The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 559 A new day, a new beginning


After listening to Bell's words, Wu Shuang fell silent.

Can he stop?

He can stop a ghost!

Attack with all your strength, can you just stop it?

Even gods can’t do it!

Therefore, Bell and Wu Shuang could only stare at each other through the crack in space, not knowing what to do for a while.

As time passed by, finally, the energy of the colored light pillar gradually ran out, and finally completely disappeared into the different-dimensional space.

"Speaking of which, brother, there is so much hatred and resentment, do you need to be so cruel?"

Seeing that the opponent's attack lasted for more than 10 seconds before the energy was finally exhausted, Bell couldn't help but click his tongue.

I really want to kill him.

"You said one move will determine the outcome, so of course I will go all out.

Stop talking nonsense and quickly find a way to solve this space spell of yours! "

Wu Shuang said angrily.

Because he discovered that after his attack dissipated, the space crack in the sky was still gradually expanding? The suction force coming from the cracks is getting stronger and stronger.

If this continues, his country may be destroyed today. At the same time, it may also cause great damage to the outside world.

In fact, Bell ignored one thing. The space they were in now was not the normal space in the outside world, but a space in the mountains and rivers that was opened up by magic.

The space here is far inferior to the outside world in terms of stability.

If it were in the outside world, the space crack would not be expanded by Wu Shuang's attack at all, and it would even be difficult to maintain its original size.

After all, although Wu Shuang's blow was terrifying, it was still far from shattering the space.

And that move is not a space spell.

"Right away, right away."

In a flash, Bell appeared not far from the space crack.

He pointed the wand at the crack, and saw ancient runic characters flying out from the tip of the wand one after another and fixing around the crack.

Facts have proved that Bell is not as unreliable as many people imagined.

It didn't take long for the ancient magic words in the air to take effect, causing the cracks to stop expanding.

Then, Bell began to walk slowly around the crack again. It took him two or three minutes to complete a circle and return to the original place.

At this time, the spherical space with a radius of three meters with the space crack as the center was filled with dense ancient magic texts.

If a trypophobia patient were here, he would foam at the mouth and faint if he didn't take one look.


Bell shook his wand suddenly, and then he saw that there seemed to be an invisible big hand grasping the space around the crack.

As the space twists and contracts inward, the cracks shrink little by little, and eventually disappear completely.


Bell let out a long sigh of relief.

After several hours of fighting, he was already mentally exhausted.

Then, he concentrated on repairing the space for a long time. Now he just wanted to go to the canteen to eat full, and then go back to sleep with his Hermione.

What? You asked him why he still held Hermione to sleep when he was so exhausted?


Well... you have to do some exercise after eating to eat. Otherwise, if you sleep directly, your stomach will feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, brother. Since I blocked your attack, we are considered a tie.

It was getting late, and my sister and girlfriend were still waiting for me to have dinner together, so I took the first step. "

After saying that, Bell quickly flew out of the mountains and rivers and returned to his sister and girlfriend.

Wu Shuang was the only one left in the mountains and rivers, looking at the location of the previous space crack with tears in his eyes.

In the past few minutes, I don't know how many tons of earth and rocks were sucked into the different dimensions.

The other traces of the battle were all okay. As long as he spent more time, he could use the method of 'moving mountains and filling seas' to repair them.

But these swallowed earth and rocks will be troublesome.

You must know that in order to prevent the environment in the normal space from being destroyed, monks have been prohibited from transporting earth and rocks from the normal space into private caves since ancient times.

Especially after the establishment of the Monk Alliance, this was even more strictly monitored.

Therefore, if you want to fill the hole in the mountain and river disk, you can only apply to the Monk Alliance and spend money to find someone to repair it.

After all, he is a formation cultivator and is not good at the magic of 'mediating fortune'. If he wanted to make something out of nothing and create so much earth and rocks, he would probably be exhausted to death.


Stretching vigorously, Bell stroked Hermione's smooth skin next to him, feeling extremely satisfied in his heart.

There's nothing like the aftermath of a hearty battle...or should I say two?


In short, after a comfortable sleep, not only the energy consumed in yesterday's battle with Wu Shuang has been replenished, but Bell now feels refreshed and full of expectations for today's life.

"Bell, where is this?"

Opening her eyes drowsily, Hermione's mind was confused for a moment.

Isn't this Bell's bedroom? Why are they here?

"This is Yandu Academy, my room."

Bell said in a funny tone while gently arranging Hermione's long hair that was messed up due to sleep.

Before their group came to China, Yandu Academy did not know that the leading professor of Hogwarts would actually be a student.

Therefore, although there was no past for reference, the academy still prepared an exquisite courtyard for Bell according to the highest standards for receiving guests.

Carefully matched landscape plants are planted in the yard, which is pleasing to the eye at first glance.

And for this kind of high-standard treatment, Bell certainly had no reason to refuse.

He didn't want to crowd into the student dormitory with others. It would be inconvenient to be intimate with Hermione at that time.

By the way, Shanna originally wanted to come and live with her brother. After all, the room also has opulence.

Even if you are not rich, you can still use the Traceless Extension Spell to expand your space.

Shanna said that as long as she was given a day, she could replicate her bedroom at home here.

But in the end, with the dissatisfied look in the little girl's eyes, Bell reluctantly refused her sister's request.

He hoped that Shanna could live in the student dormitory and make more friends.

After all, they will live here for nearly a year. It's impossible for Shanna to stay with him forever, right?

So he was definitely not afraid of being embarrassed by his sister when he was being intimate with Hermione, nor was he afraid of being stared at by Hermione's resentful eyes, which made his scalp numb, which was why he finally rejected Shanna.

Not at all...well, a little bit...

After breakfast, the Hogwarts group gathered together again and followed the bustling crowd towards the open square at the gate of the academy.

Wait, the opening ceremony will be held there and the class placement results will be announced.

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