place where she worked.

So I really don’t blame her for this!

She has never seen a company with such a deserted business!

"...Welcome to our home of everything!"

She really couldn't remember the name of Wanshiwuwu, so Nanami just threw it away.

"Little brother, what are you doing here? Don't worry, the people here are great. No matter what trouble you encounter, we can help you solve it!"

Patting her chest, Nanami tried to distract the other party from the fact that she had forgotten her name.

"I'm here to find someone. Is your leader here?"

After giving the other party a funny look, Bell told him his purpose.

"No! Little brother!

If you give me another chance, I will definitely be able to remember the name of our place. So please don’t complain about me, okay?

My three-month internship period is almost halfway over, and I'm about to become a full-time employee.

Let me tell you, my family is really, really poor, so poor that we can hardly afford to eat.

My mother..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Bell quickly stretched out his hand to stop the other party from continuing to behave miserably, and explained:

"I'm not complaining against you. I really have something to do and I want to talk to your leader."


Nanami looked at Bell pitifully, as if she would cry to Bell if he dared to say the word 'no' in his mouth.

"It's really, really true!"

Bell promised hurriedly.

He was afraid of this cute little sister.

"Okay, let me believe you for once.

By the way, little brother, please don’t tell our boss that I just forgot the name of this place, okay?

And about me sleeping! "

Nanami looked at Bell expectantly.

Although it was false to say that the poor in the family could not afford to eat, she wanted to change things, but it really couldn't be true anymore.

"Okay, I'll keep it a secret for you."

Bell said amusedly.


Okay, tell me, little brother, what's your name? What are you doing here with our leader? Do you have an appointment? "

After receiving Bell's assurance and the crisis was resolved, Nanami followed the example in the TV series and started her first reception work in a decent manner.

"Do you still need to make a reservation here?"

Bell looked around in surprise.

Why can't he see that the other party's business is so busy?

"Ahem, okay, it's true that you don't need to make an appointment. Cancel the last sentence."

After coughing twice in embarrassment, Nanami also found that there was something wrong with her imitation.

"My name is Bel Menethil. If you tell your leader my name, he should know why I'm here."

‘Click~! ’

The pencil slipped from Nanami's fingers and fell on the table with a crisp sound.

"You, you, you said, what's your name?"

Nanami asked stumblingly.

"My name is Bel Menethil."

Bell repeated with a smile.

"W-which Menethil?"

With the last bit of luck in mind, Nanami asked again.

When he heard the other party's somewhat rude question, Bell didn't pay much attention.

He took the pen and filled in his name on the registration form.

Since the other party is Japanese, it is normal for him not to be able to write his name.

Looking down at the name written by Bell, Nanami jumped up from the chair as if there was a spring on her butt. Bell was so frightened that he almost dropped the wand from his sleeve.

If it weren't for the bar counter, Bell seriously doubted that the other party would have pounced on him at this moment.

"I was wrong~!

I really know I’m wrong~!

I will never dare to sleep again at work~!

After I go back, I will copy the name here five hundred times, and I promise I will never forget it again~!

Please don’t fire me~!

My family is really very poor..."

Across the bar, Nanami stretched out her hands, trying hard to catch Bell.

He looked like a zombie who finally saw a living person and wanted to swallow him whole.

Even though Nanami has a somewhat dull personality and can even forget the name of her workplace, she still remembers the name of her boss.

After all, the boss is responsible for paying wages, so of course she has to remember the boss's name.

This way, if one day she is owed wages, she will know who to ask for it!

Therefore, she knew very well that her boss was actually just a wage earner. The British wizard family called Menethil is her real boss.

It's a shame that the boss here didn't know how Nanami arranged herself in her heart, otherwise she would be sure to pack up her bed and get out immediately.

‘Why am I just a wage earner! ? Although I'm a bit miserable and have fewer followers, I can still be considered a core member of the Menethil family and a respectable person, okay? ’

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