The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 565 It’s better to keep a low profile

There are no classes scheduled on the first day of school. It gives everyone a time to communicate with old classmates and get to know new classmates.

Therefore, after briefly introducing himself and saying some clichés such as 'study hard' and 'you will graduate next year, you must decide your future direction in this last year', Mr. Sima Yan announced The class meeting ended and he turned around and left the classroom.

As soon as Mr. Sima Yan left, the classroom that had been silent just now exploded.

"I have long heard that Mr. Sima is particularly strict. When I saw him today, he certainly lived up to his reputation."

"Yes, Mr. Sima just glanced at me, and I almost stopped breathing."

"But we are so lucky! Mr. Sima's magical attainments are famous throughout the cultivation world. It is said that Mr. Sima is one of the few monks who has completely mastered the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Methods."

"Yes, fortunately this year's teacher is not that Mr. Wu Shuang. I heard from the seniors from the previous class that Mr. Wu Shuang likes to drag his students into duels, but the one from Class 1, Grade 3 of the previous class The seniors have suffered terribly."

Listening to the discussions among the students around him, Bell scratched his head in wonder.

Is Mr. Sima very strict? I don’t think so.

He had always thought that the other party was a very amiable person.

By the way, it turns out that Brother Wu Shuang really likes to compete with his own students? Could it be that the opponent's more than 60 consecutive victories were really earned from his own students?

"Hey! Can I call you Belle?"

At this time, a boy at the table in front of Bell suddenly turned around, looked at Bell curiously and asked.

"Of course. I don't know what to call it?"

Bell responded with a smile.

"My name is Dugu Sheng, nice to meet you."

"Well, I wonder if Dugu Qiubai is an old man..."

"Hey!? Do you know my ancestors too!? It turns out that the reputation of our ancestors has spread to Europe!"

Unexpectedly hearing the name of his ancestor from Bell's mouth, Dugu Sheng almost jumped out of his chair with excitement.

You know, the person he admires most is his ancestor Dugu Qiufei.

Of course, the person that everyone with the surname Dugu admires the most is Dugu Qiubai.

After all, Dugu Qiufei, with one man and one sword, not only made the heroes of the Central Plains surrender, but also killed the surrounding barbarian tribes with fear.

It can be said that at least half of the Dugu family's current prestige is due to Dugu Qiufei.

Unexpectedly, now I can hear the name Dugu Qiubai from the mouth of a British wizard. This is really unexpected.

Speaking of which, after the Xiongnu were driven away, it seems that they really went to Europe to show their dominance?

Was it the Huns who spread the reputation of their ancestors?

Is the time right?


Seeing the other person's face flushed with excitement, Bell was speechless.

So he just said it casually, but in the end, there is really a lonely person?

Recalling that there is a "Ten Thousand Sword Art" in the sword cultivation technique, Bell felt that he should keep a low profile during the year he studied in China. Especially not to provoke this group of sword cultivators with a long tradition.

It’s simply terrifying, isn’t it?

"Do you wizards really know about my ancestor? How do you describe him?"

Seeing that Bell didn't speak, Dugu Sheng curiously asked again.

At this moment, he had forgotten what he wanted to say to Bell before. Now his mind is filled with the thought of 'my ancestors are number one in the world'.

"Uh, no. In fact, I traveled to China before, and I learned the name of your ancestor from some Chinese classics."

Leaning back, Bell put some distance between himself and Dugu Sheng.

The opponent's face was so close that he couldn't help but want to punch him.

"This, this is it..."

Hearing Bell's unexpected but reasonable answer, Dugu Sheng's whole body seemed to have been drained of energy, and he fell into a state of malaise.

"Xiao Sheng, what's going on?"

Just when Bell was worried about how to deal with the 'low aura radiator' in front of him, one of Ma Jingjing's younger brothers, Zhang Xu, came over and helped him out.

"No, it's nothing. Leave me alone. I want Jingjing. And don't ask me who Jingjing is."

After saying that, Dugu Sheng stood up and walked out in despair.

The other party's behavior made Bell feel quite embarrassed, as if he had done something heinous.

Perhaps this is the sense of gap brought about by the great fall after the great rise?

After staring at Dugu Sheng's back curiously for a while, Zhang Xu put the other party's affairs behind him.

After all, the Dugu family's brains are not normal. This is something that the entire cultivation world knows, and it's not a big deal.

"Bell, you have just arrived here, so you are not familiar with the academy, right? Let me take you around."

Zhang Xu told the purpose of his coming.

No matter what, Bell is the person Miss Ma asked them to take care of, so he still deserves some snacks.

Otherwise, if one day, the eldest lady who remembers that he has neglected Bell suddenly feels that he has neglected Bell and comes to trouble him, his small body will not be able to bear it.

Under Zhang Xu's warm invitation, Bell, who declined to no avail, had no choice but to follow him out of the classroom.

Originally, he planned to take his sister and girlfriend on a big adventure at Yandu Academy.

Now it seems that we can only wait until we have time to talk about Xunyou and explore the secrets.

The overall area of ​​Yandu Academy is much larger than Hogwarts. The upper chamber alone covers an area larger than Hogwarts.

After all, the number of students in the upper house alone is not much less than that of Hogwarts.

In addition, considering the national conditions of China, the monks don't care much about being discovered by those without spiritual roots.

After all, even if they hide honestly and do nothing, there will still be countless 'strange people' showing up every day.

However, there is one thing that Yandu Academy is far inferior to Hogwarts.

That is, it’s not as fun as Hogwarts!

You know, Hogwarts was originally designed as a refuge. That's why there are many secret passages, secret rooms and the like.

In addition, the four founders of Hogwarts are each more unique than the other, and they have left many magical, interesting, and dangerous mechanisms for Hogwarts.

All of this provides a lot of fun for those little wizards who like adventure (yes, Bell is referring to the overly energetic little lions of Gryffindor).

But Yandu Academy is different.

Yandu Academy was originally built as a place for teaching and educating people.

Therefore, except for the outer defensive array, all the internal arrangements in the academy serve teaching.

This also leads to the fact that compared to Hogwarts, the interior of Yandu Academy is very 'clean' and a little boring.

However, the scenery is still very beautiful and refreshing.

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