The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 561 The Art and Power of Language

"Sure enough, ginger is still spicier when old."

Recalling the scene just now, Bell couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

You know, he had used his brain to the extreme before, carefully analyzing every word of the other party, but in the end, he didn't find any problems at all.

So is this the art of language?

While sighing, Bell walked back to his sister and girlfriend.

"Brother, what are those gentlemen looking for you for?"

Seeing that her brother finally came back, Shanna immediately asked worriedly.

Since she was new here and was unfamiliar with everything around her, although she knew rationally that those people would not do anything bad to her brother, emotionally the little girl still felt worried.

"Nothing, just a casual chat and getting to know each other."

After rubbing Shanna's little head, Bell said casually.

He did not speak out about the 'ill-intentioned' actions of the academy's senior officials. He didn't want his sister and girlfriend to worry so much that they couldn't sleep.

"By the way, the dean wants me to go on stage and say a few words later. Hermione, please help me think of what I should say."

Bell felt a headache when he mentioned this.

At the end of the conversation, when he stood up to leave, Dean Han suddenly told him to speak a few words at the opening ceremony later.

After all, this is the first time that the Chinese cultivation world and the British magic world have held an exchange study abroad event. At such a memorable moment, Dean Han hopes that Bell can introduce the students to the magic world and wizards.

For such a troublesome matter, Bell naturally chose to decline without hesitation.

But as the saying goes, an arm cannot twist a thigh.

Under Dean Han's repeated requests, Bell had no choice but to give in shamefully.

Fortunately, Bell is not really unprepared. With my girlfriend who is a scholar at home, speech drafts and so on, isn’t that something that can be done in minutes?

At that time, he only needs to close his eyes and memorize according to the manuscript.

What? Ask him why he closed his eyes?

Just kidding, being stared at by thousands of students, that kind of heavy pressure is not something that the skinny shoulders of a 15-year-old boy can bear.

So it’s better to be out of sight and out of mind.

Facts have proved that unlike the unreliable Belle, the reliable Hermione never disappoints.

In just ten minutes, before the opening ceremony officially started, Hermione prepared a thousand-word speech for Bell.

This was the result of Bell's desperate efforts to stop him.

If Hermione were allowed to do it freely, no one else would have to think about speaking.

There is no way, unlike Bell, a 'fake' Englishman, Hermione is a native British wizard. Her love for Britain and the British wizarding world is not comparable to that of Bell, the 'conspirator'.

After learning that Bell would introduce his motherland to all the students of Huaguo Academy at the opening ceremony, the fighting spirit in Hermione's eyes almost turned into physical flames.

If her status hadn't allowed her to do so, she would have wanted to kick this unreliable guy Bell aside and go into battle herself.

"Bell, on such a solemn occasion, such an important moment, and such a great task, you must strictly, absolutely, absolutely not mess around on stage, do you hear me!"

Since it was impossible to go on stage in person, Hermione had no choice but to start her signature preaching mode again for the first time in a long time. When Bell was caught, it was a preaching and brainwashing session.

"I know~ I really know~! Don't worry, I will read the manuscript you prepared without missing a word."

Bell, who was already having a headache from the group of old men and women in the academy, now felt like his head was about to explode from Hermione's words.

In just a short time, the above sentence has been repeated no less than ten times.

‘So you are the reincarnation of Tang Monk! ’

Bell cursed his girlfriend in his heart.

"Ah That's good."

Nodding, seeing that her brainwashing effect was good, Hermione reluctantly believed Bell.


"Hermione, the opening ceremony is about to start. I have to hurry over and prepare."

After saying that, Bell didn't wait for Hermione to reply and ran away towards the podium without looking back.

It's so pitiful, but now he realizes that the smiles of those old grandparents are so kind and amiable. Now he can't wait to see them again!

"Bell~! Remember to dress well when you give a speech~! Also, your voice must be loud and pay attention to your posture~!"

Watching Bell's retreating figure, Hermione finally warned loudly and worriedly.


After waving behind him, Bell silently quickened his pace.

"Hahaha~! Pfft hahaha~!"

Seeing Bell's slightly embarrassed figure, little Luna, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly burst into laughter without knowing what she thought of.

The little witch who always went her own way would not bite her lips and pinch her legs like the two seniors on the side, almost turning herself into a second-degree cripple, and she would not dare to laugh even a little bit.

Laugh whenever you want, this is her witchcraft!

By the way, when she didn't want to laugh, even if Merlin appeared in front of her wearing stockings and danced, he couldn't even make the corners of her mouth move!

Looking at Luna who was laughing so hard that she was out of breath and almost rolling on the ground, Hermione couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The worries in my heart about the upcoming speech also dissipated a lot.

Roy and Bugit, two seniors who had no sense of seniority, finally let go of their thighs that were about to be pinched purple, and let go of their lips that were about to bleed, and the corners of their mouths were split.

For a time, the atmosphere in the venue was cheerful.

Except for a certain little girl...

Zannah glared at Hermione with dissatisfaction. For this guy who dared to bully her brother, the little girl just... had nothing to do with him...

So this is the most irritating place!

The opening ceremony lasted about an hour.

In fact, there is no substantive content.

In addition to the cliche "chicken soup", the main purpose is to briefly introduce the history of the academy to the newly enrolled children.

Brag about yourself by the way.

Like, Yandu Academy is the best academy in the world, the other three academies are rubbish, everyone is not very lucky to be able to enter Yandu Academy, and so on.

Of course, the original words will definitely not be so straightforward, but the meaning is that.

In this regard, Bell said that he simply did not want to be too familiar with it.

The wizards back home like to talk about "Hogwarts is the best magic school (in the UK)".

As for the omitted attributive?

Don’t you know that efficiency is important these days? It’s just a trivial matter, don’t worry about it!

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