The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 567 Shanna’s Dissatisfaction

After spending nearly 2 hours, Bell finally took a comprehensive tour of the upper courtyard of Yandu Academy under the leadership of Zhang Xu.

I don’t say that I am familiar with this place, but at least when I go to class in the future, I shouldn’t be unable to find the class location.

After rejecting Zhang Xu's invitation to dine together, Bell followed the direction he sensed, turned left and right, and soon found Shanna.

As soon as she saw her brother's figure from a distance, Shanna immediately pouted her little mouth, almost ready to hang a bottle of oil.

The little girl expressed strong condemnation for her brother's behavior of abandoning her and running to get acquainted with the academy alone.

This forced her to accept the invitation from her classmates, happily...ahem!

I just walked around and looked around out of boredom.

"What's wrong? Who messed with my Shanna?"

After lightly tapping Zannah's forehead, Bell asked with a smile.

He was not Hermione and would be easily fooled.

You know, when he visited the academy before, he had seen Shanna from a distance several times.

The little girl was laughing and playing with her new classmates, and she had so much fun. It even made him, the older brother, almost jealous.


Seeing that she didn't scare her brother, Shanna puffed up her cheeks and made a cute sound.

"Brother, it's not as fun as Hogwarts here."

Shanna revealed the real reason for her dissatisfaction.

You know, even if you put aside the secret passages and secret rooms in Hogwarts Castle that she is not interested in, there are two treasures outside the castle, the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest.

Delicious ingredients such as giant squid, spider legs, bear paws, wild boar meat, etc. can all be found there.

But things are different here at Yandu Academy.

She had paid special attention to this aspect before.

As a result, she was surprised to find that there was not even a delicious food in the, it was didn't seem right?

In short, there is not a single magical animal here!

Not to mention magical animals, the students here didn't even bring ordinary pets, which made her settle for the next best thing, even getting two fat chickens with round faces to make soup.

After inquiring with her fellow students, she learned that the academy actually also raised spiritual beasts (magical animals) in order to facilitate students to get up close and learn about them in the spiritual beast class.

However, since most of the spirit beasts have magical abilities, and some of them are very dangerous, for the sake of the safety of the students, the academy keeps all the spirit beasts outside the defensive circle.

Only when taking the spirit beast class, the teacher will bring the spirit beasts needed for the class to the academy in advance.

Normally, only students who are very fond of spirit beasts and want to engage in related work in the future can go to the breeding area regularly to help take care of those spirit beasts with their husband's permission.

If we just talk about her love for spiritual beasts, then Shanna believes that she will not lose to anyone.

However, her love may be slightly different in nature from other people's.

Therefore, considering that this was a foreign country after all, Shanna gave up the idea of ​​applying to 'take care of' spirit beasts and ran to her brother for comfort.

Hearing his sister's complaint, Bell instantly understood the deeper meaning of Shanna's words.

As a veteran gourmet, Bell also deeply regrets this.

He reached out and patted Shanna's head, comforting:

"Although there are no interesting forbidden forests and black lakes here, you can learn interesting alchemy skills here. Haven't you been curious about the technology of refining those small balls for a long time?

In addition, when you are bored, you can also play with Fina. That lazy little guy has gained several pounds just lying on the sofa playing games recently. "

"Oh well."

Thinking that she had indeed neglected Fina recently, Shanna blamed herself and decided to train Fina's new weight.

The other person is already heavy enough. If it gets heavier, it will be difficult for her to hold it up.

At this time, Fina, who had no idea that her good days were coming to an end, was still killing people again and again amidst Penello's furious roars.

Unknowingly, the time has come to the third day of school.

Bell and his group of international students from Hogwarts have basically adapted to the new life in the academy.

Today, Bell will also have his long-awaited first weapon refining class.

Slowly walking along the path, Bell soon came to a square on the edge of the mountain.

As soon as I walked into the square, waves of heat hit my face, making people feel like they were in the crater of a volcano.

In the center of the square, a red flame was burning.

At the same time, there are crisscrossing ravines on the ground of the square.

The hot magma gushes out from under the flames, flowing slowly in the ravine, and forming several magma pools in various directions of the square.

When he visited the academy before, Zhang Xu explained this forging platform to Bell.

It is said that the magma here is extracted from the depths of the earth through a magic circle.

In order to maintain the temperature of the magma and prevent it from cooling and solidifying, the academy also specially placed an 'endless fire' that will never go out in the center of the square.

Looking at the endless fire not far away that was similar in nature to the ancient Pulai fairy fire, Bell couldn't help but sigh at the exquisiteness of the monks' conception.

Unlike the ancient Immortal Fire, which is only used for lighting and has almost no temperature of its own, the Endless Fire emits huge amounts of heat all the time.

Normally, these calories require a large amount of spiritual energy to be generated.

But under the ingenious design of the monks, the endless fire achieved a stable cycle by absorbing the heat of magma and the sun, and then returning the heat to the magma, so that it could continue to burn.

He found a magma pool closest to the Endless Fire in the square. Bell sat by the pool, observing the flames in front of him, while waiting for other students and the teacher to arrive.

Soon, more students appeared in the empty square.

They might be like Bell, who found a magma pool alone and sat quietly, waiting for the class to begin. Or in groups of three or two, gathering together to chat.

"You brats, please sit down and get ready for class!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from above.

Bell looked up and saw a majestic man descending from the sky with his upper body exposed and arms as thick as his waist.

Obviously, this big man with the ability to run a horse on his arm is the teacher of their blacksmithing class.

After seeing the gentleman arriving, the rest of the group found a magma pool closest to them and sat down without any hesitation, watching the gentleman quietly, waiting for the class to begin.

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